OT: FBI has reportedly arrested several NCAA basketball assistant coaches. | Page 44 | The Boneyard

OT: FBI has reportedly arrested several NCAA basketball assistant coaches.

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Aug 26, 2011
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How many of these assistants are willing to take the full legal consequence in order to preserve the reputation / severance of a Head Coach or Admin making 5-10x what they made doing their dirty work? If there were clear directives I'm guessing not many.


15 years no Madden
Dec 26, 2012
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I don't think so unless this gets much worse and many more programs are pulled into it. We already knew Arizona was on the hook. It looks like there will still be a season, and teams will still play. It could get weird during the season if info trickles out affecting a program here and a program there in the middle of the season with player suspensions or coach firings. Then things could be fragmented. I hope most of the regular programs are ok and that this fixes some recruiting problems and issues that prey on the kids and maybe levels the playing field some. Then of course there are a few programs that haven't come out yet that I hope turn out to be involved. I'll leave it to others to guess who they are :).
Good points but this is only day three and there will be snitching in exchange for
better deals.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I might be the only person on earth who thought UNC was going to be murdered by the NCAA - from the last notice of infraction, you could see that the NCAA was really, really pissed off at UNC's intransigence. I don't know how this will effect that case, but my hunch is that you do not want to be appearing in front of the NCAA these days.

The plot thickens . Are we looking at a damaged , stitched together college basketball season?

I don't think so.

I think it will fade into the background pretty quickly.


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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If we we're pay for play hami diallo and diamond stone would have been huskies. So I'm pretty confident that Ollie is clean
Not necessarily. It could just mean we didn't pay enough.
Mar 31, 2013
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Stripping accreditation from a school is much much harder than you imagine, and for schools with enough money, they can hire the "Jones Day" level of representation. And if accreditation is at risk, you hire Jones Day and every other law firm that takes your call.
Someone wrote that the death penalty from NCAA would be like a slap on the wrist in comparison. No, the NCAA Death penalty would be like a threesome with Katy Perry and Taylor Swift (or whichever women fill your most intimate fantasies). Loss of accreditation means you lose your student body, not just the athletes. Loss of accreditation means you are no longer eligible for federal grants and more importantly, students attending the institution are no longer eligible for loans guaranteed by the federal programs. There goes 80 - 90% of your attending population. And your faculty. And any partnerships you have outside of the campus. (Those overseas campuses are cash cows for universities.) When that happens, it's time to close shop and sell the assets because there is simply no recovery from it.
Stripping a accreditation ain’t going to happen. They will find a way to extend their review. Maybe someone can research when ( if ever] the last large school actually lost accreditation.
Aug 26, 2011
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Louisville board is posting Twitter rumblings about more big news coming tomorrow out of the state of Florida...who knows...


Aug 14, 2011
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I might be the only person on earth who thought UNC was going to be murdered by the NCAA - from the last notice of infraction, you could see that the NCAA was really, really pissed off at UNC's intransigence. I don't know how this will effect that case, but my hunch is that you do not want to be appearing in front of the NCAA these days.

I wasn't entirely kidding when I said the NCAA should be looked at as co-conspirators. I have little doubt they turned a blind eye to infractions by some big programs.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Louisville board is posting Twitter rumblings about more big news coming tomorrow out of the state of Florida...who knows...

Allegedly a guy named Carlton Debose was arrested yesterday. He's a big shot in the NIKE EYBL program. I don't know if this is actually true, and can't find anything about it, but a guy on a board I frequent posted it. The poster has put out some great recruiting stuff over the years and has been all over this from the start with accurate info before it became public. The guy has also been saying that Kansas needs to be really worried, but again, it is all hearsay until it is proven.

I will say this. When I googled Carlton Debose, the first thing I found was a story about him bringing a big EYBL event to Lexington. Wouldn't it be great if that led somewhere.....


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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I wasn't entirely kidding when I said the NCAA should be looked at as coconspirators. I have little doubt they turned a blind eye to infractions by some big programs.

temery - a valid point to be sure. The NCAA has little credibility. Notice Emmert's comment about this entire mess has been "The nature of the charges brought by the federal government are deeply disturbing. We have no tolerance whatsoever for this alleged behavior. Coaches hold a unique position of trust with student-athletes and their families and these bribery allegations, if true, suggest an extraordinary and despicable breach of that trust. We learned of these charges this morning and of course will support the ongoing criminal federal investigation.”

Not a peep since this comment 2 days ago. Now congressional comments “The federal government’s investigation into sports companies and basketball coaches at numerous colleges across the nation is extremely troubling and puts into serious question the NCAA’s ability to oversee its own institutions,” Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) and Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a joint statement Thursday. If congress starts demanding answers and digging into past NCAA rulings, they may very well find inconsistant and unfair decisions. Favoring the chosen few will show up.

The congressional statement could be considered damning to the NCAA. They are in the crosshairs too and I believe they know it. This is why, in the end, Emmert and company are going to have no choice but to give Louisville the death penalty. I would not be surprised if they also come down on UNC extremely hard.
Aug 26, 2011
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I wasn't entirely kidding when I said the NCAA should be looked at as coconspirators. I have little doubt they turned a blind eye to infractions by some big programs.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are people in the NCAA offices that are aware and either played dumb or received something to ignore it. You can't tell me this Gatto guy doesn't have friends working in that office and there is no way they could be completely ignorant of this. It just seems impossible.

Now I know this sort of goes off into the realm of conspiracy theory, but at this point would it surprise anyone if something like this came out? Maybe the feds kept the NCAA out of the loop for a reason. I'm not saying this is the case, but good lord would it be something if it were.
Nov 18, 2014
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I wouldn't be surprised if there are people in the NCAA offices that are aware and either played dumb or received something to ignore it. You can't tell me this Gatto guy doesn't have friends working in that office and there is no way they could be completely ignorant of this. It just seems impossible.

Now I know this sort of goes off into the realm of conspiracy theory, but at this point would it surprise anyone if something like this came out? Maybe the feds kept the NCAA out of the loop for a reason. I'm not saying this is the case, but good lord would it be something if it were.
Yes, it is a conspiracy theory. Should it surprise anyone if it turns out to be correct? No.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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temery - a valid point to be sure. The NCAA has little credibility. Notice Emmert's comment about this entire mess has . Now congressional comments “The federal government’s investigation into sports companies and basketball coaches at numerous colleges across the nation is extremely troubling and puts into serious question the NCAA’s ability to oversee its own institutions,” Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) and Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a joint statement Thursday. If congress starts demanding answers and digging into past NCAA rulings, they may very well find inconsistant and unfair decisions. Favoring the chosen few will show up.

The congressional statement could be considered damning to the NCAA. They are in the crosshairs too and I believe they know it. This is why, in the end, Emmert and company are going to have no choice but to give Louisville the death penalty. I would not be surprised if they also come down on Now congressional comments “The federal government’s investigation into sports companies and basketball coaches at numerous colleges across the nation is extremely troubling and puts into serious question the NCAA’s ability to oversee its own institutions,” Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) and Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a joint statement Thursday. If congress starts demanding answers and digging into past NCAA rulings, they may very well find inconsistant and unfair decisions./QUOTE]

Now, there is a bipartisan effort to get behind!
Aug 29, 2011
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Also found this. Site doesn't exactly scream credibility, but who knows...

Sources: Adidas Was Trying To Steer Nation's #1 Overall Basketball Recruit To Kansas

It will be to the benefit of all the defendants in the first indictments, and all the colleges that were part of the first indictment to drag as many big name and medium name schools into this quagmire. Just thinking in terms of Louisville, the odds of a"death penalty" ruling against them diminishes greatly as further Arizona and Miami information comes out and if the likes of Kansas and others are implicated in the aftermath.


All posts from this user are AI-generated
Aug 25, 2011
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It will be to the benefit of all the defendants in the first indictments, and all the colleges that were part of the first indictment to drag as many big name and medium name schools into this quagmire. Just thinking in terms of Louisville, the odds of a"death penalty" ruling against them diminishes greatly as further Arizona and Miami information comes out and if the likes of Kansas and others are implicated in the aftermath.
That is true to an extent, but Louisville is unique in that it's currently on probation for violations. So even if UL, UM and UA all have the exact same finding, UL's penalty should technically be harsher due to probationary status.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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They bury it somewhere in their cost of goods sold somewhere or other operating expenses. Think of how big Adidas is. Revenues last year of 19 billion, COGS of 10 billion. Say they use 1 million for these bribes of 10,000,000,000 worth of expenses. Auditors aren't going to spend a heck of a lot of time looking into that. Especially if they break it up into smaller amounts of say 5,000 or 12,000. It might raise a red flag if they are all tagged to the same vendor or something like that and it doesn't fit the pattern of other vendor activity, but given what auditors materiality levels are, they aren't gonna give a s**** over the amount being reported in the story. Couple hundred thousand isn't even "pennies" given the totals on Adidas financial statements.

The main point is that auditors are mostly looking at revenues, not expenses. Hide shady amounts of revenue, even at $150k at a company that size, and they will eventually find it. That was considered material at my company, and we're bigger than Adidas. But expenses? You're not defrauding your investors/Wall Street if you record $150k in expenses and $150k of cash goes out the door. So the numbers on this will match up, and be fine. No auditor cares whether you marketing expense was a good decision or a bad one. Presumably, somebody in the law department would be looking at any payments to governments, especially foreign governments, as that would be a big FCPA problem. But a payment to an AAU team for a sneaker company? That's going to look legit.
Feb 24, 2014
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Was told by someone in the know that Clemson was willing to pay top recruit Zion Williamson up to $500K to commit. I believe it. This reinforces that the ACC is the dirtiest conference in America.

I wonder if this will make it more or less likely for Swafford and school presidents to severely sanction Louisville and Miami.

And I still have no read on whether Emmert and the NCAA have the guts to decimate Louisville and maybe Miami.
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i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Now I know this sort of goes off into the realm of conspiracy theory, but at this point would it surprise anyone if something like this came out? Maybe the feds kept the NCAA out of the loop for a reason. I'm not saying this is the case, but good lord would it be something if it were.

No idea about your hypothesis, but the bold is on point. At best, they didn't want the NCAA, true to form, mucking up their investigation. At worst, they suspected or even had something. Probably the former.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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That is true to an extent, but Louisville is unique in that it's currently on probation for violations. So even if UL, UM and UA all have the exact same finding, UL's penalty should technically be harsher due to probationary status.

And this is why I want Cuse to get fingered too.
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