Sierra Calhoun eliminates Tennessee (merged thread) | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Sierra Calhoun eliminates Tennessee (merged thread)

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Oct 19, 2012
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"Let me put this a little more plainly, so that it can be more readily understood by all. "

Thanks for the literary explanation needed to overcome my cognitive impairment. Unfortunately, this intellectual deficit does not, apparently, diminish with age…so please be patient with me, and any of the “all” here at The BoneYard.


Get over it. Do you wish to engage on the factors that make UCONN the best choice, overall, for Sierra, despite some areas of advantage for her other finalists, or would you prefer to discuss something else entirely?

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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Just having some fun. It just seems to me that you need a poke in your overblown balloon.

As for SC’s recruiting, I avoid posting on the topic since I am clueless...the choice is hers and I have no idea what the personal
parameters of consideration might be. Let me know when she decides…

Oct 19, 2012
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Just having some fun. It just seems to me that you need a poke in your overblown balloon.

As for SC’s recruiting, I avoid posting on the topic since I am clueless...the choice is hers and I have no idea what the personal
parameters of consideration might be. Let me know when she decides…

Ok, fair enough. Of the recent postings, the one that jumps out a me the most and the one I find most thought provoking is that of JS:

"...the picky-choosy, highly endowed per student, smaller class private schools."

That is a tuffy. Quite literally, a scholarship at a school of the quoted sort IS more valuable than one from a state school. Tuition room/board costs more at such schools--a lot more.

It is to be recalled that [name on tip of tongue] From Oklahoma promised to repay her $60,000 scholarship if Oklahoma didn't win a NC. I think she meant her entire 4 year scholarship. That sum is about the value of 1 year at an Ivy or other elite private school.

The only way I know of to counter that advantage is to point out that not everyone is comfortable in an environment that includes kids who, to put it politely, have grown up in circumstances of wealth and privilege and entitlement.

On the other hand, a top notch state school can be and often is a much more comfortable and rewarding environment to be in.

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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Ok, fair enough. Of the recent postings, the one that jumps out a me the most and the one I find most thought provoking is that of JS:

"...the picky-choosy, highly endowed per student, smaller class private schools."

That is a tuffy. Quite literally, a scholarship at a school of the quoted sort IS more valuable than one from a state school. Tuition room/board costs more at such schools--a lot more.

It is to be recalled that [name on tip of tongue] From Oklahoma promised to repay her $60,000 scholarship if Oklahoma didn't win a NC. I think she meant her entire 4 year scholarship. That sum is about the value of 1 year at an Ivy or other elite private school.

The only way I know of to counter that advantage is to point out that not everyone is comfortable in an environment that includes kids who, to put it politely, have grown up in circumstances of wealth and privilege and entitlement.

On the other hand, a top notch state school can be and often is a much more comfortable and rewarding environment to be in.


Aug 15, 2011
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a kid who has received an offer from one-a-them "picky-choosy, highly endowed per student, smaller class private schools" would be wise to accept it.

That is what I would advise my granddaughters to do.

Please note that we reserve the right to lord it over certain other public universities on the basis of academics, while denying academics are the end all and be all when comparing UConn with the Stanfords and Dukes of this world.

Yeah, I'm threading the needle here, but even looking at it solely from academics (which is rarely the case when we're talking recruiting), it depends on the student.

I've known kids who chose a public university (including UConn, including in my own family) over a highly selective private college because they wanted a bigger school that they perceived as having a more relaxed and diverse social scene and/or less ultra-competitive academic pressure.

Also know of an excellent basketball player who transferred out of an academically elite private school in part for similar reasons (students there were "snobby, full of themselves"). Not meant as a broad indictment, but that can be the perception for some.

For a student-athlete who wants great basketball combined with highly rated (but not rarified level) public university academics, UConn is an outstanding choice.

That's my advertisement, currently running in selected markets. Am always working on the next campaign.
Sep 5, 2011
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Re. comments made in the Sierra Calhoun thread: (I will now run for cover)

You can get an excellent education at UCONN and most anywhere if you are willing to work but
please let's not kid ourselves about where we stand. I think UCONN is the best place for a top player in WCBB if they want a NC or a pro career, but let's concede one thing:


University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
A public institution, University of Connecticut was founded in 1881. University of Connecticut offers a Greek system, where 11.0 percent of the student body is involved in a sorority and 9.0 percent is involved in a fraternity.The University of Connecticut has many graduate offerings, including the highly ranked Neag School of Education,

Duke University

Durham, NC
Located in Durham, N.C., Duke University is a private institution that has liberal arts and engineering programs for undergraduates. Its graduate programs include the highly ranked Fuqua School of Business, Pratt School of Engineering, School of Law, School of Medicine, Sanford School of Public Policy, and School of Nursing.


11 is way better than 2..!! :)
Apr 1, 2013
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JS.....agree completely...would add that IMO not every student at Duke or Stanford gets the same "rarified" fact, Duke offers an Art History daughter goes to Univ. of South Florida (USF), is in the Honors College, has had fabulous professors, Econ and Public Admin. double major w/ minor in business, probably will get a masters, 4.0 gpa... (my apologies for being such a proud dad) point is she turned down Ivy League to stay closer to home and still getting a superior education from a "lower ranked" school....


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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This information appeared in the other, ongoing thread, no? UConn is not the equivalent of Duke academically. We get it.
Sep 5, 2011
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I looked at the S. Calhoun thread early on and only saw the post saying UCONN = Duke.

p.s. I have an irrational dislike for Duke BB sparked by:

- my daughter went to grad school at UNC and I saw the Duke fans in action at their favorite rooftop haunt in Chapel Hill.
- Christian Laettner


Aug 24, 2011
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Other than the ball st year, Tenn has been a 1 or 2 seed. Definitely would have them ahead of penn st, cal.
In 2009 they went out in the first round. the following year the sweet 16. since then they have not made it past the elite 8. you may be right about PSU and Cal, altho at least Cal made it to a final 4. But there are still 8-9 other programs that have more success in the past 5 years than Tennessee. But you are right - I totally did over-exaggerate with saying they weren't a "blip" on the radar... :cool:

With regards to the whole UCONN vs. Duke/ND thing - I can't believe the argument has gone on as long as it has. As Cat said, EVERYONE knows those 2 schools are ranked academically higher than UCONN. It was one reason Williams chose Duke over UCONN. But as people have posted over the years, there are tons of reasons a kid chooses a college.

Coaching, teammates, chance to win a NC, proximity to home, education, best chance to develop, weather, campus, town the school is in, TV coverage, pressure from coaches, friends, parents, promises of playing time and other promises from the coaching staff, etc etc etc. A kid really can't go wrong with any of those choices (UCONN, Duke, ND). Frankly, I'd be sad if she chooses one of those other schools, but she's not a Wilson, Turner, Mitchell, or Tuck, Jefferson, Stewart type of player.
Jul 3, 2013
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JS.....agree completely...would add that IMO not every student at Duke or Stanford gets the same "rarified" fact, Duke offers an Art History daughter goes to Univ. of South Florida (USF), is in the Honors College, has had fabulous professors, Econ and Public Admin. double major w/ minor in business, probably will get a masters, 4.0 gpa... (my apologies for being such a proud dad) point is she turned down Ivy League to stay closer to home and still getting a superior education from a "lower ranked" school....


I agree you can get a great education anywhere. I went to an Ivy League school undergraduate, and post graduate school at UConn. My kids both went to UConn after being homeschooled (skipping grammar and high school) and my son graduated in the Honors program, and then went to UConn Law where he is entering his third year. My daughter is entering her senior year at Uconn, and wants an MFA in writing, preferably from Iowa. Both my kids went to Community College at a very young age (10 and 11) and eventually got their Associates Degrees, transferring to UConn as juniors. Because of their age, I often took courses with them at Community College, and I discovered that the quality of instruction there was better than I remember from my Ivy Alma Mater (I am particularly thinking of calculus. Although when I took that as an undergraduate we were still using slide rules and log tables.) You can get an excellent education anywhere, public or private colleges or even community colleges. The trouble with some of the "better" universities is that they have the top professors, but they may or may not be the top teachers. The skills for being a top researcher aren't the same for a top teacher.


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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Ironically, as I read this lengthy and informative thread, there is an ad on this very page that informs me that I can earn my doctoral degree online from Grand Canyon University.

I have resisted tossing any details about GCU into this discussion since I seriously doubt they have a wcbb team, er, program. And I wish Sierra would make up her mind so we can focus on that Durr girl.

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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If a University education is about course material only, get a book and stay home.


OC Hoops Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Ironically, as I read this lengthy and informative thread, there is an ad on this very page that informs me that I can earn my doctoral degree online from Grand Canyon University.

I have resisted tossing any details about GCU into this discussion since I seriously doubt they have a wcbb team, er, program. And I wish Sierra would make up her mind so we can focus on that Durr girl.

I think GCU just became a D1 school this year. Local girl from OC will be a freshman there in the fall. She played against KML as a frosh/soph, when KML was at MD.
Aug 24, 2011
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In 2009 they went out in the first round. the following year the sweet 16. since then they have not made it past the elite 8. you may be right about PSU and Cal, altho at least Cal made it to a final 4. But there are still 8-9 other programs that have more success in the past 5 years than Tennessee.

Damn you for making me defend Tenn.

Cal also didn't even make the field in 2 of the past 5 years. Nor did Penn St. And Ky & MD missed one.

Last 5 years
( 1) UConn -- 3 NC, 5 F4, 5 S16, 26-2 NCAA Record
( 2) Baylr -- 1 NC, 2 F4, 5 S16, 17-4
( 3) Stanf -- 0 NC, 4 F4, 5 S16, 19-5
( 4) NDame -- 0 NC, 3 F4, 4 S16, 16-5
( 5) TAMU_ -- 1 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 12-4
( 6) Louis -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 3 S16, 13-4 (1 miss)
( 7) Oklah -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 8) Duke_ -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 9) Tenne -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 11-5
(10) Kntky -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 10-4 (1 miss)
(11) Calif -- 0 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 8-3 (2 miss)
(12) Mryld -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 9-4 (1 miss)
(13) Grgia -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 7-5


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Damn you for making me defend Tenn.

Cal also didn't even make the field in 2 of the past 5 years. Nor did Penn St. And Ky & MD missed one.

Last 5 years
( 1) UConn -- 3 NC, 5 F4, 5 S16, 26-2 NCAA Record
( 2) Baylr -- 1 NC, 2 F4, 5 S16, 17-4
( 3) Stanf -- 0 NC, 4 F4, 5 S16, 19-5
( 4) NDame -- 0 NC, 3 F4, 4 S16, 16-5
( 5) TAMU_ -- 1 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 12-4
( 6) Louis -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 3 S16, 13-4 (1 miss)
( 7) Oklah -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 8) Duke_ -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 9) Tenne -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 11-5
(10) Kntky -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 10-4 (1 miss)
(11) Calif -- 0 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 8-3 (2 miss)
(12) Mryld -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 9-4 (1 miss)
(13) Grgia -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 7-5
Well done vowel. However we all know here on the Boneyard, facts don't mean much when someone has a point or agenda. :rolleyes:


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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Damn you for making me defend Tenn.

Cal also didn't even make the field in 2 of the past 5 years. Nor did Penn St. And Ky & MD missed one.

Last 5 years
( 1) UConn -- 3 NC, 5 F4, 5 S16, 26-2 NCAA Record
( 2) Baylr -- 1 NC, 2 F4, 5 S16, 17-4
( 3) Stanf -- 0 NC, 4 F4, 5 S16, 19-5
( 4) NDame -- 0 NC, 3 F4, 4 S16, 16-5
( 5) TAMU_ -- 1 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 12-4
( 6) Louis -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 3 S16, 13-4 (1 miss)
( 7) Oklah -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 8) Duke_ -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 9) Tenne -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 11-5
(10) Kntky -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 10-4 (1 miss)
(11) Calif -- 0 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 8-3 (2 miss)
(12) Mryld -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 9-4 (1 miss)
(13) Grgia -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 7-5

Heh heh heh......Tennessee is ninth.
Nov 22, 2011
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Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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Well to get this thread back on track a bit.... If Ms Calhoun... or any other highly rated player wants to combine excellent academics, excellent basketball, excellent weather... and most importantly EXCELLENT EATING .. there is only one choice ;)

You were very persuasive until you got to mentioning EXCELLENT EATING. This young lady is from Brooklyn and the moment you plop down a mess of grits on her plate she'll do a beeline for the nearest NYC-style deli.


Damn you for making me defend Tenn.

Cal also didn't even make the field in 2 of the past 5 years. Nor did Penn St. And Ky & MD missed one.

Last 5 years
( 1) UConn -- 3 NC, 5 F4, 5 S16, 26-2 NCAA Record
( 2) Baylr -- 1 NC, 2 F4, 5 S16, 17-4
( 3) Stanf -- 0 NC, 4 F4, 5 S16, 19-5
( 4) NDame -- 0 NC, 3 F4, 4 S16, 16-5
( 5) TAMU_ -- 1 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 12-4
( 6) Louis -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 3 S16, 13-4 (1 miss)
( 7) Oklah -- 0 NC, 2 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 8) Duke_ -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 13-5
( 9) Tenne -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 4 S16, 11-5
(10) Kntky -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 10-4 (1 miss)
(11) Calif -- 0 NC, 1 F4, 3 S16, 8-3 (2 miss)
(12) Mryld -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 9-4 (1 miss)
(13) Grgia -- 0 NC, 0 F4, 3 S16, 7-5
So after all of that, the conclusion is that there were 8 schools better than Tennessee over the past 5 years instead of 9-10. Hardly seems worth arguing about, or that you needed to "defend" Tennessee. Sounds like the original comment was pretty much spot on, with the exception of Oklahoma in the top 8 and Maryland not.
Aug 24, 2011
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So after all of that, the conclusion is that there were 8 schools better than Tennessee over the past 5 years instead of 9-10. Hardly seems worth arguing about, or that you needed to "defend" Tennessee. Sounds like the original comment was pretty much spot on, with the exception of Oklahoma in the top 8 and Maryland not.

Unless HuskyNan has changed her handle to "UConnfan1", I believe I'm free to decide which posts I do and don't respond to.
Aug 27, 2011
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