To me, last night's result was a combination of 3 things:
1. Cavs are gassed. Too many minutes for the key guys. Dellavedova was in hospital 40 hours prior to game time. Never a promising sign. For the first game, they looked like the less energetic team. 2 overtime games, a hard fought game 3, and an extremely short bench will do that to you. Somebody needs to figure out where LBJ's minutes, per game per day, rank all time over the first 4 games of a finals. One data point. In 85, Magic played 34, 41, 39, 43 over the 1st 4 games, and each of those games was played on 3 days rest. LBJ has played 46, 51, 46, 41 and those games were played on 3 days rest, 2, and 2. Magic's minutes per day averages to 15.7 minutes per day. LBJ's is 23 minutes per day, or a rate of about 50% greater than what Magic played.
Unlike games 1-3, last night LBJ was taking plays off. I can't imagine the level of exhaustion he must feel, but it must be intense.
2. GSW's changed up the game plan. They started bringing a 2nd guy at LBJ. The change forced MD, JR, and Shumpert to make shots - which they did not. I suppose it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't - this time, it worked out.
3. Shumpert, Smith, and Jones did not bring anything on O. They were a combined 4 for 24 from the field and 0 for 14 from 3. If they double LBJ and these guys can't hit a three, the next two games are going to be 25 point losses.
If there is any doubt about how awful the Cavs are w/out LBJ on the floor, go watch the first 2 minutes of the 4th quarter of game 4. Thee Cavs were down 6 when it began, with LBJ on the bench. The Cavs looked awful. Bad shots, turnovers, poor D. Lead shoots to 10, and LBJ has to come back in. The GSWs 2nd unit probably is a playoff team in the East. The Cavs 2nd unit gets beat by 2015 Kentucky (I'm exaggerating for effect in the last 2 sentences).
Gotta hand it to LeBron - guy is so inhuman that when he's 2 assists shy of a triple double playing his 3rd game in 96 hours logging massive minutes and having pretty much sole responsibility for creating scoring, people are on him and calling him un-clutch. We live in the Twitterverse. People were hard on Curry after game 3 - guy had a great game and single handedly gave the Ws a chance to win. But, apparently, if he doesn't shoot 50% from 3 some people think he had a bad game. Unreal expectations and the ability to publicize opinions within seconds of their creation - bad combination.