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OT : If you're a man and choose....

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Oct 3, 2011
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I firmly believe that when a serial killer dies he/she is reincarnated into a cat. And I love cats, but basically they are cute cuddly balls of fur with the soul of a deranged serial killer. You have to respect that.

We have two cats, a dog and a snake, and the cats rule the house. Every once in awhile one of the cats will walk up to the sleeping dog and smack it across the nose, just to let the dog know who is boss. Many years ago my inlaws were visiting and I heard a commotion upstairs and when I went up to check on it I found my inlaws black lab cowering in a closet and whimpering. The cat backed it into the closet and refused to let it out.


Aug 26, 2011
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I firmly believe that when a serial killer dies he/she is reincarnated into a cat. And I love cats, but basically they are cute cuddly balls of fur with the soul of a deranged serial killer. You have to respect that.

We have two cats, a dog and a snake, and the cats rule the house. Every once in awhile one of the cats will walk up to the sleeping dog and smack it across the nose, just to let the dog know who is boss. Many years ago my inlaws were visiting and I heard a commotion upstairs and when I went up to check on it I found my inlaws black lab cowering in a closet and whimpering. The cat backed it into the closet and refused to let it out.
We dog sat a really big golden a while ago. She wouldn't walk past our cat to go outside the back door. The cat just sat and groomed himself.
Aug 26, 2011
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I firmly believe that when a serial killer dies he/she is reincarnated into a cat. And I love cats, but basically they are cute cuddly balls of fur with the soul of a deranged serial killer. You have to respect that.

We have two cats, a dog and a snake, and the cats rule the house. Every once in awhile one of the cats will walk up to the sleeping dog and smack it across the nose, just to let the dog know who is boss. Many years ago my inlaws were visiting and I heard a commotion upstairs and when I went up to check on it I found my inlaws black lab cowering in a closet and whimpering. The cat backed it into the closet and refused to let it out.

Well thats pretty much what cats are. Put a cat outside and its a instant murderer. Put a dog outside and it wouldn't last a week. I have a siamese cat and before I smartened up and stopped letting him go outside he was a pest machine killer. He didn't eat them. he just murdered them. Savage.
Aug 26, 2011
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I was wondering what type of defective doggy needs its sphincter squeezed?

It's an anal gland and all dogs have it. Some dogs have a problem with it ( needs expressing)=squeezed. It is foul smelling when expressed. If your dog is dragging it's butt that could be one of the problems.


Aug 26, 2011
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I've had dogs since I was a kid and we've had one or more at all times for the last 25+ years (9 year old English Springer Spaniel now). Never heard of anal gland expressing issue until now.
Oct 3, 2011
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What I also find amazing about cats is that rather than immediately kill a rodent/small animal they will play with it until it dies a horrible, painful death. Think of a small, furry version of Fishy and you have a cat.
Aug 26, 2011
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What I also find amazing about cats is that rather than immediately kill a rodent/small animal they will play with it until it dies a horrible, painful death. Think of a small, furry version of Fishy and you have a cat.

Yeah its sick. And its why cats should be indoors IMO.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've had dogs since I was a kid and we've had one or more at all times for the last 25+ years (9 year old English Springer Spaniel now). Never heard of anal gland expressing issue until now.
Better start checking the furniture for hash marks.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Well thats pretty much what cats are. Put a cat outside and its a instant murderer. Put a dog outside and it wouldn't last a week. I have a siamese cat and before I smartened up and stopped letting him go outside he was a pest machine killer. He didn't eat them. he just murdered them. Savage.

Domesticated house cats that are well fed are not killing prey outside for food. They're just doing it to amuse themselves. Typically they're merely playing with whatever it is until it dies. Then they obviously lose interest, but they don't eat the kill. Sometimes they do like to drag the corpse back to your door so you can admire their conquest before you let them back in the house. They're very proud of themselves following a fresh kill.


Aug 14, 2011
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I love my cats, but I read somewhere that if you die alone with your cats, after a few days they will eat you. I live in fear of this, and I am not kidding. I have a plan that when the big heart attack comes I'm moving outside to the parking lot...if I can make it.

Same with dogs, and a few serial killers.


Aug 14, 2011
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Domesticated house cats that are well fed are not killing prey outside for food. They're just doing it to amuse themselves. Typically they're merely playing with whatever it is until it dies. Then they obviously lose interest, but they don't eat the kill. Sometimes they do like to drag the corpse back to your door so you can admire their conquest before you let them back in the house. They're very proud of themselves.

My cat's vet suggested a pounce collar for outdoor cats. Rather than a bell, which could attract larger predators, a pounce collar only makes a sound when the cat jumps to catch its prey.
Aug 26, 2011
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Domesticated house cats that are well fed are not killing prey outside for food. They're just doing it to amuse themselves. Typically they're merely playing with whatever it is until it dies. Then they obviously lose interest, but they don't eat the kill. Sometimes they do like to drag the corpse back to your door so you can admire their conquest before you let them back in the house. They're very proud of themselves following a fresh kill.

My two indoor cats greatest joy is when a moth gets in the house, I sometimes let them in on purpose. And I will do this with them if there is a bug on wall or ceiling:

My cats actually have skill in this department, would destroy cat in video in catch time.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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One big benefit for those of us who live in the tropics and have cats...you almost never see a roach in your house, or lizards, scorpions, and most any other larger sized insect or reptile, except for alligators, caimans and crocodiles of course, although most house cats could make short work of baby alligators. It's actually bad when they kill any indoor lizards because lizards scarf up insects like a vacuum cleaner.
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Mar 29, 2017
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Cats. Yuck.
Where to begin?
I can't say my dear wife is a "cat" person or a "dog" person. Oh no. She is straight up an "any animal" person.
Here's a small insight into her psyche. Recently, she wanted a Great Dane. we have small dogs, and we have big dogs. She particularly likes big dogs. I said, in return, I'll agree to the Dane if you agree that I get to slaughter 3 of the cows. This being particularly important to me given the fact that we have 5 cows, which, if you're counting, is 1 more than members currently residing in our household. And you'll agree, I believe, that more than one cow per household member is excessive.
After weeks of attempted negotiation, she finally - angrilly - relented.
I shot the first cow in the head and it was hanging in my cooler before you could say, "ruh roh." Before the Dane puppy was even picked out.
The next cow bit it two weeks later when my wife was drawn away unexpectedly to an overseas bit.
The third one I traded off the property for a future interest in a cow, figuring with 2 cows left and about 200 pounds of meat in the freezers, we'd survive the coming Russian invasion that the MSM keeps warning us about.
But what do cows have to do with cats? Good question.
As much as she likes cows, she likes cats more. And we have a barn, so naturally we have barn cats.
But cats, notwithstanding their nasty, filthy habits and their inability to learn simple tasks, can readily discern that the house is better than the barn.
And so the war began.
And I've spent the last 10 years resisting every effort of cats and wife and daughters to sneak the cats into the house.
If it's really cold outside? Like 10 below o F? "Can we bring them in the basement? Just in the basement?" Then they tear up my insulation, $h1t on the floor, "mark" here and there, and generally wreck stuff. And they sneak upstairs, and I find them curled up on top of my clean, folded laundry.

But I hate two things about cats the most - 1. they walk on surfaces on which I prepare food. That is an absolute deal killer, and anybody who wants one of these filthy things walking around their duece-dropbox and then walking on their kitchen counters and dining room tables is more filthy than the filthy cats, and 2. Apparently, I've been informed, using a length of 2x4 to smash the cat off said counter Bryce Harper style is not allowable under the applicable state statutes, which, for the life of me, I cannot fathom.

I loathe cats.

I have successfully - albeit temporarily - banned them from my house. The old one - April - the only one I ever didn't loathe - was just diagnosed with feline leukemia, and we had to put her down, and by "we" I mean "I". Adding to my general dislike of cats, neither my Wife nor my daughter had the grit or sense to bring the cat in to get it checked and put down, as it was clear was needed. So, gentle reader I - ME - had to bring the filthy thing in, get the bad news on the incurable, untreatable infection, and order the put down. Thanks ladies.

With grandma cat gone, and a family visit recently that necessitated the "temporary" exclusion of The Bat Cat, from the house for allergy reasons, it is now only me, the hermit crabs, the snakes, and the half dozen dogs.

I have won - the battle. But the war rages.

My wife has taken to feeding the cats . . . on the porch. You know, because it's easier than walking out to the barn. I have taken to shooing them off the porch, dumping their water over, throwing their food to the chickens, and, my coup de grace, I'm in the process of obtaining a giant super-soaker, which use for shooing cats should be quite obvious.

They'll keep coming. I know. They're like rats in that regard. They show up. Tiny little trying-to-be-cute things with streaming eyes, snotty noses, and a worm load that would make the fat chick in Eraserhead wet. My wife and daughter will take them in, because it's "the right thing do," or some crap like that.

But I'll keep fighting. Always.


Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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I firmly believe that when a serial killer dies he/she is reincarnated into a cat. And I love cats, but basically they are cute cuddly balls of fur with the soul of a deranged serial killer. You have to respect that.

We have two cats, a dog and a snake, and the cats rule the house. Every once in awhile one of the cats will walk up to the sleeping dog and smack it across the nose, just to let the dog know who is boss. Many years ago my inlaws were visiting and I heard a commotion upstairs and when I went up to check on it I found my inlaws black lab cowering in a closet and whimpering. The cat backed it into the closet and refused to let it out.
You keep a snake as a pet and CATS are the serial killers?
Aug 26, 2011
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I've had dogs since I was a kid and we've had one or more at all times for the last 25+ years (9 year old English Springer Spaniel now). Never heard of anal gland expressing issue until now.

It seems to be a problem with certain breeds. I have owned a retriever, saints, multiple mix breeds, and 6 get Danes, not all at once. NOw own a pit bull. Most of the Danes have had anal problems and the pit bull has it also. I never had a problem with the anal gland leaking, that seems to be a different problem. It is not a big deal, a lot of owners express the themselves. It would not stop me from owning another Dane or pitti,


Aug 14, 2011
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It seems to be a problem with certain breeds. I have owned a retriever, saints, multiple mix breeds, and 6 get Danes, not all at once. NOw own a pit bull. Most of the Danes have had anal problems and the pit bull has it also. I never had a problem with the anal gland leaking, that seems to be a different problem. It is not a big deal, a lot of owners express the themselves. It would not stop me from owning another Dane or pitti,

It's not always easy to pinpoint when a thread took a turn for the worse, but my guess is anal gland leakage will probably do it.
Jul 10, 2015
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Well the biggest advantage is you never have to take it out of the house and you don't need a big space
Is the first half of that paragraph really a advantage or is that just being lazy and not wanting to spend time with your pet.

If you don't want to spend time with your pet or walk it why would you get one?

I am allergic to cats but either way they are very strange animals to me and are useless.

But again, I have 3 dogs so I am guessing you understand where I am coming from.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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My cat always meets me at the top of the stairs when I came home from work then jumps on my lap when I take off my shoes. I admit I get a kick out of it.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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It's not always easy to pinpoint when a thread took a turn for the worse, but my guess is anal gland leakage will probably do it.

Yes, I for one could do without ever having to read another message describing that entire process.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Nope, not clicking on that. Isn't there some way we can file a complaint with the FCC for being exposed to disgusting photos that once seen can never be unseen? Probably not. Caveat emptor, I guess.
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