One thing I've always considered about the Mitchell Report, is that there are 89 players officially named/leaked (this doesn't include ANY Red Sox or ARod, those names were leaked later). Of those 89, 73 either admitted they used or had clear evidence (checks written to suppliers or clubhouse confiscation). The other 16 all are in the trainers or Balco's "books" so there's something there. I totally get the "false positive/not sure what was tested" narrative. But it seems like the vast majority of those connected to the Mitchell Report were users by admission. Wikipedia breaks it down here -->
List of Major League Baseball players named in the Mitchell Report - Wikipedia
On the "never failed a test" angle, Bonds supposedly failed one test for Greenies; what we all know many legends were using for many, many years and Clemens never failed an official test. So the Papi is clean because he never failed argument is lame, too, imo. If we are 100% certain that Bonds and Clemens were using, but they do not have a pure steroid fail, should we give them a pass, too?
I'm a Yankee fan, Papi should be in as he was one of the best players of his era; an era that included rampant steroid use by way more guys than I think we will ever know. I mean as a Yankee fan the only guys who would surprise me would be Mo and Jeter because their bodies and skill decline seemed natural to me. I'd almost assume that the vast majority of the rest were on something. Papi should be in, however, he should not be in before Bonds and Clemens.