From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse | The Boneyard

From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse

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Apr 25, 2014
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. I don't agree with people who hit their kids in the insane, but to be that cavalier about beating your kid bloody with a stick is insane.
Aug 26, 2011
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If I were proficient with Photoshop (or MS Paint, for that matter), here is where I would put a Southwest Airlines logo on a picture of Roger Goodell with the words "Wanna get away?"
Aug 29, 2011
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Those photos are at least a week old, as well:

Plus the kid says AP "likes belts and switches" and "has a whooping room":

Hopefully the statute of limitations has expired, or else my mom, dad, grandma and pretty much every adult I know better be in hiding. Belts and switches were standard fare when I was growing up.. if you got some bruises or welts, that was just part of the lesson.


Giving a child a smack on the bottom is pretty standard fare for stopping them from doing something wrong (or grabbing their ear or arm, or a bop on the top of the head or something). I see nothing wrong with that. But for people to try to justify "beating" a child (where you see welts or blood) - that is teaching the child zero and is all about the adult trying to ease their anger by beating a helpless child. It's 100% wrong and no amount of "well my parents did it and i turned out fine" is acceptable any longer.

I know a lot of people who were beaten by their parents, etc. Fortunately now it's called "child abuse" and if those parents were to do that today, the laws would punish them... and rightfully so.
May 7, 2014
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Switching is some serious pain, considering how quickly you can cause welts and break skin, and the report is the kid practically had injuries from head to toe (top of back down to ankles). Kinda brutal stuff, and apparently it was over the kid pushing another kid. That's not how you teach a 4 year old to interact with others.
Aug 26, 2011
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There's gonna be some extra little punches and kicks in the piles he finishes under I'm guessing.......and the verbal abuse will be coming too, deservedly so!
Aug 29, 2011
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Giving a child a smack on the bottom is pretty standard fare for stopping them from doing something wrong (or grabbing their ear or arm, or a bop on the top of the head or something). I see nothing wrong with that. But for people to try to justify "beating" a child (where you see welts or blood) - that is teaching the child zero and is all about the adult trying to ease their anger by beating a helpless child. It's 100% wrong and no amount of "well my parents did it and i turned out fine" is acceptable any longer.

I know a lot of people who were beaten by their parents, etc. Fortunately now it's called "child abuse" and if those parents were to do that today, the laws would punish them... and rightfully so.

I harbor no ill will towards my parents or grandparents and I guarantee you it taught me what was and was not acceptable behavior. And pretty much everybody I know went thru the same thing. I'm not trying to "justify" anything. It just is what it is.


I harbor no ill will towards my parents or grandparents and I guarantee you it taught me what was and was not acceptable behavior. And pretty much everybody I know went thru the same thing. I'm not trying to "justify" anything. It just is what it is.
I totally agree and understand - but things are different now. Our parents did the best they could and were taught different ways of parenting.

Beating children was more acceptable 50 years ago. But 50 years ago, blacks didn't have the right to vote. I think a lot has changed since then, right? So my question is how does "drawing blood and leaving welts" teach a child any more effectively what is right from wrong than other forms of punishment? And 50 years later, are we not more enlightened with a better understand of how to discipline children?
May 7, 2014
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I harbor no ill will towards my parents or grandparents and I guarantee you it taught me what was and was not acceptable behavior. And pretty much everybody I know went thru the same thing. I'm not trying to "justify" anything. It just is what it is.
Would you say being beaten was sufficient and necessary for you to learn how to act in a socially acceptable manner?

edit it definitely sounds like you're trying to justify your own and your peers' beating.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah things are different. But my grandma used to make me pick the switch she was going to use. Don't bring some dried up wood or it was going to get worse.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would say growing up in the 60's kids weren't "beaten" but instead the acceptable thing was a "frap" on the butt........My dad popped me in the butt a few times when I did wrong but not once did I ever feel beaten or show bruising, welts or blood like this stuff......."beating" has never been acceptable and should never be - Adrian looks like he's in huge trouble, not a good guy. There were red flags when he didm;t know too much about his son that was killed........strange things in the NFL


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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I get your sentiment, but you're off by about 100 years there >_>

Not really. There is the law and there is "the law." Until the Voting Rights Act, minorities didn't have the right in any meaningful way; which we are trending towards again thanks to SCOTUS.


I get your sentiment, but you're off by about 100 years there >_>
"The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson (1908-73) on August 6, 1965, aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under the 15th Amendment (1870) to the Constitution of the United States"

49 years. So I was off by 1 year. Where are you getting 100 years? Women got the right to vote in 1920 so that is close to 100 years ago... But in my example, I used blacks and not women... It's late and I'm tired but I don't think my math is that bad! ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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You bolded it yourself, 1870. Yes, the VRA improved things for minorities, but it's not what gave them the right to vote. (in other words, 50 years ago, they had the right to vote, but it was frequently infringed upon).

Ultimately not worth arguing about.
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Aug 26, 2011
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I harbor no ill will towards my parents or grandparents and I guarantee you it taught me what was and was not acceptable behavior. And pretty much everybody I know went thru the same thing. I'm not trying to "justify" anything. It just is what it is.

It's scientifically proven that beating your children is not the best way to teach them a lesson.

When you realize that, you have to accept that the only outcome of beating a child is for the parents to funnel their current frustration into their kid's backside. And "my parents did it to me" is a really weak excuse to continue it, or to brush off cases like this.
Aug 27, 2011
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I was brought up in a different time and different age where these so called "whoopings" or strapping were common place. In Jamaica (place of birth) even teachers were allowed to strap you and trust me the welts and bruises were worse than any of those pics.

The funny thing sometimes tne mothers were mostly the disciplinarian in the family. We didn't love them any less. This was just the way most of us were brought up where I am from and this was the understood way kids were disciplined. It was effective back then because it kept me and a quie a few others out of trouble and off the streets hanging out with the wrong crowd.

With that being said, I know rhis is a different time and we have advanced past this way of disciplining our kids. AP is from the South where this is still commonplace so I am not sure if I am comfortable calling him a child abuser. Yes he is still using an antiquated way of disciplining his kids, but i don't think he should go to jail for this. Yes he deserve to made aware of why his actions are not accepted and receive counseling and be taught a better way of disciplining his kids. If he still continues to advocate this type of punishment after that then yes arrest him.

AP is duplicating what has been passed down from generation to generation in some Famlies and if he goes to jail then we better start building a lot more jails because a lot more people deserve to be locked up for using this same type of discipline.
Aug 26, 2011
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The stick they showed in that video looked like it would act a lot like a whip. The marks on that poor kid look like nothing that could be part of a loving parent disciplining their child.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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MAn, ADP sees a son killed last year while the kid was in custody of the ex and her boyfriend. Yet, still thinks whoopin' kids is cool?

And how many kids does he have? And how many are expendable?

Glad I picked Lesean McCoy!


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I'll be stepping off the roof of my house in a moment wearing my Vikings' jersey.

But before I go...

My mother used to whack us with wooden spoons. She's pretty small and she need the extra oomph the spoons gave her when it came time to smack us. Alas, she had three boys and we eventually just started taking the spoons away from her.

So my father goes down to his workshop one day and comes up with a paddle. It was about two feet long, made of oak and had the words "POW!" and "SPLAT!" engraved on the front and back. He actually looked forward to using it - he would goad us into doing something and then yell, "I got 'em!" and swat us when my mother got angry.

It survived a few months and then my brother snuck it into the fireplace on Christmas.
Aug 26, 2011
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I can also remember what it was like when dad came home after I had mocked my mom's attempt at corporal punishment. My dad wasn't a violent guy, but he made exceptions when we got mom upset.Luckily for me, he never brought any weapons.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Society needs to stop minding family business. Adrian Peterson most likely grew up in a very rough household. It's not shocking that AP does this to his kids and I see nothing wrong. YES whoopings are the most effective forms of punishment rather than "timeouts" or being "grounded". Beating a child will keep them from doing that wrongdoing again because he does not want to feel that pain again rather than a timeout where he merely has to go sit in a corner and whine. This makes me so upset. The kid has a millionaire parent. If he decides to discipline him like this to teach him lessons while also taking amazing care of him WHO CARES. It's his kid. He birthed him, he takes care of him, he can do whatever he feels is right to discipline him. My mom always tells me that she put me in this world and she can take me out. I'm honestly tired of society minding families business and trying to ruin careers doing it by telling people how to handle their relationships with their loved ones.
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