I, for one, would love to hear it. Seriously. What the hell happened? People keep throwing stories around, even in this thread, but I have no idea what was actually happening. Let's get it all out in public.
No one truly wants this.
I, for one, would love to hear it. Seriously. What the hell happened? People keep throwing stories around, even in this thread, but I have no idea what was actually happening. Let's get it all out in public.
I'm sure they don't want to make this into any bigger of a show than it already is. Is arbitration FOI-able? If so, we'll probably hear about it then.They can do it now.
They don't need to and it makes the University look like the National Enquirer. They were justified in firing him for cause. Ollie sucked, cheated and lied to the NCAA.They can do it now.
I'm talking about Ollie treating Calhoun like dirt years ago.
Your better options are:Mark Gottfried got another job. If he can, anyone can
How so?I'm talking about Ollie treating Calhoun like dirt years ago.
nailed it!Chief is after Robert Parrish, who was called that after the character in One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest. Both appeared to be men of few words.
They don't need to and it makes the University look like the National Enquirer. They were justified in firing him for cause. Ollie sucked, cheated and lied to the NCAA.
It's not just $10mm. It's future earnings. Of which he's likely not to have now. How do you earn well over $30mm in your career and still need $10mm that badly?Ok, good. Yup that's sad. Feel bad for that as a UConn fan. Love those 2 guys. It was a fairy tale story for 20 years between them. Sad to see it go sour.
But since that happened long before the firing then doesnt that make Jmicks case of KO forgoing a 10 million buyout out of loyalty to Calhoun a really crazy position?
UConn went easy on him. They could have just got into a beat reporters ear and started unloading about personal drama if they really wanted to
It's not just $10mm. It's future earnings. Of which he's likely not to have now. How do you earn well over $30mm in your career and still need $10mm that badly?
A response, albeit a well-nuanced, non-specific dodge sans clear examples of your prior cited “lifestyle choices”. Dodge UConn 1L.It's not as if those coaches have no responsibilities besides "show up at the arena from 6:30-10:30, and do whatever the hell you want before and after." They still have scouting, game-planning, and player development work that they need to engage in outside of games. Ollie's lifestyle clearly inhibited him from doing those things here; I think that would still be a problem even if he had a smaller share of the workload.
Of course it's hard to know the extent unless you can look into the future. But the entire thing situation looks like an emotional warpath instead of a calculated career move.This is our fundamental disagreement.
1) How do you know he still wants to be a college coach?
2) How do you know that a man fighting for his money and reputation will sour schools from looking at him further than already being soured by being tagged for cause by his former employer? Maybe it does hurt more, maybe not. Question is, how do you measure it? What are the degrees from one scenario to the next? You dont know, I dont know. Nobody knows.
They fired him for cause which they are fully within their rights to do as per the contract Ollie signed. Ollie is the desperate one as evidenced by his racism claims. Dragging all the shady cr@p Ollie pulled while employed by them does nobody any good.The university already looks bad to everyone thats not a UConn fan. This process has made us a bigger laughingstock than weve already become in every other area. Might as well go all in. UConn opened up the nuclear option, KO returned in kind, and now you want to tell me that UConn is having a fit of altruism?
Cmon man.
They fired him for cause which they are fully within their rights to do as per the contract Ollie signed. Ollie is the desperate one as evidenced by his racism claims. Dragging all the shady cr@p Ollie pulled while employed by them does nobody any good.
Of course UConn doesn't want to make it Jerry Springer. You think any of this is benefitting Ollie?!?? Dude has taken a flamethrower to everything, doubt the guy picks up the pieces.And KO's team is calling that bluff as is his right. Seems he's willing to let them take a swipe at him. If UConn doesnt want to do it, thats on them.
Of course UConn doesn't want to make it Jerry Springer. You think any of this is benefitting Ollie?!?? Dude has taken a flamethrower to everything, doubt the guy picks up the pieces.
It's not just $10mm. It's future earnings. Of which he's likely not to have now. How do you earn well over $30mm in your career and still need $10mm that badly?
This is when the speculation runs rampant. Which of you actually knows his situation? What if he does not desperately need it but feels he deserves it?By spending every dime you ever had and then some.
You realize that "just cause", as defined in the multi-million dollar contract that Kevin signed after his lawyer review,is incredibly well established, right? Have you noticed that KO's representation isn't denying anything and instead is making collateral arguments? If so, why do you think that is?Who woulda thunk that a tenuous application of cause could cause such a scalitoshow.
I’m shocked.
I can't fault them for wanting to interview them, but that's different from their having an unrestricted right to compel pre-hearing depositions. KO's reps had a choice of taking his case to trial or to arbitration. They chose arbitration. The rules are different. This seems like another case of KO's representation wanting to have their cake and eat it too.How do you fault Ollie and his lawyers for wanting to interview the people whose stories were used to fire him?
Because the request is burdensome, time consuming and could set a precedent, perhaps?If the documents are so embarrassing to Ollie why don’t they just release them?
How much you got?Maybe, but I doubt I’m the only one thinking “What’s it going to cost to just make this go away?”
You realize that "just cause", as defined in the multi-million dollar contract that Kevin signed after his lawyer review,is incredibly well established, right? Have you noticed that KO's representation isn't denying anything and instead is making collateral arguments? If so, why do you think that is?
Lol. I know. Thinking about stuff is hard. Am I right?