Posting this in an appropriate thread:
I have to give Nelson credit the first time he has ever been spot-on about anything. He has been adamant from the beginning that magic will ruin this series, and it really has. Baelish, one of the great villains of the show, gets taken out and all his great (albeit diabolical) work dashed because Bran can see literally everything that has ever happened. And I don't buy that they were playing in to his hand all this time knowing how he was trying to manipulate them. Thought Starks are dumb.
Or was this supposed to be some big series of events that Baelish didn't see coming, all the way back to conspiring to have Bran murdered? Some disagree, but I believe it was out of character for him to beg the way he did. I thought he would have pleaded his case harder and then Arya's just like okay dude nobody here likes you and guts him. If the effects of his whispers in Robyn's ear for years now (think how easily he manipulates people of average intelligence), and not seeing it as a betrayal by the Starks against the Vale, will be further peeved. But they only have 6 more episodes to squeeze all this last stuff in. So probably not and that whole story dies off and meanwhile, something else just drags on...
...I'm really just done with Theon. They're already giving us several fine redemption stories in Jora, Jaime, and Clegane. Why does this storyline have to continue and take up what little time the writers have left?
Euron's fake-out and his reasoning at the time didn't really make much sense if we're assuming it was pre-planned.
Kinda miffed that we missed out on Tyrion's deal with Cersei is. Is she actually pregnant or is she still lying? Is that what Tyrion is negotiating over, that the baby will be part of the nobility in Danny's new world since she can't have children? Saw that theory out there.