I'll try to make it more plausible for you. Troy Vincent, who is as dumb as a bag of hammers, and was hired to placate players, issued the initial announcement. He admitted later, he had never heard of the ideal gas law, and didn't realize the weather could influence ball inflation.
Goodell, fresh from being tarred and feathered over Ray Rice, and with many owners wanting to hurt the Patriots, couldn't back down from the ignorant stance the league had taken. The Wells report, bought and paid for by the league, and written by a guy who's income is all tied to the league was issued with so many factual errors and contradictory conclusions as to render it barely worthy of the National Enquirer. A hearing is held in which the guy who wrote most of the report for Wells was one of the league lawyers cross-examining Brady. Some farcical crap was drummed up about Brady's cooperation even though he had gone beyond what the union recommended.
Federal Judge, sorts through the evidence and the science, and the sham arbitration hearing and decides it is such a miscarriage of justice that he's going to toss it out. Circuit Court, under labor law rules looks at that ruling and throws it out 2-1, because under the labor agreement Goodell can in fact, punish anyone for anything, even if it didn't happen. One judge dissents, citing essentially, the grotesque result that leads to.
There you have it in summary form, omitting a lot of exculpatory evidence. Nothing ever happened. Nothing. Every detail, including the texts, with photos of the people who were texted time stamped from that moment, have been thoroughly reviewed and debunked.