I want to start off this post apologizing for getting over zealous in my defending of AP.
Yes, what he did was wrong.
Yes, he should be educated on disciplining his child less harshly.
But no he is not a monster or terrible human being he needs to be brutally punished for his actions.
That is the basis of my arguement. I simply tried to explain his POV being raised in a poor black home where much worse was done to him growing up and he turned out to be what seems like a well-mannered successful NFL player who doesn't get in much trouble himself. He is a very God fearing old school kind of guy. So to call him a monster, saying he should lose visitation of his child, shouldn't play football, and all of that is very wrong to me. It upset me which is why my arguement was so strong because you're judging a situation where you really don't understand and that's my pet peeve about society today. You look at any report and can tell his heart was in the right place and made the mistake that a switch was okay discipline for his child because he went through the same thing and is doing great.
I still don't think physical discipline is bad (up to a certain point) but a switch nowadays is a little much. A belt would be just fine. I just want y'all to understand where AP is coming from instead of dropping judgement on a situation where you wouldn't understand because you weren't raised the same way. Maybe this country would be a better place and have less racial tension all the time if people just understood other cultures and how other people are raised. Again I apologize for some of my overboard comments.