Boneyard inception? | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Boneyard inception?

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Aug 24, 2011
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This was a fun read. I don't exactly remember when I first found the Boneyard. I got to know AlexD, HooperScooper (MassHuskyFan at that time), CitrusDog, and Husky99 (I think that's what his moniker was). I think it might have been just after the 99 championship season. Those were the golden days of the Boneyard.

I think my first post was NA, but maybe it was something a little bit longer. :)

LOL.....first time Dogmania and I actually met was at the Federal Cafe before a HCC game. I had emailed him earlier that it felt sorta strange, kinda like a first date. He wrote back, "when we meet, just a handshake will do, OK?"
Aug 27, 2011
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I am another who, though I don't post much, has been a hardcore lurker since the days the board was on the Courant site. I was a life-long CT resident and proud UCONN dropout when I moved to CA in 1991. While it was a little tough saying goodbye to friends and family, the hardest part of moving was losing touch with my beloved Huskies and Red Sox. Those first few years, I was starved for Husky info, it was a big deal when we cracked the rankings cause the LA Times, my main source of sports info in those days, only printed box scores from the Top 25. My dad, who still lives in CT, used to cut every Husky article, men and women, out of the Courant and every month he would send me a manila envelope full of articles and box scores and I would pore over them and then call him to discuss games that were weeks and weeks old. He always made like it was a major chore to do, but I know he kind of misses those days, it was a bonding thing for us and I know I kinda miss it in some ways. Then the internet became a bigger and bigger thing, I actually learned how to use a computer and one day I found the Husky Hardcore thing on the Courant site and have since followed the board through all its incarnations. Now I keep my Dad up to date on Husky inside info that I learn on The Boneyard! The Boneyard has become a huge part of my life, keeping me plugged into Husky Nation. And I understand the poster who mentions that years and years of just lurking can be a little creepy! I recently realized I know more about some of the posters here than I do about some of my friends and family, and yet most know little or nothing about me! I have been trying to post a little more often, mainly due to the urging of a couple of posters who seem to enjoy what I have to say. I have really enjoyed this nostalgic look back at the earlier days, as much as I love it here still, like many things in life, it doesn't compare to the fun of the earlier days anymore!!!!


The Champ Is Here.
Aug 29, 2011
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The first time I encountered the Boneyard in its early form was in '99 - I think at about the NCAA tournament time. I had been been using (briefly) boards and reading the college basketball newsgroup. That was an exciting time, obviously. I remember Boneyarders at '99 gathered somewhere for the championship parade - but didn't make it to the gathering spot. I bought some championship T-shirts at the parade, and several weeks later went to Orlando, FL for a vacation wearing my UConn shirts. Numerous times throughout each day people would yell out "UConn" to me in Disney, Universal, etc... pretty much everywhere.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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IMy dad, who still lives in CT, used to cut every Husky article, men and women, out of the Courant and every month he would send me a manila envelope full of articles and box scores and I would pore over them and then call him to discuss games that were weeks and weeks old. He always made like it was a major chore to do, but I know he kind of misses those days, it was a bonding thing for us and I know I kinda miss it in some ways. .... Now I keep my Dad up to date on Husky inside info that I learn on The Boneyard!

I've had this same experience and seeing you post about it made me smile.


The Champ Is Here.
Aug 29, 2011
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The first time I encountered the Boneyard in its early form was in '99 - I think at about the NCAA tournament time. I had been been using (briefly) boards and reading the college basketball newsgroup. That was an exciting time, obviously. I remember Boneyarders at '99 gathered somewhere for the championship parade - but didn't make it to the gathering spot. I bought some championship T-shirts at the parade, and several weeks later went to Orlando, FL for a vacation wearing my UConn shirts. Numerous times throughout each day people would yell out "UConn" to me in Disney, Universal, etc... pretty much everywhere.

The Boneyard forum I remember was that text based blue titles and replies in vertical format. At that time my employer disabled all graphical access thru the web browser. So I found a way to bypass it by using a text based browser called "lynx" and still managed to read the boneyard that year, although it wasn't as efficient.

Several years later I remember there was a feature "Bite Me Wednesdays".
Aug 24, 2011
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Great thread. Here are my contributions. I tried to come up with unique ones...
  • Gathering around at that restaurant after the first BYC, re-watching a tape of 77-74 with a bunch of the old time Yard. Probably one of my best Yard memories.
  • Essex Ed sitting on a par 3, watching the hole in one promotion while wearing a WW2 army helmet.
  • Dr Dos and his Bronze Filagree with Gold Oak Leaf Clusters. " ~ Sometimes in error, but never in doubt ~ "
  • The #1 Rule of Mojo - "If you think it effects the Mojo, it does." That just might be the smartest thing I've ever said.
  • My cat Mookie picking games against the spread at a higher % than Swami.
  • The sentencing of DogMania to only post in haiku form. PURE GENIUS. It made me giggle every single time he'd post.
  • Someone running up to CTO at the NCAA Tourney with a "Shoo Shoo Orange Flu" shirt on.
  • The Boneyard Football Tailgates at Memorial Stadium.
  • UConnHenry winning the bid to be the Boneyard Judge one year. That was a bigger failure than Shoo Shoo Orange Flu and Jason combined.


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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By the way, when I clicked on this thread, I thought it was going to be about infiltrating Shabazz Napier's sleeping mind and convincing him to return for his senior season (for his dad! or something like that).
Aug 24, 2011
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Oh wow....the Boneyard tailgates at the hockey rink parking lot on campus....good times. I remember leaving the house at 6:30 AM on a Saturday with my wife asking me, "tell me again why you have to leave so early for a football game?"...."Cause I'm bringing 2 unfolding tables dear!!!"... :)

I still remember tailgating in Sept 2001, just weeks after 9/11 and all of us wondering whether Rashad's parents would ever let him leave the state of FL to come up north & play in Storrs. Thank God they did.

And then there were the golf clubs we bought Tom for his b-day at one of the tailgates.
Dec 29, 2011
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Fishy one you missed is GOUCONN ...............and I miss his comedic rant every once in a while about everything from to womens basketball every month or so in the past!!
What happened to GOUCONN and Lark7?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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By the way, when I clicked on this thread, I thought it was going to be about infiltrating Shabazz Napier's sleeping mind and convincing him to return for his senior season (for his dad! or something like that).
Same. Or maybe our guards getting in the opposing players' heads.


Aug 14, 2011
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I remember the game in 2001. I believe it was deep who yelled to one of the opposing players, "Sparrowhawk ... Your mom just talked to the coach. You're going in!"

The dumb ass acknowledged the heckling. Big mistake. The rest of the game was brutal. I actually felt sorry for the poor bastard.

Oh wow....the Boneyard tailgates at the hockey rink parking lot on campus....good times. I remember leaving the house at 6:30 AM on a Saturday with my wife asking me, "tell me again why you have to leave so early for a football game?"...."Cause I'm bringing 2 unfolding tables dear!!!"... :)

I still remember tailgating in Sept 2001, just weeks after 9/11 and all of us wondering whether Rashad's parents would ever let him leave the state of FL to come up north & play in Storrs. Thank God they did.

And then there were the golf clubs we bought Tom for his b-day at one of the tailgates.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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In October of 1998 I was bored with the internet after 3 years and started looking for a place to talk Huskies I found McD's site through Husky Hardcores. His site had a link to something called The Boneyard. .

In retrospect, i think that is exactly the same way i eventually made it to the Boneyard and right about the same time. I really enjoyed McD's site and was very happy to find the Boneyard. Hard to believe that was 15 years ago. I was a dapper, skinny 30 year old back then.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I remember the game in 2001. I believe it was deep who yelled to one of the opposing players, "Sparrowhawk ... Your mom just talked to the coach. You're going in!"

The dumb ass aknowledged the heckling. Big mistake. The rest of the game was brutal. I actually felt sorry for the poor bastard.

That was USF. Mrs Deep and I started the heckling. We got him to look at us. Poor bastard. The USF fans to our right kinda laughed, too.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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LOL.....first time Dogmania and I actually met was at the Federal Cafe before a HCC game. I had emailed him earlier that it felt sorta strange, kinda like a first date. He wrote back, "when we meet, just a handshake will do, OK?"

One of my best buddies and I met the same way. Back in 2000 people were posting different sites they were getting together to watch one of our NCAA tourney games and I jokingly posted I would be hosting a watch party at Rookies Sports Bar in Incline Village, NV. Some fruit cake named UCONNAlumOutWest responded saying he would try and meet up with us and I remember feeling really weird about meeting up with some dude i met on the internet. Although he didn't make it that night we ended up staying in touch and finally hooked up in Arizona for the regionals in 2004. He's been like a brother ever since.


I know things.
Aug 24, 2011
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I've been lurking here for, I believe, 15 or 16 years, though I don't recall the exact year. I know I was here for Tropicana Field, but can't recall exactly how long prior to that. I may have posted once or twice over that span, but never became a regular contributor, sheerly out of fear/absence of self-esteem. This can be a tough crowd depending how you initially land. Regardless...I know someone can answer this question: When was The Boneyard officially launched? Exact date or thereabouts...
It began as the Husky Howl, a site that was part of the Courant. That was around 1997 or so. Through the efforts of several charter members (Fishy, Deepster, Tom, and others whose handles escape me) it morphed into the Boneyard by 1999. We inaugurated the annual Boneyard Classic golf tourney, which lasted about 8-10 years before running out of gas(and 'yarders willing/able to organize it).
Aug 26, 2011
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It began as the Husky Howl, a site that was part of the Courant. That was around 1997 or so. Through the efforts of several charter members (Fishy, Deepster, Tom, and others whose handles escape me) it morphed into the Boneyard by 1999. We inaugurated the annual Boneyard Classic golf tourney, which lasted about 8-10 years before running out of gas(and 'yarders willing/able to organize it).
The BYC was always something I was sad I missed. Joined too late (and was too young when I first joined). Plus, I am awful at golf. But it's those things and the history behind things that make this more of a community than just about anywhere else on the web.
Aug 26, 2011
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It began as the Husky Howl, a site that was part of the Courant. That was around 1997 or so. Through the efforts of several charter members (Fishy, Deepster, Tom, and others whose handles escape me) it morphed into the Boneyard by 1999. We inaugurated the annual Boneyard Classic golf tourney, which lasted about 8-10 years before running out of gas(and 'yarders willing/able to organize it).

The first one was at Stanley in New Britain when i first met you infamous "bunker"!!! oh the days.........then the cigars, Red Stripes, 5 iron off the tee.........needs to happen again!!
Aug 24, 2011
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If anyone is interested, I still have the word document with all the articles compiled from the 1999 title run. For those who are new to this place, it's like 80 pages of every article I could find for the UConn run in the NCAA tourney that year.

If there is enough interest, I could email it to someone where you could host it, then we'd click a link and download it.
Aug 26, 2011
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If anyone is interested, I still have the word document with all the articles compiled from the 1999 title run. For those who are new to this place, it's like 80 pages of every article I could find for the UConn run in the NCAA tourney that year.

If there is enough interest, I could email it to someone where you could host it, then we'd click a link and download it.
Ha! My dad got that back in 1999. He got it from a co-worker because back then we didn't have the internet (my mom was afraid of Y2K...). I read that compilation a bunch of times. It's still lying around mom's house somewhere...I had no idea it was from the Boneyard.


Twister Member
Aug 21, 2011
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The BYC was always something I was sad I missed. Joined too late (and was too young when I first joined). Plus, I am awful at golf. But it's those things and the history behind things that make this more of a community than just about anywhere else on the web.

1. Nobody is worse at golf than I am, with the possible exception of Henry. So, that whole "awful at golf" thing doesn't cut any mustard around here....

2. Next time around....we need someone who actually plays the stupid game to take the reins....there are semi-competent people who can and will provide support.

3. Absolutely no reason for it not to happen this year.... (It is a BIG DEAL to host such a renown event....I am surprised that Ray Allen doesn't have Willimantic CC soliciting to get it!)


Aug 24, 2011
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Prankster, didn't your team used to have DogFather and UConnHenry? All-time worst team ever if so. Which one killed the poor squirrel or what ever? Also, the teams coming up on 18 would sometimes be attacked with canon fire when lining up their final putts.
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