Wow. Kevin Ollie. | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Wow. Kevin Ollie.

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A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Settling for to many 3's is a huge problem when you don't hit them regularly.

Team is missing something and it seems to be heart. A very un-UConn team
Sep 14, 2011
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Agree that a press for a sustained period of time may not work, but how about some wrinkles on defense? While Tulsa didn't score many points, we only had 3 steals. Need to find some way to speed up the game and get some easy baskets.
Aug 30, 2011
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KO could coach in his first two seasons. He was masterful with substitutions and game managment. He certainly didn't sit on his butt like this either.

Hate to say it, but I think he's feeling the effects of divorce. It isn't the basketball that makes me say it, it's his demeanor. He's just not the same.
Who cares, many of us have had the misfortune of going thru a divorce and we still had to get up every morning and go to work and perform at an acceptable level or be fired and for a lot less money then 3million, A LOT LESS.
Aug 27, 2011
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Is it possible KO is just another Tubby Smith?

Wins a championship early in his tenure that is questionably attributed to the bequest of the previous coach, otherwise coaches to fairly mediocre results.

The difference is that "mediocre" for 1999-2007 Kentucky was maybe 2nd in the SEC and a Sweet 16 appearance. "Mediocre" for us in the AAC in the 2010's is 4th place in the conference and clawing at the bubble.
Dec 25, 2015
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This is not all on KO....the chemistry of a winning team never started with a bunch of self proclaimed superstars. No matter what sport it is, it is the roles that need to be filled and the personnel willing to fill those roles. Coach JC picked KO and I continue to have faith in his selection. The players who committed to a free ride need to buy into his system.

The Bill Parcells epic HOF speech says it all

For KO and his staff: "the players deserve a chance to win, and you as an organization or university and a coaching staff or individual coach, have an obligatory responsibility to give it to them"

For the players: "you have to be willing to contribute to the greater good, and if you are willing to do that, you are readily accepted. And if you're not, you're pretty much rejected......and the only thing that made a difference was are you willing to help? And if you are....come on in......and if you're not....get the heck out of here"
Aug 25, 2011
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Ever been through one? They can screw you up, to say the least. Who can say if it is the case with KO, but he damn sure doesn't seem like the same guy he was a couple of years ago.
Its a living death of a loved one, who you constantly see, hear and know is still alive. Divorce does not mean love dies it means love separates making an empty heart and worse broken heart. Death of a Dream they call it. My wife and I have danced around that a couple of times and the thought is scary, particularly if you think you wasted all those years.

Depression is a by product and who knows how long that takes to overcome. But while depressed its hard to be productive. Oh and its not a mourning type where accepting somone's death is a process experienced multiple times. Its a living death which there is no real process, its all on the individual. This is even without the issue of splitting assets, visitation issues, dealing with nosy cutthroat attorneys, embarrassment/humiliation, in-law separations, having to move, etc..

Not saying this is Ollie's case but I would be surprised if it wasn't. Let's hope he has a true and dear close friend.
Feb 10, 2012
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Something is not working. I'm conflicted because ollies success is awesome for the school. Clearly, he's the guy who is going to be charged with toughening up this team, not just this year but next. While I want Ollie to win, I'm not sure the program is on the right path. Even with the NC, the team was mediocre at best during the heart of the season.

This trend hasn't exactly changed.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is mostly a point guard problem. We've seen it before. This is the makeup of a great team who's star point guard broke his leg. There just isn't any order to anything, no flow and no intensity. This is why guys like Taliek Brown are underrated. The ability to play hard all game long and to create offense through penetration. It is contagious when your leader is your rock.

I'll continue to beat the Adams drum. He may not be ready, I don't care. He is the best PG we have. Gibbs is an excellent college SG and he needs to be on the wing scoring and backing up Adams at point in short stints.

Time to prepare for the future and if Adams saves this season somehow, that's just gravy. This plan isn't going work. KO needs to make changes of his own, but the players are a problem. We need a PG. Alterique Gilbert better be growing up fast somewhere right now.
Aug 25, 2011
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Interview quip:

"Daniel's struggling. The last four games have been a struggle for him," Ollie said, "but when it's a struggle, you don't take seven three-pointers. You don't do that. You know, that's my bad. I can't leave him out there. I can't leave Rodney out there. So that's my fault."

Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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My 2 cents the divorce has affected KO you can't be human and not have that affect you. You don't know maybe his lawyer has told him to keep control of his emotions both on the court and in the court. He seems to have adopted an "NBA" approach to coaching whatever that is and it isn't working with this group maybe because there are no "NBA"-type players in the group. My concern is the team seems to have adopted the same laissez faire approach in their play. On offense, yes they play hard, like some have said, in a sense that they run around in circles presumably running off screens - but no screens are being set. Until 10 seconds on the shot clock no one seems to attempt to get to a position on the court with a purpose. The biggest disappointment of the night was when they put up the screen and Kellogg started talking about the great upcoming games of the season, all the while we are being taken down by Tulsa.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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Something is wrong. I don't know what it is. But I'm pretty sure I know what won't fix it.
1 Jalen Adams at this point of his career. I don't know what some people see when they watch him (other than potential), but he is not yet a great point guard, distributor or penetrater.
2 KO morphing into JC and berating players on national TV. It is not going to happen,nor should it. There are better ways to send a message. Like pulling out DHam when he is killing us

KO needs to do a serious self assessment. I hope he consults with JC in doing this. So do our players. I saw a lot of pain on RP's face at the end of the game. I think that is a good.
Aug 26, 2011
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I also can't believe how little Ollie uses Dham in the middle of the zone. I feel like he can at least get something going offensviley there...anything. Oh and how little our players throw it there when its available-they'd rather whip it around the perimeter until there are three seconds on the shot clock. Mind boggling, honestly.

I liked this just for the first sentence.
Aug 26, 2011
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With Jalen I see a talented kid who knows Sterling is supposed to be the lead guard this year and he can't quite get enough minutes and time with the ball to find a way to make a difference.

I don't think Jalen is ready. He isn't. However, this team is dying in two ways by having Gibbs at point guard.

1. It has no hope of having a conventional team where the point guard controls tempo, penetrates to open up the floor and hounds the opposing team's leader on defense. Gibbs isn't a PG and his defense is suspect.

2. Gibbs is a great college two guard with a lethal jumper. We aren't capitalizing on that and he is actually paying the price. He'd look much better in that role.

So, we are playing the wrong guy at pg and we are playing the wrong guy at the 2 when we have a great 2 in Gibbs.

It is time to start Adams and develop him. Why? Well he MIGHT figure it out soon and turn the team around and if not, he'll have the experience next year when Gibbs is gone and freshman Gilbert will be our next option at PG. He needs experience or next year we'll be starting an inexperienced Jalen with DHam (assuming he doesn't do something stupid), Amida, Facey and either freshman Gilbert or Sam Jr. Not a great lineup without an experienced PG. With an experienced Adams that can be a good team.
Apr 25, 2014
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The announcers kept referring to him as a "pass-first point guard". Normally I don't care about who calls our games, but can they at least make an effort to scout us? Maybe watch 10-15 minutes of tape?

Len Elmore is one of the laziest slugs in the business. He has absolutely no idea what he's talking about ever.
Aug 26, 2011
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I mentioned KO's divorce last year and was slaughtered for it. It is not a surprise that it is something being mentioned here now. I've never been divorced nor really been effected by one. However, I imagine that event in ones life could be catastrophic and may take years to overcome.
Apr 25, 2014
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I mentioned KO's divorce last year and was slaughtered for it. It is not a surprise that it is something being mentioned here now. I've never been divorced nor really been effected by one. However, I imagine that event in ones life could be catastrophic and may take years to overcome.

I don't want to hear another word about his divorce as an excuse for him not doing his job. It was over a year ago. If his divorce has rendered him unable to coach, he needs to find a new job that he can actually do.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't want to hear another word about his divorce as an excuse for him not doing his job. It was over a year ago. If his divorce has rendered him unable to coach, he needs to find a new job that he can actually do.
Probably one where he isn't paid $3 million/year.

Divorce sounds freaking horrible - I'm not trying to diminish how tough that can be on one's life. But plenty of people go through divorces and still have to perform at their day jobs. Why do people on here act like this is any different?


Normally I try to spike put 4 or 5 issues that need to be fix and also say what's working and that we need to do more of that. The problem is nothing is working consistently and everything needs to be fixed. So the usual process is a waste of time until attitudes change both on the sideline and the court.

Dudes need to look themselves in the mirror and generally take ownership. After fixing attitude, we need to figure out if we have enough collective basketball wisdom on bench especially at game speed - I think the staff needs a major overhaul.
Aug 31, 2011
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This team just isn't that good, I think we overrated the talent to start the year. Our awful recruiting for a few years is showing and we have no depth.

It's going to be a struggle when your team needs a First team AA to be successful, and that is where our depth has been for about 5 years.

Say what you want about Ollie's coaching, but he won a championship with sweet sixteen level talent.
Apr 25, 2014
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This team just isn't that good, I think we overrated the talent to start the year. Our awful recruiting for a few years is showing and we have no depth.

It's going to be a struggle when your team needs a First team AA to be successful, and that is where our depth has been for about 5 years.

Say what you want about Ollie's coaching, but he won a championship with sweet sixteen level talent.

I stridently disagree that the issue is talent. There are gobs of talent on this team. But they still need to be in a coherent offense in order to win games.
Aug 26, 2011
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This team just isn't that good, I think we overrated the talent to start the year. Our awful recruiting for a few years is showing and we have no depth.

It's going to be a struggle when your team needs a First team AA to be successful, and that is where our depth has been for about 5 years.

Say what you want about Ollie's coaching, but he won a championship with sweet sixteen level talent.

Continuity. We have no continuity. We have three nice talented kids in Purvis, Miller and Gibbs that haven't played together before.

You bring kids in as freshman and watch them grow together into the program.

This is why Ollie gets criticized for his rotations.

The fact that SMU only has 7 players is actually a strength for them, especially since they know each other inside and out. We used to have players who were out on the floor for 36 minutes a game.

There is little to be optimistic about with this team, but if you're looking for something, Gibbs is finally playing within himself and not trying to do too much. Now we need the other guys to find themselves.

Reading the quotes from the players, they are now angry with themselves. It will be interesting to see what they make of it.
Aug 27, 2011
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I started watching the game near the beginning but right after Miller hit his (2nd?) three. The announcers had just said there were a lot of NBA scouts in the audience. I wondered why Miller was shooting 3s, albeit making them.

I wonder if there is a chemistry problem and/or if anyone is thinking about their own individual future vs. team. This is pure conjecture and probably unfounded but who knows if there are chemistry problems/internal competition also hurting us.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I'm not sure I've ever seen a guy coach a worse game while getting a paycheck from UConn and I've seen Paul Pasqualoni in action. The final ten minutes of this game were pure malpractice - and the first thirty minutes were no prize either.

He's making $3,000,000 a year and he's not doing the work.

Someone will try to put to the upside or pitch a you're-all-bad-fans tantrum, but the team is on the wrong track these days - Ollie's team doesn't play hard and they don't play smart. That's become the hallmark over the past two years.

Sadly I saw it the same way. He made no adjustment. None. Nothing. Might as well not even be there...hell, if he wasn't maybe Hobbs or Miller would have done something. Any team that plays zone can beat UConn right now.
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