Wake Forest Post Game Thread | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Wake Forest Post Game Thread

Sep 16, 2011
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I absolutely loathe that officials in sports are never held to any real standard or accountability in sports. Don’t get me wrong, they deal with a lot of crap (especially from fans), but they also don’t make it any easier on themselves when they do crap like this.
There really needs to be some sort of accountability. If you suck at pretty much any other job you get demoted/fired for poor performance.

I'm not exactly sure how you do it but when there's this much money involved, betting, conference crews running a game where one of their own teams is playing against another team that has nothing to do with their conference there needs to be some guardrails. Mistakes happen but when there's blatant missed calls and made up calls it calls into question whether you're just bad at your job or you're cheating. All of it needs to be under a microscope and there needs to be some accountability.
Aug 26, 2011
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Between no call on all the holding with Wake mesh offense and this obvious pass interference call, UConn had no chance.

Did UConn play great? No but I thought the defense played well and the offense played better towards the end before this no call.

ACC refs screw Uconn when we played Duke with no call on pass interference and now this. This is just bs.
Oct 2, 2013
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Well, maybe - if there is a next time that we see any of these guys our QB throws the ball at one of the stripped shirts and he is monster tackled.... Just saying - it can get confusing out there! I mean What is a Hold really? DUH! Or maybe he was so shocked at the blatant play he witnessed he just forgot to pull out the yellow flag. SO yea, maybe one of our guys simply tackles the REF into the ground not realizing he was just the REF! Just saying not wanting to actual see this - WINK WINK!

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Welp, just catching up and I suspect I know most of what's in 120 posts preceding this one.

1. We've gotten to the point where a QB completing 60% of his passes for over 260 yards and two TD's is a detriment to success. What a mess the passing game was. Evers can't roll right and thrown a pass with any accuracy. Low, high, left, right. And then we he through left to the WR's or RB's there were at least 3 drops and one slip. So, at least 7-8 passes where Sammis' drew up the play and the yards were there to be gotten and UConn got zilch.
2. No idea why Hoeh couldn't snap a ball today. Wrist or arm injury? He didn't look heavily wrapped on his snapping arm.
3. I don't know if it's Evers' head or if the coaches told him not to run, but WF quickly figured out he wasn't running and completely sold out on stopping the RB's on the outside zone read.
4. Credit to Brock for getting aggressive in the second half against the slow mesh. UConn still allowed a ton of yardage to the RB's after contact.
5. WF held like crazy on a few of the QB scrambles and none got called. Same for a couple of those completions right as UConn was making contact.
6. 23 points against a P4 school especially given the field position WF had, is nothing to be ashamed of. It's 2024. You hold your opponent to 23 points, you should win.
7. Once again, no conference affiliation means no conference office to vent to about officiating and the ACC refs always screw UConn at the Rent.
8. Two games in a row UConn waits until the 4th qtr to find Buckman.
9. McDonald was laying wood all game.
10. RB by committee has to go. These RB's need reps for rhythm. Time to piss off at least one of them and start shortening the rotation.

How nice is it to be 4-3, it's late October and pissed about a loss?
Mar 21, 2015
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I just got home from that mess, and I am soooo pissed still. Not only was that a a missed PI, as everyone else noted here not a single hold call the entire game (you literally could have called on every play), they also screwed us 4 seconds on Buckman's catch on the sideline they reviewed. It was clearly out of bounds yet they started the game clock instead of the play clock before the next play, and thye porked us on like 4 or 5 spots both ways.

Terrible, terrible, terrible, and on our end - first of all we should have known it was 3 and inches and did a sneak or run, but even after we threw an incompletion we should have went for it right there on 4 and inches. Also on the last set of downs how about trying to get a few yards on something safe so we are 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th and manageable instead of taking a dumb shot 30 yards up the field and out of bounds. Where is our time and situation awareness.

Hopefully players and coaches are pissed too, like after Maryland and it fuels us the rest of the year.
Sep 25, 2021
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There really needs to be some sort of accountability. If you suck at pretty much any other job you get demoted/fired for poor performance.

I'm not exactly sure how you do it but when there's this much money involved, betting, conference crews running a game where one of their own teams is playing against another team that has nothing to do with their conference there needs to be some guardrails. Mistakes happen but when there's blatant missed calls and made up calls it calls into question whether you're just bad at your job or you're cheating. All of it needs to be under a microscope and there needs to be some accountability.
Needs to be no conference refs with random assignments. You are right on the betting thing.
Nov 21, 2015
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I particularly liked the 3 reviews today. All 3 went UConn's way on the field and obviously none were overturned because none were even close. Why are they even being reviewed in the first place. Aside from the refs, it kills the pace of play too. Temple game had 4 reviews and none were overturned.
Oct 18, 2022
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tons to dissect and criticize - the Boneyard professors' analyses are coming later, I'm sure.
I just want to encourage all of y'all about these P4 performances. I believe that irrespective of the stupid twittersphere press, we are earning the respect of the P4 coaching / admin community. These games are NOT a "gimme" anymore as they were in 2021.

I'd love to get another crack at Purdue, who is trash this year.
Oct 2, 2022
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I wish we were in a P4 to not have to deal with this bias. It is what it is and more and more I really HATE the ACC... Should we ever get into a P4 not of the ACC ilk, I would love it we never scheduled another game with any team in that conference. Those teams and that conference have done more to damage UConn football than anything or anyone else!


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Back from the game and don’t want to read the whole thread so sorry for any repetition. Obviously that non call was interference. So we will never know what might have been. Could have been anything from nothing to OT to winning in regulation. Lousy ending

Overall a strange game We totally gave up trying to run to where it seemed a game better suited to Fagnano. but Evers passed reasonably well. Some bad throws, some very good ones and several drops. Maybe it is the concussions. but he doesn’t yet strike me as dual threat. Doesn’t seem that fast or elusive and we don’t seem to have many plays designed for him to run. Of course today we seemed to have given up running altogether.

The D is decent. In my head I keep comparing to our really bad defenses of a few years ago . We now look like a college football defense.

Freeman has been solid, and while his 53 yarder wasn’t beautiful. it was still 53 yards

Our punter is all too often a liability. Try outs for any high school punters in the student body?

Is it Sheffield who is the regular punt returner? Great hands so far.

While today was disappointing, this year has been fun going to games.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Two weeks in a row, UConn got screwed on a spot where it should have been a first down and both times the coaches weren't aware of the bad spot and down and distance.

That is 100% on coaching.

Sammis' coached better than the offense played. Looked at the calls where Evers rolled right and couldn't make the throw. Now, going forward Sammis has to determine if calling up a great play is worth it since his QB can't make that throw. OTOH, when Evers threw to his left the WR's and RB's dropped several passes that were going to go for decent yardage.
Also, if Evers isn't going to run the ball, the outside zone is much less effective. Just turn Evers in to a pocket passer and run running plays up the gut. North/South runs rather than string it out and look for a hole.
Brock adjusted well to the slow mesh by bringing pressure from the corners. In 2024, you hold a team to 375 yards and only 23 points (especially considering the field position WF had all first half) and I'm not complaining.

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