From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse | Page 2 | The Boneyard

From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse

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Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Well, that's all fine and good, but you're not allow to hit your kids with sticks.

Actually, you can't hit anyone with sticks, even if you happened to be the one 'birthed' them.

It's kind of twisted that you're cool with doing this to a four year old...



Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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Beating kids is also the easy way out and it yields short term results. Once they grow up the fear of that pain is gone and they get to choose how they want to behave all over again. Better to teach them early and often why what they are doing is wrong. And the why can't be because it hurts.

Plenty of people use the "I was beat and I turned out fine" approach but at the end of the day you don't make daily decisions and think I am going to make this decision because if I don't my mom or dad will hit me. It's because you grew up and eventually were able to make your own rational decisions. The act of beating a child only stops the child from making bad decisions, not the future adult he/she will become. So to say that it's better than non violent forms because they will just sit there and whine is a reflection of the fact that a parent is too undisciplined to handle a whining child rather than the merits of violent versus non violent child rearing.

Also, the fact that a grown man (let alone an NFL player) feels he needs a weapon to hurt his child enough to teach him not to misbehave is kind of confusing.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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It's his kid. Nobody else is taking care of him but AP. Taking GREAT care of him like I said too. Not the bare minimum. If that's how he feels like he should be raised and disciplined who is anyone else to say otherwise? Is anybody else feeding his son or putting a roof over his head? It's not random beatings either. It's discipline. Y'all might not do that too your kids, that's cool. That's your decision. You take care of them. But not everyone is raised the same or have the same ideals on how to raise kids.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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At the end of the day beatings aren't really about teaching a kid right from wrong as much as it is about showing and being respectful.
Aug 26, 2011
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Society needs to stop minding family business. Adrian Peterson most likely grew up in a very rough household. It's not shocking that AP does this to his kids and I see nothing wrong. YES whoopings are the most effective forms of punishment rather than "timeouts" or being "grounded". Beating a child will keep them from doing that wrongdoing again because he does not want to feel that pain again rather than a timeout where he merely has to go sit in a corner and whine. This makes me so upset. The kid has a millionaire parent. If he decides to discipline him like this to teach him lessons while also taking amazing care of him WHO CARES. It's his kid. He birthed him, he takes care of him, he can do whatever he feels is right to discipline him. My mom always tells me that she put me in this world and she can take me out. I'm honestly tired of society minding families business and trying to ruin careers doing it by telling people how to handle their relationships with their loved ones.

This is scientifically wrong, even if you think it "feels" right.

And the kid told the cops that he was scared that "Daddy Peterson" would punch him in the face for telling the police what he did to him.

You really think that's okay? Or healthy? Really?

Apparently the kid's mother thought it wasn't.
Aug 26, 2011
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HuskyWarrior611 said:
It's his kid. Nobody else is taking care of him but AP. Taking GREAT care of him like I said too. Not the bare minimum. If that's how he feels like he should be raised and disciplined who is anyone else to say otherwise? Is anybody else feeding his son or putting a roof over his head? It's not random beatings either. It's discipline. Y'all might not do that too your kids, that's cool. That's your decision. You take care of them. But not everyone is raised the same or have the same ideals on how to raise kids.

The kid lives with his mom. He was only visiting his "father". Did you just invent this narrative about the GREAT fathering that AP was doing all by himself in your head or something?

Or were you confusing this kid with one of the other kids AP had with one of the other women?
Aug 26, 2011
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Even if you're somebody who believes in physically disciplining children (I don't), how young is too young? If I read correctly, the child in question was four-years-old. Four! And now he's scarred for who knows how long for doing something I'm guessing a lot of other four-year-olds do.

In addition to that, the images reveal abuse. And if what Gurleyman says is true (which I have no reason not to believe, since I think I read it elsewhere, as well), that's even worse. I'm not sure how this can be justified as anything less than criminal behavior.


Aug 24, 2011
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It's his kid. Nobody else is taking care of him but AP. Taking GREAT care of him like I said too. Not the bare minimum. If that's how he feels like he should be raised and disciplined who is anyone else to say otherwise? Is anybody else feeding his son or putting a roof over his head? It's not random beatings either. It's discipline. Y'all might not do that too your kids, that's cool. That's your decision. You take care of them. But not everyone is raised the same or have the same ideals on how to raise kids.
At the end of the day beatings aren't really about teaching a kid right from wrong as much as it is about showing and being respectful.
I had to read your drivel twice to make sure I was reading it correctly because I was so stunned. My first reaction was "He must be kidding because no one can be that ignorant". After that, I got nothing. But if you aren't kidding, you are seriously f*(ked in the head.
Aug 26, 2011
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champs99and04 said:
Even if you're somebody who believes in physically disciplining children (I don't), how young is too young? If I read correctly, the child in question was four-years-old. Four! And now he's scarred for who knows how long for doing something I'm guessing a lot of other four-year-olds do. In addition to that, the images reveal abuse. And if what Gurleyman says is true (which I have no reason not to believe, since I think I read it elsewhere, as well), that's even worse. I'm not sure how this can be justified as anything less than criminal behavior.

From the Minneapolis paper (although I heard it originally on SportsCenter):

Sources told the Star Tribune that the boy lives with his mother in Minnesota but was on a visit to Texas several months ago when Peterson chose to discipline him with the switch — a tree branch stripped of its leaves and twigs. When the boy returned to Minnesota, a source confirmed, he was taken to a doctor’s appointment in the Twin Cities. Seeing the child’s injuries, the doctor contacted Minnesota authorities, who alerted Houston police. The case eventually was referred to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, which has jurisdiction over the area where Peterson maintains a home, and then to a grand jury.

Supposedly, the issue was that he pushed one of Peterson's other children (from one of the other mothers) in a squabble over a video game. The sort of thing that happens among every group of siblings everywhere - if not over a video game, they'll push and shove over something. It's what siblings do.

He whipped the kid 20 or so times, too. After 2 or 3 bloody welts, you'd figure the kid would learn whatever lesson is is that you're trying to teach. The rest are just a violent POS acting out due to his own issues - probably in revenge for the beatings he took as a kid. I laughed when the attorney called it an "inadvertent injury" as if there was only one - and that somehow it was a mistake.
Jun 9, 2012
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AP I'm quite sure is not a child abuser. Sounds alot like my house growing up. And it definitely kept me out of trouble as I got older. Always thought about the switch before I acted. Kinda personal but I have 3 younger brothers who grew up after my dad died and mom was too old to use this type of punishment. One recently almost killed his live in girlfriend and has yet to be sentenced and the other two 13 and 20 years for murder. True story. I honestly do believe I would have been alot worse had I not been afraid of the consequences. Does look like AP went too far by the pictures because after my worse one I would have maybe four welts and this kid has waaay too many.
Aug 26, 2011
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AP I'm quite sure is not a child abuser. Sounds alot like my house growing up. And it definitely kept me out of trouble as I got older. Always thought about the switch before I acted. Kinda personal but I have 3 younger brothers who grew up after my dad died and mom was too old to use this type of punishment. One recently almost killed his live in girlfriend and has yet to be sentenced and the other two 13 and 20 years for murder. True story. I honestly do believe I would have been alot worse had I not been afraid of the consequences. Does look like AP went too far by the pictures because after my worse one I would have maybe four welts and this kid has waaay too many.
His kids are growing up in gated communities, not the mean streets of anywhere
Aug 26, 2011
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There's always going to be someone who supports the actions in these topics, whether it's beating women, children. I'm sure the NFLers can keep this nonsense coming and Boneyarders will continue to expose their idiotic support.

My favorite was the post about how he's allowed to beat him because the kid is his, so he can do whatever he likes. Nice.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm probably in the majority of my generation in that I was popped on the butt and even slapped in the face by my mother on many, many occasions at a young age. Did it deter me from repeating my actions at the time? I don't know. There was immediate pain but once I got to be 9, 10, 11 years old, I wasn't making choices based upon the slaps I received when I was 5. I was more afraid of missing basketball practice or having my bike taken away than of anything being done to me.

One question for the people who are of the ilk that "I was hit so it's ok", was the person beating on you the same size as an NFL running back? Just wondering.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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First women, now children! Pretty soon we won't be able to beat up anybody.

For the record: hitting kids doesn't teach respect, it teaches kids fear and that it is OK to hit others when you are in a position of power. Not a study to be found that doesn't find corporal punishment less effective than other discipline. That said, I would jump to defend AP if he calmly gave his kid a few spanks. This is not a difference of opinion on child rearing. It is bloody abuse of a small child. Imagine what those welts looked like at the time it happened compared to much later when it was investigated.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have a general issue with spankings as the science says it's negative. It works in the short term but in the long term you're building a kid who thinks violence is a good response. I think this thread is a good example of that. Don't hit your brother or I'll hit you. It speaks to might makes right more than teaching that violence isn't the right solution.

Once you involve a weapon, I think it's criminal. There's no reason you can't inflict enough pain on a four year old with your open palm to make your point. If that's the way you have to do it. I have a four year old boy and loss of dessert or of tv privelages for a few days terrifies him.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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I'll be stepping off the roof of my house in a moment wearing my Vikings' jersey.

But before I go...

My mother used to whack us with wooden spoons. She's pretty small and she need the extra oomph the spoons gave her when it came time to smack us. Alas, she had three boys and we eventually just started taking the spoons away from her.

So my father goes down to his workshop one day and comes up with a paddle. It was about two feet long, made of oak and had the words "POW!" and "SPLAT!" engraved on the front and back. He actually looked forward to using it - he would goad us into doing something and then yell, "I got 'em!" and swat us when my mother got angry.

It survived a few months and then my brother snuck it into the fireplace on Christmas.

This explains a lot.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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Dogs. Women. Kids.

Any guesses on what player will be busted for cat juggling?

Aug 26, 2011
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OMG Pussification of America!
What you call 'Pussification' most would identify as education. Our parents generation didn't know any better. Now this information has been around long enough that every parent should know. It has nothing to do with weakness. It's time to hang up your John Wayne man crush and move into the 21st century. Not only that, Chuck Norris is much tougher than John Wayne. There I said it. Honestly, I feel pretty good about it!


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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The kid lives with his mom. He was only visiting his "father". Did you just invent this narrative about the GREAT fathering that AP was doing all by himself in your head or something?

Or were you confusing this kid with one of the other kids AP had with one of the other women?
Seeing that he lives with his mother in Minneapolis where he plays football and he's a millionaire I assume the child lives in a mansion with almost anything he wants provided by mostly APa finances. So yes he is taking great care of them unlike some athletes who don't even bother to see their kids. If AP had child issues in the past with other women that's fine. It wasn't with this one.


Aug 26, 2011
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I don't care how much money you have, beating your kids is not taking great care of them. And yes, it is society's business. It's a crime. That's why he was indicted. The kid can't do anything to protect himself, and that's the point.

Trying to justify beating because you were beaten as a child does not make it better. It just makes it all that much clearer that it didn't work. It is a sickness and a weakness to believe that hitting is okay under any circumstance.

Growing up we were hit with wooden spoons and brooms by my mother, and with belts and sometimes hands by my father. None of us grew up thinking it was okay.
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