Why no talk of death penalty for Penn State? | Page 15 | The Boneyard

Why no talk of death penalty for Penn State?

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Aug 24, 2011
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Next time just show some class and say I was right.

About what? That a lot of people had heard about this? I agree with that. I've agreed with that since the week the story broke. Not sure how that relates to my point, but if that makes you feel better great.
Aug 29, 2011
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I have been deeply saddened by the news coming out of this investigation at Penn State. It is a terrible tragedy that children were unprotected from such abhorrent crimes. With the findings released today, I have decided to change the name of our child care center at our World Headquarters. My thoughts are with the victims and the Penn State community.

– Mark Parker, President & CEO, NIKE, Inc.
Aug 30, 2011
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None of this is the least bit surprising. This was apparent to me the second day the scandal broke when I saw a synopsis of an interview of Greg Schiano on WFAN and Schiano refused to answer any questions about the Penn State scandal. That meant Schiano knew, which meant everyone involved in the program knew, which meant many AD's and President's around the country knew.

I don't think they should stop at Penn State. I think every AD in the country should be deposed and answer whether they knew or had heard rumors about what was happening at Penn State. Everyone had to know. How does the top defensive coordinator in the country not even get a sniff at a head coaching job unless EVERYONE knew?

Schiano probably had a number of reasons. Maybe the Penn State job was his "dream job." Given the toxicity, maybe his thought process went to:

"I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole."

Also, if "everyone knew," the whole sordid mess would have been brought to light. There are/were too many competing coaches and AD's that have been punched in the stomach by Saint Joe and his program's pristine image. Recruits would have been 'warned" and some coach or AD would have been whispering to the media about the Pulitzer to be found at Penn State.

Finally, why would Sandusky leave? The sick f#$k was in his own demented version of pedophile heaven.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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personally i'd be more satisfied with some of these people serving jail time than to see PSU pay out $10m. i'm not saying the victims don't deserve some money, but if PSU pays cash out of their endowment and the school officials that enabled this escape any personal punishment it will be very sad indeed. these types of cover ups will never cease until individuals are held accountable

It's not mutually exclusive. Jail time, financial sanction, likely in the form of civil damages, and a NCAA sanction should all be forthcoming.
Aug 29, 2011
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Carl, I thi

Carl, I think it's naive to think that anything that happens to football is going to change that risk assessment. There's no correlation between them. Universities are always liable for lawsuits for a variety of reasons. Regulations are crucial in this regard, unless you somehow believe that things will change so drastically that all allegations of abuse are reported.

Let me make this clear: when the new rules changes were made at my school, the changes were in regard to child abuse. But if you think there will be new regulations dealing with all forms of criminality and of potential threats/assault being dealt with through the police, I would highly doubt it. I've been through this before a number of times making reports about students, and on one occasion a faculty member. We once had a student that bragged of putting Hutus to death (he was a Tutsi) and threatened fellow students with the same. In other words, there is indeed always a risk assessment that gets made by someone either in administration or human resources. Those that work at corporations know well of what I'm talking about. Only in the case of child abuse have the regulations changed.

I can care less what happens to the football program. My point is, the same risk assessments will be made in the future in cases of abuse or potential abuse. In this particular case, the PSU coach and administrators were so far off the ball that their actions beg belief. But nonetheless, we're not moving into a world where employees (like Sandusky) have no rights.

I'm in no mood to engage in a conversation like this right now. You know what I want upstater? I want to hear, see, read, one....just ONE....penn state fan, loyalist, say clearly that their institution is gravely flawed, needs to be severely sanctioned,absolutely, without doubt, an example - so that nothing like this can ever happen again - not just at penn state, but anywhere.

All I get,and I've talked to a lot today.....is well.....just like you.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm in no mood to engage in a conversation like this right now. You know what I want upstater? I want to hear, see, read, one....just ONE....penn state fan, loyalist, say clearly that their institution is gravely flawed, needs to be severely sanctioned,absolutely, without doubt, an example - so that nothing like this can ever happen again - not just at penn state, but anywhere.

All I get,and I've talked to a lot today.....is well.....just like you.

You are in the mood. That's why you're posting. And saying crazy stuff.
Aug 28, 2011
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That sounds about right, the CC is a good comparison. As for cover ups like this, they will always happen so long ad self-preservation is a dominant part of the human psyche.

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the problem is that self preservation has been served by covering this stuff up. if Curley knew he'd go to prison for covering it up he might act differently. the same with the Catholics. until some of the authorities that participated in the cover up are held accountable nothing will change. and by accountable i don't mean taking money from an organization's pocket, but putting people in jail. if PSU has to pay out 100 million dollars, it doesn't hurt Curley one bit. throw him in prison and it'd be a different story.
Aug 29, 2011
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In many respects, upstater & Carl, the reason that I think it would be the right move for Penn State to voluntarily suspend its football program for a year is that it would say, in no uncertain terms, that the university community recognizes what happened was wrong, that it recognizes what happened was the result of a culture that was inconsistent with what a university should be, and that it is taking dramatic steps to end that culture once and for all so that never again will an athletic program be more important than the University, and everyone will get the message that the University will never again put the protection of its football team ahead of the well being and saftey of children.
Aug 26, 2011
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the problem is that self preservation has been served by covering this stuff up. if Curley knew he'd go to prison for covering it up he might act differently. the same with the Catholics. until some of the authorities that participated in the cover up are held accountable nothing will change. and by accountable i don't mean taking money from an organization's pocket, but putting people in jail. if PSU has to pay out 100 million dollars, it doesn't hurt Curley one bit. throw him in prison and it'd be a different story.

But even then, only mandatory reporters are charged with "must report." I believe Schultz is the only guy liable. And Schultz was on his way out at the time--with retirement papers already finalized. He could have reported it. No one and nothing could have stopped him. He had his money. Spanier also was a non-mandatory reporter. So, in terms of criminality, these administrators are all on the dock for perjury, not non-reporting. Which means, in the future, you can still get away with keeping this hidden as long as you fess up and destroy your reputation after the fact. You don't go to jail unless you're Schultz.
Aug 29, 2011
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No, you made a thoughtful response, that I didn't want to leave unanswered, because it clearly involved coherent and meaningful things. The problem is that it's far too late, and all of what you said, should, and will happen anyway. I'd rather see a simple statement from you. A statement that acknowledges, holy , this is disgusting, and yes, it was all done to protect the image of the university and it's athletic department, and for that, the athletic department should be punished by whatever means is deemed adequate, and that the most severe punishment possible, the compelte shut down of the football program for a period of time, would still pale in comparison to what happened by letting those children be molested in the facilities for the past 10 years.

Can you write somethign like that upstater? Can you say it and mean it? I am 100% sure that I could say it about UConn.

That's all I want to know. Can 1 single penn state loyalist stand up and say it? Mike McQueary, still appears to be the only one. I read the Paterno family response to this report today and it made me want to take up arms.

THis is very emotional for me.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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My thoughts are with the victims and the Penn State community.

– Mark Parker, President & CEO, NIKE, Inc.

The same Penn State community that had huge rallies to support Paterno? How are they victims?
Aug 29, 2011
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I actually think there is much truth to what you said. I read a piece about the monsignor from Philadelphia who was convicted of child endangerment for covering up pedophile priests. Apparently his conviction and likely jail term has caused many Catholic Diocese to begin to greatly strengthen their disclosure/reporting rules in a way all the law suits never did. Suddenly when the prospect of a bishop or his aide going to prison becomes real, they take these things seriously. Otherwise its only money.
Aug 26, 2011
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In many respects, upstater & Carl, the reason that I think it would be the right move for Penn State to voluntarily suspend its football program for a year is that it would say, in no uncertain terms, that the university community recognizes what happened was wrong, that it recognizes what happened was the result of a culture that was inconsistent with what a university should be, and that it is taking dramatic steps to end that culture once and for all so that never again will an athletic program be more important than the University, and everyone will get the message that the University will never again put the protection of its football team ahead of the well being and saftey of children.

They could do that. Frankly, I wouldn't care. I think punishment is warranted and it'd be better if PSU did it, but even harsher punishment wouldn't matter to me. This is football, we're talking about. Beyond that, I don't think it's about the football program and I don't think it would really matter to the vast majority of the university community if football were punished. It might matter to a portion of the football boosters and season tix holders, but the majority of alumni would be on board.
Aug 26, 2011
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No, you made a thoughtful response, that I didn't want to leave unanswered, because it clearly involved coherent and meaningful things. The problem is that it's far too late, and all of what you said, should, and will happen anyway. I'd rather see a simple statement from you. A statement that acknowledges, holy , this is disgusting, and yes, it was all done to protect the image of the university and it's athletic department, and for that, the athletic department should be punished by whatever means is deemed adequate, and that the most severe punishment possible, the compelte shut down of the football program for a period of time, would still pale in comparison to what happened by letting those children be molested in the facilities for the past 10 years.

Can you write somethign like that upstater? Can you say it and mean it? I am 100% sure that I could say it about UConn.

That's all I want to know. Can 1 single penn state loyalist stand up and say it? Mike McQueary, still appears to be the only one. I read the Paterno family response to this report today and it made me want to take up arms.

THis is very emotional for me.

I don't agree with your point of view. Especially not on McQueary.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't agree with your point of view. Especially not on McQueary.

And that upstater, is why penn state, most definitely deserves the complete shut down of the football program.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Read this -USA Today article- skeptical of any change happening at PSU. There won't be a culture change unless the cost of taking no action is dramatically increased.
Aug 29, 2011
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They could do that. Frankly, I wouldn't care. I think punishment is warranted and it'd be better if PSU did it, but even harsher punishment wouldn't matter to me. This is football, we're talking about. Beyond that, I don't think it's about the football program and I don't think it would really matter to the vast majority of the university community if football were punished. It might matter to a portion of the football boosters and season tix holders, but the majority of alumni would be on board.

Really? this is what you think about what's going with penn state? right now in Scranton? THis is the complete opposite of what's happening in reality right now with Penn State, as will soon be able to be read by everyone when the BOT releases their statements later today.

and I'm the one that's deranged. They are ALL in protection of the image mode at Penn State. Circle the wagons - buildingn walls to protect the legacy and the culture - rather than planting as much as explosive as possible to blow the whole thing up to the foundations so that the entire world can see that the culture has changed.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Read this -USA Today article- skeptical of any change happening at PSU. There won't be a culture change unless the cost of taking no action is dramatically increased.

If the NCAA does nothing, it will be effectively rewarding Penn State for covering up a serial child rapist.
Aug 26, 2011
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And that upstater, is why penn state, most definitely deserves the complete shut down of the football program.

Because I don't agree with you? You've gone over into NelsonMuntz territory.
Aug 26, 2011
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Really? this is what you think about what's going with penn state? right now in Scranton? THis is the complete opposite of what's happening in reality right now with Penn State, as will soon be able to be read by everyone when the BOT releases their statements later today.

and I'm the one that's deranged. They are ALL in protection of the image mode at Penn State. Circle the wagons - buildingn walls to protect the legacy and the culture - rather than planting as much as explosive as possible to blow the whole thing up to the foundations so that the entire world can see that the culture has changed.

Uh, the BOT HIRED Freeh. Lordy, you didn't realize that?
Aug 29, 2011
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NO upstater, because I've concluded over the years, that you, are a steadfast supporter of Penn State university. A fan. Also a fan of UConn, too, as you hang around here, but a PSU supporter nonetheless.

And your words, to be read by all the thousands of eyes that see this website, can be extrapolated to be representative of the fan base of the Penn State in general.

Can you do it? Can you write it? It's simple....this is what it looks like.

Penn State just might deserve the death penalty to the football program.

You weren't able to admit it weeks ago, when the evidence wasn't public, when it was heresay. Can you do it now?
Aug 29, 2011
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Uh, the BOT HIRED Freeh. Lordy, you didn't realize that?

I know. That fact might be the only thing they have left to hold on to their positions as this continues to shake out.
Aug 26, 2011
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I know. That fact might be the only thing they have left to hold on to their positions as this continues to shake out.

Their positions are unpaid and largely ceremonial. Other than doing to Governor's bidding politically, vis-a-vis PSU as an institution, they are largely irrelevant. But the fact that you're saying "you know" and yet you posted what you did in your above response must mean that you have a lot of doubts about the veracity of Freeh report. It's an attempt to sweep it all under the rug? That's what you're saying? How is the Freeh report an attempt to hide the facts?
Aug 26, 2011
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NO upstater, because I've concluded over the years, that you, are a steadfast supporter of Penn State university. A fan. Also a fan of UConn, too, as you hang around here, but a PSU supporter nonetheless.

And your words, to be read by all the thousands of eyes that see this website, can be extrapolated to be representative of the fan base of the Penn State in general.

Can you do it? Can you write it? It's simple....this is what it looks like.

Penn State just might deserve the death penalty to the football program.

You weren't able to admit it weeks ago, when the evidence wasn't public, when it was heresay. Can you do it now?

I disagree with you. Why would you want me to write something about which I totally disagree with you? It's bizarre.
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