No baseball player is above suspicion at this point, and I can't blame them with the millions at stake. According to the media, that is why players are so pissed about this stuff. The thing is, I bet at least a few players who are out there telling the media how pissed they are actually using.
I'm a Yankees fan and I cannot argue against the point that they have had a ridiculous amount of players linked to these scandals. Of course we only hear about the isolated scandals that come out and I think it'd be naive to think that for every one guy that gets caught providing all of these players with HGH there are a ton of others out there. The fact that ARod got caught just shows how big of an idiot he is. If I'm ARod and I am getting HGH from a guy, I pay him to be MY HGH guy and no one else's.
Regarding his contract potentially coming off of the Yanks books, of course that provision was designed for smaller market teams to get relief from the contracts they signed based upon a palyers performance while he was using. The yankees would certainly be lucky if that happens but you can't cherrypick which ones should and shouldn't count against the cap once the player is suspended. If he is banned for life then its a moot point. If he's banned under the collective bargaining agreement then the rules say it comes off the books. The Yanks have paid a ton of money to him, and to a lot of other teams, as a result of that horrendous contract and gotten very little back.