Guess you're one of them on this side 'yell. I don't hate the Patriots, I dislike the fans and for good reason. Keep building it up and not listening to the point, you're making this easy.
Man you just don't get it do you. I'm not clouded at all by the way I came out praising the Pats after the win, but then the real Pats fans start showing up here, Facebook (that's out of control with moronic Pats fans) and hell even your defensive coordinator wearing that Roger the Clown shirt, total move. Just win, celebrate, enjoy, proclain to be the best because they are but stop the whiny "cheating" "Goodell" "Deflate Gate" BS whatever happened did happen, its over you have 5 not too many teams can say that, and in an amazing envelope of time. Leave it be for fn outloud.