From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse | Page 3 | The Boneyard

From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse

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Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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The story was the child pushed the other child off the games and was using bad words too as a 4 year old. And 4 is around the age you start to get beatings because you are starting to be aware of what is going on but at the same time you are still in the "the world revolves around you stage". So they feel like they can do anything they want. That's when beatings and teaching respect comes in to play. Yes you might be doing things because you are scared to get best again but you will still learn how to do those things. Therefore being raised to act right so when you grow up you do know how to do those things when you want to.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Has anyone thought that the kid was disrespectful or did something bad to instigate this behavior? Not saying hitting your child is good, but discipline to a child is. That's how they learn from right and wrong.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Oh, good, the "the 4 year old had it coming" angle. We hadn't touched all the bases yet.
So if your 4 year old mauled another child at the park, that's OK to you? He'll learn by just saying, "Stop, we're leaving." Or does he need to be disciplined?


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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So how do you feel about Ray Rice's transgressions? Also a family matter

Think before you post. Get out of your bronze age "spare the rod; spoil the child" thinking.
It's funny to me how the only person who can seem to forgive Ray Rice on what happened 7 months ago is the same person everyone is trying to protect. Meanwhile we have guys still suiting up on Sundays after killing, raping, and abusing victims who never forgave them just because it wasn't caught on tape.
Aug 26, 2011
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So if your 4 year old mauled another child at the park, that's OK to you? He'll learn by just saying, "Stop, we're leaving." Or does he need to be disciplined?

Where did you read that the 4 year old mauled someone?

But either way, violence isn't the answer to violence. Ever.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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I didn't know that you can only discipline your children when they can defend themselves.
Aug 26, 2011
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Apparently it's just a lack of imagination we're dealing with, if the only way to discipline kids you can think of is beating them or doing nothing.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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My main point is don't try to tell a man who is being a great provider for his family how to discipline his kids. Keyword: DISCIPLINE.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yes, you already made your point that being rich means he can do anything he wants to them.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Whatever that family does is there business. Not mine, not yours, not the governments. If that's how they discipline their kids, then so be it. I don't want to waste taxpayer money to launch an investigation, then waste more money in courts. All to have AP cleared of all charges because he's AP.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Yes, you already made your point that being rich means he can do anything he wants to them.
You act as if AP just beats his sons willy nilly just because he wants to. That's not the case. Get a grip. He said he tells his son what he did wrong, beats him, and explains again why it was wrong. It is a true form of discipline from a caring father doing the things he was taught when being raised.


Aug 24, 2011
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So if your 4 year old mauled another child at the park, that's OK to you? He'll learn by just saying, "Stop, we're leaving." Or does he need to be disciplined?
Seriously? As Leebo said, first, the 4 year old mauled no one. Second, the kid was 4 - how much mauling can a 4 year old really do? 3rd, I don't think anyone would argue a smack on the bottom to instantaneously stop really egregious behavior is unwarranted. But you would beat the kid bloody with a stick? Good lord that's insane.

The bottom of the arm (tricep) and ear of a child is very sensitive. If a kid is seriously misbehaving at a park, store, or some other place in public, "grabbing" that part of a child's body to vamoose them from a situation is almost as painful and nothing like the beating or hitting a child over and over and over and over and over. I honestly can't even believe people are actually arguing this point.

The fact that several see nothing wrong with what AP did is disturbing beyond words. Insanity.
Aug 26, 2011
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CTBasketball said:
Whatever that family does is there business. Not mine, not yours, not the governments. If that's how they discipline their kids, then so be it. I don't want to waste taxpayer money to launch an investigation, then waste more money in courts. All to have AP cleared of all charges because he's AP.

Why exactly do you think the mom was on board? She's the primary caregiver. He was only visiting "Daddy Peterson" (as he called him to the police). Seems to me that she brought him to the doctor, allowed the authorities into the picture and handed over text messages.

Hopefully, AP loses visitation rights and will stick to just sending checks in his bid for father of the year.
Aug 26, 2011
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Those who approve of this on the "it's his child, let him do whatever he wants" ground, where's the line?

Can AP decide to starve his kid as punishment? Who are we to say anything, right?
Can AP lock his kid outside in a snow storm for the night as punishment? If that's how they discipline their kids, then so be it, right?

I can go on making more extreme examples, but the point is that somewhere you would say the state has to step in to protect the child, and once you concede that, you acknowledge that society has some role in the protection of children from their parents.

Perhaps you think a child should be beaten bloody. You're wrong. But you have to justify why it is okay to bloody your child beyond "let parents do whatever they want."
Last edited:
May 7, 2014
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I'm sorry your to closed minded to understand other peoples POV and think your way of raising kids is the only way.
Would you question my POV if I still believed the way to prevent a building from collapsing was to sacrifice children and bury them in the postholes? Or honor killing your child if they were found to be homosexual? Because both (and many more hideous practices towards children) were once common practice. You're sticking to ARCHAIC IGNORANCE of the kind that has lasting negative psychological effects throughout the victim's life. You treat choosing whether or not to beat a child as punishment like choosing whether or not to enroll them in private school. You're also ignoring the now massive evidence coming from psychological science that universally agrees on and points to the fact that violence is no way to "discipline" anyone, especially children. Not only is it not effective and implemented incorrectly, it can be (and very often is) psychologically damaging. Again, you need to join us in the 21st century. And the craziest part is that you're the one telling us we're closed minded; your gross detachment from considering the emotional and physical well-being of children is disgusting and borders on psychopathy.

Please tell me you don't have (and don't plan on having) children. I hope you make your opinion in this regard clear to whomever is stupid enough to be lured in to any kind of potential sexual relationship with you, because no woman worth anything would tolerate this thinking or stick around long.
Aug 27, 2011
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Would you question my POV if I still believed the way to prevent a building from collapsing was to sacrifice children and bury them in the postholes? Or honor killing your child if they were found to be homos e xual? Because both (and many more hideous practices towards children) were once common practice. You're sticking to ARCHAIC IGNORANCE of the kind that has lasting negative psychological effects throughout the victim's life. You treat choosing whether or not to beat a child as punishment like choosing whether or not to enroll them in private school. You're also ignoring the now massive evidence coming from psychological science that universally agrees on and points to the fact that violence is no way to "discipline" anyone, especially children. Not only is it not effective and implemented incorrectly, it can be (and very often is) psychologically damaging. Again, you need to join us in the 21st century. And the craziest part is that you're the one telling us we're closed minded; your gross detachment from considering the emotional and physical well-being of children is disgusting and borders on psychopathy.

Please tell me you don't have (and don't plan on having) children. I hope you make your opinion in this regard clear to whomever is stupid enough to be lured in to any kind of potential s e xual relationship with you, because no woman worth anything would tolerate this thinking or stick around long.

I have tried really hard to resist posting anything on this topic. Seems like anything one says somehow gets used against them at some point (we've swung too far). But I personally am sick of hearing people point to these "hundreds of studies" concluding that "if you use corporal punishment to punish your children...they will be screwed up for life." GIMME A BREAK. Where do these studies come from? Maybe they only interview the people in prision most of whom probably endured physical punishment as a kids. Of course that will be the case of that demographic group. But I refuse to believe that the reason these people turn bad is because of a DISCIPLINARY switch. I emphasize the word disciplinary because I am willing to bet that most people who grew up where their parent whacked them now and then but who now or then understood that it resulted from negative behavior, view that such punishment method helped them in life. I don't need a "scientific study" to know that when I talk to my doctor, lawyer, businessmen, professional, trade professional and laborer friends who are successful/productive, many of them received physical punishment growing up and pretty much all of those, like me, viewed that it helped in life. Go ahead, ask some of your SUCCESSFUL friends that received physical punishment if they are screwed up now.

Life is about choices, and making the right ones...unfortunately we don't blame actions of bad actors on their choices, we blame it on how their parents screwed them up. I am not naive - I know that some situations are extreme and truly impacts adulthood, but I will never ever believe that physical punishment done selectively and properly where the punishment to the bad action is recognized, can screw anyone up.
May 7, 2014
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I have tried really hard to resist posting anything on this topic. Seems like anything one says somehow gets used against them at some point (we've swung too far). But I personally am sick of hearing people point to these "hundreds of studies" concluding that "if you use corporal punishment to punish your children...they will be screwed up for life." GIMME A BREAK. Where do these studies come from? Maybe they only interview the people in prision most of whom probably endured physical punishment as a kids. Of course that will be the case of that demographic group. But I refuse to believe that the reason these people turn bad is because of a DISCIPLINARY switch. I emphasize the word disciplinary because I am willing to bet that most people who grew up where their parent whacked them now and then but who now or then understood that it resulted from negative behavior, view that such punishment method helped them in life. I don't need a "scientific study" to know that when I talk to my doctor, lawyer, businessmen, professional, trade professional and laborer friends who are successful/productive, many of them received physical punishment growing up and pretty much all of those, like me, viewed that it helped in life. Go ahead, ask some of your SUCCESSFUL friends that received physical punishment if they are screwed up now.

Life is about choices, and making the right ones...unfortunately we don't blame actions of bad actors on their choices, we blame it on how their parents screwed them up. I am not naive - I know that some situations are extreme and truly impacts adulthood, but I will never ever believe that physical punishment done selectively and properly where the punishment to the bad action is recognized, can screw anyone up.
So let's ignore your intellectual suicide and fallacies of willful ignorance and denigrating of evidence which is replaced by your anecdotal evidence.

Is physically beating a child sufficient and necessary for them to learn how to conduct themselves in a socially appropriate manner?
Aug 26, 2011
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Physically disciplining your child is one thing. I don't agree with it but I can understand cultural differences. That said, AP beat the sh_t out of a 4 year old. Thats beyond acceptable.

I think Gurleyman's point was important as well. This is a kid being raised by his mother, who goes to see his absentee father on a vacation and comes home bruised and battered. I would be more open to the rationalizing (but would still disagree) if AP was actually raising the kid. Providing for his son financially does not give him the right to assault his son.
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