All the Catastrophists on this board (about 50% of you) need to remember that the NCAA/P4 has lost EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY HAVE BEEN SUED by anyone credible. This is not even a grey area legally, the P4 is legally toast without a Congressional Hail Mary giving the P4 and NCAA a Safe Harbor. The most divided Supreme Court since before the Civil War ruled 9-0 in the Alston case that college athletics is an ongoing anti-trust violation, which makes it unlikely they will even hear another anti-trust case, they will just refer to the Alston precedent. The House plaintiffs have a gun against the P4's head demanding a settlement now, or they are going to court in a case that the P4 is GUARANTEED TO LOSE.
Now the Catastrophists are saying that the ongoing anti-trust violation P4 is going to walk away from everyone else if the non-P4 schools do not cover a $1 billion settlement? Let the P4 walk. UConn could end up with their NIL budget covered by Ohio State and Alabama for the next 20 years.
This is not a remotely complicated decision. The best move by the Big East is to threaten to block the settlement. The P4 are named in the suit, the Big East isn't, and if the House case goes to court, it is going to end up being a lot worse than $2.8 billion.
Yeah, I don't get the numbers. The P4 probably had 80% of the revenue. UConn should be playing both sides like our Big East brethren did before sticking a shiv in our back. "P4... if you want us on your side, get us in one of your doors right now. No future promises." Whether the ACC is worth joining is a different conversation.
What happens if the P4 separates? The only harm to most schools would be the NCAA Basketball Tournament, no? Agreeing to be part of this settlement doesn't stop the P4 from blowing that up when they feel like it anyway. So, at a minimum, the non-P4 better get an agreement in place from the P4 to keep the tournament for the next 20 years or something.
I'd think that by the time you get to most FCS programs (their football and other sport revenues), the revenue sharing that would go to the players would be less than the scholarship they were given. If I gave you a scholarship of $80k - $150 per year (room, board, other food and perks, insurance, tutoring, gear, etc.), that would be offset from any revenue I share with you. If you don't like it, just be a normal student and pay your own way (and you may not have gotten in to the school). So why would any of those non-P4 teams agree to anything, especially if they weren't named in the suit (taking your word).