I can't read this whole thread, so sorry if it's repetitive. I'm trying not to use hindsight, but Manuel was put in the practical position of having to hire KO when the program needed the benefit of a national search and we were still in the BE at the time. We all love KO. But two things came together that gave him a pass against what has been a constant lack of consistency on both sides of the court. The first pass was we weren't tourney eligible and we were not horrible. The second was winning the NC despite a very inconsistent year, masked by Brimah's heroics in game one or else there were no achievements in his favor. Granted, the team played well the rest of the tournament, especially on D and Napier was heroic. But the inconsistency has been the overall feature.
I can't understand how a team with almost every bench coach having been a guard and a head coach can be so awful on O and no clue how to attack a zone. Pointing out his lack of activity on the bench misses the main point. Jim Calhoun lived off of his strong personality and his team rarely played beautiful basketball. Having one of his people come in to a system that no longer had his intensity and then didn't have smart execution is showing up. Obviously I want KO to succeed, but UConn's success comes first. Now we are a mediocre team in a mediocre league. If KO can't at least keep us near the top of the league, and he isn't retained after the next year or so, a national search probably won't get the ready quality possible after JC left and the bloom will be off our attractiveness as a program. I hope the ship gets righted so we don't get into that situation.