I like dogs, but my former spouse was a major dog lover. We always had cats in the house, all of them acquired by her. They were mine as far as she was concerned. Then she'd bring home these mutts from nowhere and proceed to totally ignore them. Wouldn't let 'em in the house, God forbid, so they'd spend all their time outdoors, bored, lonely and totally untrained. Bored dogs like to chew on things, dig holes, run away, and create general mayhem in your yard. Guess who ended up having to deal with the tornado funnel of damage done? Then, after a couple of years these dogs would suddenly and surprisingly disappear. This is what she liked to refer to as "taking the dog for a long ride in the country". Later she had to get rid of a husky that ate her neighbor's cat. Huskies like to eat cats.
This is why I prefer cats. They sleep about 16-20 hours a day, are the cleanest animals known to mankind, and they will leave you alone most of the time. You can leave them unattended as long as they've got enough food and water, and they can be very affectionate, loving companions if you socialize and bond with them right from the start. I have had a lot of cats since I was a small child, and never once haven't been able to become friends with all of them. I will admit you have to know a lot about cats to fully understand their behavior and develop any kind of bond with them. If you're unwilling to make that effort, it won't happen.