I dont think thats what is being said here. I kind of find myself agreeing with
@Stairmaster on this one. Hes not saying KO isnt putting in the work, but more so that those who do not believe there to be an issue with the current recruiting level of the program due to the signing of Adams (Top 30) and Enoch (Top 100), are referencing signings that are misleading.
Adams and Enoch both have been very vocal about their admiration for UConn and the program, essentially these guys SHOULD accept an offer from UConn with little selling from the staff. Meanwhile, outside of these two guys who have essentially stated themselves that they have been long time UConn locks, we have wiffed on every other recruit who did not necessarily have a "dream school" and required a bit of "selling" from the programs courting them. I believe that is what Stairmaster is saying (correct me if Im wrong), but I agree with him and also find it mildly concerning.
For a program with the support, history, tradition, and frankly outright dominance UConn has had in the last 30 years, we should carry a great deal of weight when our staff is out watching recruits or chasing guys on the trail, ESPECIALLY against lesser programs like VCU, UNLV or whoever else has been torching us as of late. Yet it seems UConn finds itself on the meaningless Top 10 lists of many recruits we seek, only to find ourselves cut for lesser schools when the recruits lists his Top 5. The possible reasons include: the staff is casting too wide of a net when it comes to targets making the recruits feel like an afterthought, KO is still inexperienced in the inner workings of high school recruiting and AAU connections having only been coaching at this level for 5-6 years, the deteriorating conference situation, negative recruiting from opposing coaches, or a lack of draw to the university due to weather and campus life not being very attractive. I think all of these factors each play small roles in what we are seeing, but I believe the APR sanctions really hurt us recruiting wise and put us in a hole that we see now, it will take work to get out of this slump but its necessary because it will only snowball as talent deficits will lead to further disappointing seasons which only push recruits away even more. That being said, I trust in KO and truly believe he is the guy for the job long term, we are lucky to have him.