I'm pretty sure we got our cat around the same time I first met you,
@August_West , but I'm not sure if you know how that story ended because we fell out of touch for several years thereafter.
You may recall that my then-girlfriend, now-Mrs. 8893 came home with a cat from the shelter one day, insisting that she needed company while I was at work (she was waitressing and going to nursing school). I grunted and insisted I didn't like cats, and this one was no exception.
A few months later the cat stopped eating and she brought it to the New Haven Veterinary Hospital to get it checked out. I soon learned that it was like the Johns Hopkins of animal hospitals, as I was paying through the nose for overnight care, barium swallows, GI series and other diagnostic tests. $600 and two days later they tell us that she has several feet of nylon string from our remnant carpet in her intestine, and that she will require $600 more in surgery to remove it. I argued against the surgery, pointing out that we could save a lot of cats for that money, that we barely knew this cat, and that it wasn't like a dog. That last one lost me the argument (even though I was right), and I soon realized that I could save $600 but lose a girlfriend (and a cat).
So, we saved the cat's life and she proceeded to be an absolute bitch, ignoring or biting everyone, including Mrs. 8893, EXCEPT ME. And, she lived more than 20 more years. It was hysterical. She would only come to me, climb up on my chest, sleep and purr. Otherwise she was just as miserable to everyone else as every other cat. And I have to admit that I kind of dug that.
But I like our dogs better.