From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse | Page 7 | The Boneyard

From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse

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Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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I want to start off this post apologizing for getting over zealous in my defending of AP.
Yes, what he did was wrong.
Yes, he should be educated on disciplining his child less harshly.
But no he is not a monster or terrible human being he needs to be brutally punished for his actions.
That is the basis of my arguement. I simply tried to explain his POV being raised in a poor black home where much worse was done to him growing up and he turned out to be what seems like a well-mannered successful NFL player who doesn't get in much trouble himself. He is a very God fearing old school kind of guy. So to call him a monster, saying he should lose visitation of his child, shouldn't play football, and all of that is very wrong to me. It upset me which is why my arguement was so strong because you're judging a situation where you really don't understand and that's my pet peeve about society today. You look at any report and can tell his heart was in the right place and made the mistake that a switch was okay discipline for his child because he went through the same thing and is doing great.

I still don't think physical discipline is bad (up to a certain point) but a switch nowadays is a little much. A belt would be just fine. I just want y'all to understand where AP is coming from instead of dropping judgement on a situation where you wouldn't understand because you weren't raised the same way. Maybe this country would be a better place and have less racial tension all the time if people just understood other cultures and how other people are raised. Again I apologize for some of my overboard comments.
Aug 26, 2011
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I want to start off this post apologizing for getting over zealous in my defending of AP.
Yes, what he did was wrong.
Yes, he should be educated on disciplining his child less harshly.
But no he is not a monster or terrible human being he needs to be brutally punished for his actions.
That is the basis of my arguement. I simply tried to explain his POV being raised in a poor black home where much worse was done to him growing up and he turned out to be what seems like a well-mannered successful NFL player who doesn't get in much trouble himself. He is a very God fearing old school kind of guy. So to call him a monster, saying he should lose visitation of his child, shouldn't play football, and all of that is very wrong to me. It upset me which is why my arguement was so strong because you're judging a situation where you really don't understand and that's my pet peeve about society today. You look at any report and can tell his heart was in the right place and made the mistake that a switch was okay discipline for his child because he went through the same thing and is doing great.

I still don't think physical discipline is bad (up to a certain point) but a switch nowadays is a little much. A belt would be just fine. I just want y'all to understand where AP is coming from instead of dropping judgement on a situation where you wouldn't understand because you weren't raised the same way. Maybe this country would be a better place and have less racial tension all the time if people just understood other cultures and how other people are raised. Again I apologize for some of my overboard comments.

I respect your opinion, and I understand there are cultural sensitivities, but the reality is just because humans have carried along a tradition, is no reason to keep it. I could remove "physically disciplining children" with a number of other really messed up human behaviors that have gone on throughout history. And throughout history, people questioning these traditions would just be told to just accept things for the way they are. I don't think we should forgive former slave owners because their dads were slave owners too. Using an argument ad absurdum there, but I think it makes my point.

And oh yeah, now he's being charged for a separate incident where he left a scar above his (other) 4 year old's eye:
Aug 26, 2011
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Wonder what the NFL is going to do here. It would seem like a big mistake to let him walk out on the field Sunday. Rog is in a pretty tough position here, the Vikings aren't going to help him out.

On a semi-related topic. Pro athletes really ought to have a morality clause in their contracts that would allow them to be cut without further financial obligations to the team. I don't know where I'd draw the line, but a felony might be a good start.
Aug 26, 2011
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UCHuskies08 said:
I respect your opinion, and I understand there are cultural sensitivities, but the reality is just because humans have carried along a tradition, is no reason to keep it. I could remove "physically disciplining children" with a number of other really messed up human behaviors that have gone on throughout history. And throughout history, people questioning these traditions would just be told to just accept things for the way they are. I don't think we should forgive former slave owners because their dads were slave owners too. Using an argument ad absurdum there, but I think it makes my point. And oh yeah, now he's being charged for a separate incident where he left a scar above his (other) 4 year old's eye:

Holy crap. Dude needs serious psychiatric help. I think the only reason he has kids is for punching bags and whipping posts. Probably some sort of revenge for the beatings he took. The punishment for a visiting 4 year old who makes a mistake should not be scars.

And what's the punishment for fathering all these kids from all these different women as an adult? Maybe he needs a visit to his own whooping room to learn a thing or two about condoms.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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I respect your opinion, and I understand there are cultural sensitivities, but the reality is just because humans have carried along a tradition, is no reason to keep it. I could remove "physically disciplining children" with a number of other really messed up human behaviors that have gone on throughout history. And throughout history, people questioning these traditions would just be told to just accept things for the way they are. I don't think we should forgive former slave owners because their dads were slave owners too. Using an argument ad absurdum there, but I think it makes my point.

And oh yeah, now he's being charged for a separate incident where he left a scar above his (other) 4 year old's eye:
Please don't compare physically disciplining your child to slavery. Slave owners didn't see blacks as people. Physical discipline is done to teach children respect like I said before and it's too a loved one. Not someone you think nothing of. So please don't make that mistake. AP is old school like I said before which is why he used physical discipline so harshly cause in his mind it was right and would teach his kids to act like upstanding citizens like himself. Yes he is one because outside of all these things dealing with his kids AP has not had any other problems. A tradition in your eyes is a way people kept their kids respectful in all environments.

Someone answered my question saying separate the kids and take away the child's things so he can learn the wrong of his ways. But then again your dealing with a 4 year old so what happens if he cries his eyes out until you give him back his things? Or if he does it again anyways? Or better yet says no and ignores you and your request that he takes a TO. Since like I said 4 year olds think the world revolve around them. Some kids are better than others.

You just have to respect the cultural differences. My peers and most blacks I know would laugh at so called "timeouts". Think it's one of the most stupid things. Physically disciplined kept me from acting up many a time in school because I knew if I got in any kind of trouble I had a mean ass whooping waiting for me at home and if I lied about it it would be even worse. Taking things away never did anything to me but taught me how to live without those things. It didn't make me scared to do those things again.
Aug 24, 2011
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You just have to respect the cultural differences. My peers and most blacks I know would laugh at so called "timeouts". Think it's one of the most stupid things. Physically disciplined kept me from acting up many a time in school because I knew if I got in any kind of trouble I had a mean ass whooping waiting for me at home and if I lied about it it would be even worse. Taking things away never did anything to me but taught me how to live without those things. It didn't make me scared to do those things again.

Under your explanation, you didn't misbehave out of respect. You did it out of fear that you'd be physically abused.

Whether it's timeouts or grounding or whatever, it's up to the parent to figure out what their kid values and how to take it away from them to appropriately teach them lessons. Dessert, video games, TV. Every kid has a lever to push. To take the lazy way out and "whoop" a 4 yr old every time they misbehave is a weak coward's way out of being a Dad.
Aug 26, 2011
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Please don't compare physically disciplining your child to slavery. Slave owners didn't see blacks as people. Physical discipline is done to teach children respect like I said before and it's too a loved one. Not someone you think nothing of. So please don't make that mistake. AP is old school like I said before which is why he used physical discipline so harshly cause in his mind it was right and would teach his kids to act like upstanding citizens like himself. Yes he is one because outside of all these things dealing with his kids AP has not had any other problems. A ty tradition in your eyes is a way people kept their kids respectful in all environments.

Someone answered my question saying separate the kids and take away the child's things so he can learn the wrong of his ways. But then again your dealing with a 4 year old so what happens if he cries his eyes out until you give him back his things? Or if he does it again anyways? Or better yet says no and ignores you and your request that he takes a TO. Since like I said 4 year olds think the world revolve around them. Some kids are better than others.

You just have to respect the cultural differences. My peers and most blacks I know would laugh at so called "timeouts". Think it's one of the most stupid things. Physically disciplined kept me from acting up many a time in school because I knew if I got in any kind of trouble I had a mean ass whooping waiting for me at home and if I lied about it it would be even worse. Taking things away never did anything to me but taught me how to live without those things. It didn't make me scared to do those things again.

I didn't act out in school because I thought I would disappoint my parents and I wanted to grow up to be like them.

Different strokes I guess.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Was it not effective either way? And do you ever see a kid who was physically disciplined growing up disrespect their parents when they are older? I see suburban/privileged kids disrespect their parents all the time yelling at them and talking to them in ways that make me feel uncomfortable and I think "damn my mom wouldn't have taken that." You can't tell me these black athletes who were physically disciplined growing up don't respect their parents that were in their lives either when the first thing they do when they make it is make sure they are living comfortably themselves.

Now what happens when that kid gets dessert out of the fridge after you go to sleep and you catch them? He watches tv while you're not home? Finds his games and plays them while you're not home? Then what? More punishments that he's just going to find a way around when your not looking?
Aug 26, 2011
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HuskyWarrior611 said:
. AP is old school like I said before which is why he used physical discipline so harshly cause in his mind it was right and would teach his kids to act like upstanding citizens like himself. Yes he is one because outside of all these things dealing with his kids AP has not had any other problems..

You continue to assert things as facts that you just make up out of thin air. You don't know the first thing about the type of person AP is.

Peterson was arrested and charged with resisting arrest at a Houston, Texas, nightclub in 2012. Although he insists the only thing he did wrong was cursing at a police officer.

Sounds like someone needs his own whooping room for a lesson in how to respect authority.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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I didn't act out in school because I thought I would disappoint my parents and I wanted to grow up to be like them.

Different strokes I guess.
Would you want to grow up to be like your parents if your dad was a drug money launderer and your mother was barely able to put food on the table due to her low income job? It is different strokes. Cultural differences. I'm speaking on APs situation growing up btw. My parents didn't exactly have jobs that had bring your child to work day either though.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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You continue to assert things as facts that you just make up out of thin air. You don't know the first thing about the type of person AP is.

Peterson was arrested and charged with resisting arrest at a Houston, Texas, nightclub in 2012. Although he insists the only thing he did wrong was cursing at a police officer.

Sounds like someone needs his own whooping room for a lesson in how to respect authority.
Again you don't know that situation. Stephen A. Smith said that's the type of person AP was. His interviews come off as very humble and well mannered. And PLEASE don't get me started on police offers and African-American males.
Aug 26, 2011
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Someone answered my question saying separate the kids and take away the child's things so he can learn the wrong of his ways. But then again your dealing with a 4 year old so what happens if he cries his eyes out until you give him back his things? Or if he does it again anyways? Or better yet says no and ignores you and your request that he takes a TO. Since like I said 4 year olds think the world revolve around them. Some kids are better than others. about don't give them back their things? Good parenting takes patience, which is a skill that all children need to learn.

There are kids, I am sure, that will resist what their told...what that takes is a greater time commitment (unfortunately) from a parent. Standing there and making them do what you said, rather than leaving and doing something else.

There are arguments to be made for a slap on the butt on the rare occasion. There aren't for abuse. There are for using physical violence as the regular means for punishment. I respect that you apologized for perhaps being overzealous in your defense of AP, but you are still making a number of assumptions to justify your post.

@Gurleyman , Here's me making a little bit of an assumption (after criticizing HuskyWarrior): I don't tend to take "resisting arrests" charges as serious...although I do take your point.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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Warrior, Nicely done. I believe AP thinks he is doing the right thing. But it is not the right thing. Enough said.
While it is cultural, I don't believe that culture dominates Africa. It is here where all the complications of race in the US have spawned this brought brutality upon brutality.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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A quote from his wiki:

Peterson is a Christian. Peterson has spoken about his faith in his life saying, " the world to me. I've been through so many different situations through my childhood and now my adulthood...God just helped me get through them and made me stronger at a young age. [Through] all the adversity and hard times I've been through, God has always been present. I've always prayed to Him and asked Him to give me the strength to endure and to help others and to better understand whatever situation I deal with in my personal life. And He has always showed up! It brings hope and peace of mind knowing that God gave His only begotten Son for us." Peterson also spoke of his faith in relation to his injury of a torn ACL and MCL by saying "...‘This is a blessing in disguise. I’ll come back stronger and better than I was before.’ What flashed in my mind was, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,’...".[97][98]
Aug 26, 2011
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Would you want to grow up to be like your parents if your dad was a drug money launderer and your mother was barely able to put food on the table due to her low income job? It is different strokes. Cultural differences. I'm speaking on APs situation growing up btw. My parents didn't exactly have jobs that had bring your child to work day either though.
They didn't, and that's a fair point to bring up about role models.

It's an irrelevant point, I think (on every person's part) to bring up about this child abuse issue.
Aug 26, 2011
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A quote from his wiki:

Peterson is a Christian. Peterson has spoken about his faith in his life saying, " the world to me. I've been through so many different situations through my childhood and now my adulthood...God just helped me get through them and made me stronger at a young age. [Through] all the adversity and hard times I've been through, God has always been present. I've always prayed to Him and asked Him to give me the strength to endure and to help others and to better understand whatever situation I deal with in my personal life. And He has always showed up! It brings hope and peace of mind knowing that God gave His only begotten Son for us." Peterson also spoke of his faith in relation to his injury of a torn ACL and MCL by saying "...‘This is a blessing in disguise. I’ll come back stronger and better than I was before.’ What flashed in my mind was, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,’...".[97][98]
Okay...lots of people have done awful things and have fallen back on Jesus in a way that's meant to evoke their highly tuned morality. Someone being a christian is wholly unrelated to them being a moral or ethical human being. There are moral/ethical Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. There are also unethical people of all those faiths/beliefs. So this is about the least convincing thing an athlete can say to me to make me think they're moral.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Warrior, Nicely done. I believe AP thinks he is doing the right thing. But it is not the right thing. Enough said.
While it is cultural, I don't believe that culture dominates Africa. It is here where all the complications of race in the US have spawned this brought brutality upon brutality.
I'm with the switch and drawing blood isn't the right thing to do. Peterson admitted to that being too much and something he didn't mean to happen. But a good ole belt wouldn't have been a problem in the slightest with me. If it was a belt I don't think most reporters even bat an eye at this situation.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Okay...lots of people have done awful things and have fallen back on Jesus in a way that's meant to evoke their highly tuned morality. Someone being a christian is wholly unrelated to them being a moral or ethical human being. There are moral/ethical Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. There are also unethical people of all those faiths/beliefs. So this is about the least convincing thing an athlete can say to me to make me think they're moral.
Some people are Christians but are Christians in a way where they just believe in God but don't really study the bible. From reports AP is one of those who really reads the bible and tries to be a blessing to others. Those type of people are morally right usually. It was a mistake that he will learn from. That's why they are letting him play. This will wash away fast.
Aug 26, 2011
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HuskyWarrior611 said:
Again you don't know that situation. Stephen A. Smith said that's the type of person AP was. His interviews come off as very humble and well mannered. And PLEASE don't get me started on police offers and African-American males.

He has something like seven kids by five different women - and maybe some more he probably hasn't met yet - and he's out at a night club at 2:30 in the morning getting arrested, admitting he was cursing at police officers. Some example. And if one of his visiting children makes some sort of mistake, they go home with scars and open flesh wounds on their face or scrotum.

I will give him credit, though - when he bloodies up one of his visiting children, he seems to remember which Mom goes with which kid, so that he can fake apologize to the right person. That can be tricky to keep straight.
Sep 16, 2011
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175,969 This is good, I have visited this board a couple of times the past couple of days and the overwhelming majority of fans were disgusted with Peterson and are done with him. While many others seem to be downplaying what he did and making excuses for him it's good to see these fans who used to worship him not putting wins ahead of what's right. Let's be honest the NFL is a joke and if the Vikings and the NFL allow him to play this Sunday it's just another huge black eye on a league that lost it's way a long time ago.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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That message board wasn't particularly active - it's not one of the more trafficked sites.

On the busiest Viking message board, I'd say sentiment was running 50/50.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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He has something like seven kids by five different women - and maybe some more he probably hasn't met yet - and he's out at a night club at 2:30 in the morning getting arrested, admitting he was cursing at police officers. Some example. And if one of his visiting children makes some sort of mistake, they go home with scars and open flesh wounds on their face or scrotum.

I will give him credit, though - when he bloodies up one of his visiting children, he seems to remember which Mom goes with which kid, so that he can fake apologize to the right person. That can be tricky to keep straight.
You're just making up anything now. He has two kids and one that he didn't know about that died. The fact that you just made up that seven kids with 5 different women image in your head just showed you are ignorantly jumping to conclusions and judgement of a situation and man you don't know.
Sep 16, 2011
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You're just making up anything now. He has two kids and one that he didn't know about that died. The fact that you just made up that seven kids with 5 different women image in your head just showed you are ignorantly jumping to conclusions and judgement of a situation and man you don't know.
And you know this how??? It's been reported all over that he has at least seven kids from several different women. I don't think Peterson has ever admitted to how many kids he has. I don't understand men who have many kids from many different women but I don't pass judgment as long as those kids are taken care of financially and are never abused. We now know for a fact that Peterson has failed miserably in one of those areas.
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