Right out of another labyrinth story by Sr. Borges, or a Peanuts comic strip.
But the Real truth is that the anonymous
poser poster was walking on a beach in Milford and found an old elixer bottle. He pulled out his trusty Swiss Army knife, fumbled around for a while until he found the corkscrew. He finally got the bottle—green glass with quite a bit of age showing—open. Out popped a wispy vapor that crystalized into a lifesize replica of Lou Costello, yelling, "Heyyyy Aaaaaabbott!"
And the rest, my fine fathered colleagues, is history. Ms. Fudd waited until she was good and ready, and then announced that she had narrowed her choices back down to two:
New England clam chowder and Manhattn clam chowder....
Don't touch that dial! Tune in again tomorrow for another exciting adventure of Fudd and the Boneyard Loonies, brought to you by Wonder Bread. Helps build strong bodies twelve ways, and New Blue Cheer, for a whiter wash every time.
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