From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse | Page 6 | The Boneyard

From Women to Kids - AP Indicted on Child Abuse

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Aug 26, 2011
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It has nothing to do with anything....? It's what this whole issue is centered around.

You're just being straight up stupid now.

It's not worth arguing with this guy. A few pages back, he insisted that AP was the ONLY person taking GREAT care of this kid, and he should have every right to discipline him how he wants. When presented with facts to the contrary, that the mother was actually the primary caregiver and the kid was only visiting "Daddy Peterson" (using the last name, most people who have taken a psychology course would recognize, indicates a distant relationship), did he admit he was wrong? Nope - he doubled down on his original fabrication with a new story about a made up mansion in Minnesota that he imagines that the kid lives in because AP sends a big check, and that this was what he meant all along by being a wonderful parent taking great care of his kid.

Anyone who invents a narrative out of their own imagination, and still clings to it when presented with clear and obvious facts the the contrary, is worth putting on the ignore list. Especially when now he insists he knows all about AP and his wonderful heart that just got "carried away" with beating his visiting child, because one or two bloody welts aren't enough to send a message. I mean, you went to all that trouble to pick out a perfectly good switch - be a shame to waste it with only a couple swings.

If he left a dog with 20 bloody welts, the ASPCA would take it away.
Aug 26, 2011
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Seriously, I have little kids. As a parent taking something away or giving them some extra work to do are great punishments. A little alone time gives them a little perspective on whatever they did wrong. If they continue the behavior, escalate the punishment. I've never gotten anywhere desperate enough to feel like hitting them was my only way to correct the behavior.

It takes willful ignorance and an utter lack of imagination at this point to pretend like beating your kid is the only viable option.


Aug 26, 2011
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2 posts later and there are still no answers to my question from all these great parents suggesting my claim is so crazy.
I'm sorry if my answer was lost on you. What I meant to suggest is: Did it ever occur to you that the child did what he did precisely because he learned from the example of his father that hitting and using foul language is the proper way to treat others? You know, the "Golden Rule" and all that stuff?
May 7, 2014
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Nobody is talking about the law, you clown. We are discussing how since we find it neither sufficient nor necessary to physically discipline your child for them to turn out okay, and it runs the very real possibility of being implemented incorrectly and causing physical and/or emotional scarring, there is no place for it in the 21st century given there are many other effective methods. We don't need to spell them out to you; read a book. Yours isn't the only answer, and you're basically making a massive argument from ignorance. You're just bouncing around from ignorant/irrelevant retort to ignorant/irrelevant retort as each is destroyed. You're not even entertaining a real dialogue here; it's you asserting absolutes ("you AREN'T going to be scarred....") based on your anecdotal evidence from within the culture you were raised and ignorance of psychosocial development.

Nobody is answering your question because there are many variables to the scenario in question and there are dozens of combinations of ways to discipline a child. But either way, the burden of proof is not on us. You are the one who needs to justify physical discipline because it is inherently a violent act towards a child, regardless of degree of pain inflicted or whatever. And when we've asked you to do so, to explain how it is both necessary and sufficient method of discipline, you jump from culture, to laws, etc. that does not at all address the question. You're clearly not interested in having an honest dialogue here.


a lot of people go to college for seven years
Aug 26, 2011
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I think no matter which side you fall on for corporal punishment, striking a 4 year with basically a whip is just wrong. Its not defensible.
May 7, 2014
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I'm sorry if my answer was lost on you. What I meant to suggest is: Did it ever occur to you that the child did what he did precisely because he learned from the example of his father that hitting and using foul language is the proper way to treat others? You know, the "Golden Rule" and all that stuff?
Exactly. Kid sees dad yell and use physicality to discipline others, internalizes that, then repeats the behavior on other people whom he feels needs discipline. And then you see him hit his little brother.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Seriously, I have little kids. As a parent taking something away or giving them some extra work to do are great punishments. A little alone time gives them a little perspective on whatever they did wrong. If they continue the behavior, escalate the punishment. I've never gotten anywhere desperate enough to feel like hitting them was my only way to correct the behavior.

It takes willful ignorance and an utter lack of imagination at this point to pretend like beating your kid is the only viable option.
The kid is 4. 4 year olds are in a very egotistical mindset where they think the world revolves around them like I said earlier. So doing something like taking something away from them might work in some cases, in others they just cry like a damn fool and act up. There's plenty of successful people now that were physically disciplined when they were younger.

Y'all sound like Europeans who took over Africa to "save" them with this "they need to change their ways and be educated on how to raise their kids" talk after out ways have produced many successful kids before. Just cause it's not your way doesn't mean it can't be a right way.
May 7, 2014
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LMAO now we're on slavery. This just keeps getting better and better.

Up next on "HuskyWarrior661's continuous driveling: Y'all sound like Nazis!"


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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That's my last post on this subject. For this is a basketball board and I don't really care to get too deep with these social issues with a board full of old white guys who clearly wouldn't understand. So I'll stick to the common ground of basketball.
Aug 27, 2011
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Hopefully the statute of limitations has expired, or else my mom, dad, grandma and pretty much every adult I know better be in hiding. Belts and switches were standard fare when I was growing up.. if you got some bruises or welts, that was just part of the lesson.
My mother must be on .B.I.'s 10 most wanted list. I wonder if I can turn her in for a reward. Of course, if she finds out I called I am screwed!


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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My mother must be on .B.I.'s 10 most wanted list. I wonder if I can turn her in for a reward. Of course, if she finds out I called I am screwed!
These guys would probably think Kevin Ollie's mother was a witch if they found out the things she did to him growing up.
Aug 26, 2011
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As soon as this story broke out, I'd figure we'd have at least 100 posts on this subject.

While I think the view of physical discipline differs across race and culture, I think what AP did was wrong even though I had it worse as a kid.

And I actually thank my parents for instituting physical discipline in my household although it's not what I do in my own household.

If anyone says it's not racial or cultural, I'd beg to differ. It's definitely not based on education level either (at least in my household).
Aug 26, 2011
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Look I don't care what's law and what's not. It's legal to smoke those cancer sticks that are cigarettes and drink but marijuana is still illegal in many parts of the country and isn't nearly as bad as the other two. You know how many dumb laws there are?

Anyways like I said you aren't going to be scarred for life like a lot of you guys are suggesting because you are physically disciplined. There's millions of cases you see all the time and even in the White House that proves that. So cut that.

2 posts later and there are still no answers to my question from all these great parents suggesting my claim is so crazy.

I haven't been reading this whole thread, but is HuskyWarrior611 now just assuming every black family beats their children? Seems like he's pulling out random black people and being like "YOU KNOW HE GOT BEAT"

If a white person said that, wouldn't that be racist?


Aug 26, 2011
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That's my last post on this subject. For this is a basketball board and I don't really care to get too deep with these social issues with a board full of old white guys who clearly wouldn't understand. So I'll stick to the common ground of basketball.
I think you are confusing "understand" with "accept." I understand that people once thought that the Earth was flat, that black people should be slaves, and that women and black people should not have the right to vote.

I also think you fail to understand the concept of "last post on this subject."

These guys would probably think Kevin Ollie's mother was a witch if they found out the things she did to him growing up.

I have no idea, but why don't y0u ask Kevin Ollie if he beat(s) his kids?

As for cultural ignorance, I will admit that I never heard of a "switch" in this context until this story broke. And I don't regret that.
May 7, 2014
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That's my last post on this subject. For this is a basketball board and I don't really care to get too deep with these social issues with a board full of old white guys who clearly wouldn't understand. So I'll stick to the common ground of basketball.
When you finish your intro psych class, take an intro philosophy class. You might learn about making sound, logical arguments/counter-arguments. You've demonstrated a crippling deficiency in this area.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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You remove the kid from the game and the other kids. You explain the situation. You give him a time out. If needed you remain to ensure the timeout is observed. It is not that hard with most kids. They want your approval.
I grew up getting hit, occassionally kicked. Don't feel I was badly abused, but I don't hit. It is better. My kids lie alot less to me than I did to my parents.
Sep 16, 2011
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175,967 Not sure how anyone can read these details and think this is acceptable discipline from a parent. My dad had the shortest fuse I've ever seen, he would turn purple in an instant and have the vein pop out of his forehead. I was terrified as a kid when he got mad and I got some licks from the brown belt and there was even a time with a paddle. He never made me bleed or gave me wounds like what Peterson did and he never did it to me when I was 4. This little 4 year old looked like he took a damn whipping from a slave master. It's pretty sick that people could see those wounds and read these details and think this is okay.
Aug 24, 2011
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Its totally cultural. Loads of people, including many NFL players have come out in defense of Peterson. It could be somewhat of a white/black issue but I think its more of a North/South thing. But just because something is a part of a culture doesn't make it right and there needs to be an attempt to educate IMO. Maybe this issue coming to light can be beneficial.

It's not a southern thing or a black thing. I'm white, my family is northeastern as far back as we can trace it and my Dad hit me a lot. With a belt mostly. And I have horrible memories of it. He was a cop and had no patience and didn't take the time to parent me the right way. Just like Peterson the Part Time Dad didn't here.
Sep 16, 2011
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Your perception of the studies are all wrong. Most places allow corporal punishment. CT does. The studies simply say it is less effective. But physical discipline is provided like you did it. A parent, in control of their emotions, doing enough to send a message. Welts and bleeding are not discipline.
I was hit as a kid and I don't feel I was abused. But I've raised 4 respectful kids without a hitting and 3 of them were very damaged foster kids who had serious behavioral/emotional problems.

Not to you but to warrior & CT. Child abuse is against the law and by definition, not a personal matter. Kids die and are scarred all the time. Just like you can't beat your wife, no matter how much "discipline" she needs, you can't beat your kid. But these cases are not usually dealt with in court. Parents are provided services to improve. Only in pretty extreme cases (not AP) do these go to court, and then it is to terminate parental rights.

Working with kids my whole life, it always amazes me. If AP had done this to a dog, people would totally freak out and demonstrations and petitions would be everywhere. But kids, they are just property. We should all mind our business.
You are so right on this, if this was done to a dog I guarantee there would be more outrage.
Aug 24, 2011
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That's my last post on this subject. For this is a basketball board and I don't really care to get too deep with these social issues with a board full of old white guys who clearly wouldn't understand. So I'll stick to the common ground of basketball.

For the record, you pulling the "old white guys" card is pretty weak. You know you're wrong in your argument and you're taking a convenient exit with that old, tired crutch.
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