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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Playing off campus is the only negative variable against Uconn? Um, no, plenty more. Let's start with not being an AAU school - the rest has been beaten to death, not going to get into it. I've been as bummed about this as anyone, have done the couple weeks or so waiting for any positive tweet or morsel of info in Uconn favor to come through in trying to believe. Then Louisville was pulled into the ACC and I've stopped reaching and hoping. Now it feels like politics - trying to sift through the BS arguments to substantiate or dismiss. When you hit that point, one must simplify. It is what it is - hope for the best, but after reading enough from those with educated and unbiased 3rd party stances, it's fairly telling a Big Ten invite is not coming anytime soon. Uconn does not have a compelling resume right now(possible way down the line if the Big Ten doesn't max out and Uconn has it's act together) and there are a variety of better choices in the near term. The Big Ten can take who they want or sit put - they are the hot chick everyone wants to date. Rutgers was the anchor into NYC and Maryland was a strategic move to tip the ACC into combustion. That wasn't as much taking the best options, but setting wheels in motion with two schools that fit the profile all the while knocking over a domino that will allow them to go after the real targets.

I will say this - the one school that chaps me in all of this is BC. They feel like a stubborn ex wife who is ballbusting for the good of no one. If Uconn ever resides in the same conference, the scorn of which Uconn fans should have should make for one hell of a rivalry. If any BC fans actually show up for the game.

Trust me when I say this, UConn is not as far off from AAU as you might think. The biggest disparity between UConn and AAU schools (and non-AAU schools with a seat at the big conference table) is their endowment amount.
Sep 3, 2011
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You probably know a lot more on that point than me, but all I see there is Uconn ranked 122nd in research nationally behind a plethora of schools ranked higher and not AAU. I always thought this was one of the more important criteria. Anything you can offer clarity on there would be great.


Aug 24, 2011
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You probably know a lot more on that point than me, but all I see there is Uconn ranked 122nd in research nationally behind a plethora of schools ranked higher and not AAU. I always thought this was one of the more important criteria. Anything you can offer clarity on there would be great.

to simply put it, we will be aau in 2014 or 15. so cross that one off your list. lets get ot the others. we have a 9k arena on campus right? and then a 15k one in hartford central to the states population a half our down the highway from storrs? i don't think the b10 is going to say no to a top 10 bball program all time becuase of that. if schools like bc or duke are on there list then this point is a joke to begin with bball size wise.

whats next? stadium size? we can expand any minute now if our ad had vision. that shouldn't hold us back. jd says go to 60, we can but we just need a ad to pull the trigger.

whats next on that list of yours?


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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You probably know a lot more on that point than me, but all I see there is Uconn ranked 122nd in research nationally behind a plethora of schools ranked higher and not AAU. I always thought this was one of the more important criteria. Anything you can offer clarity on there would be great.

No problem man. The AAU uses a bunch of criteria to determine whether or not a school is "worthy" of an invitation (must be 3/4 member affirmative vote). Criteria used to evaluate university performance include, but are not limited to: research spending, doctoral degree and post-doctoral appointees. UConn measures very favorably in these criteria:

•#40 in the nation in awarded doctoral degrees - UConn is ranked higher than 26 of the 61 AAU members;

•#49 in the nation for doctoral student enrollment - UConn is ranked higher than 23 of the 61 AAU members;

•#77 in the nation for research expenditures - UConn is ranked higher than 10 of the 61 AAU members.

UConn is also in the midst of an unprecedented faculty hiring period that would bring almost 300 new faculty to UConn, and it has been noticed by some important folks:

"The university's hiring strategy runs counter to what is happening at many universities and
around the country", according to Gwendolyn Bradley, senior program officer for the American Association of University Professors. "We haven't heard of any other large-scale hiring plans for large
public universities​
or really anywhere," Bradley said. She noted that large public universities have been particularly hard-hit by the recession and tend to be cutting faculty rather than adding."
Aug 26, 2011
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As Herbst said, she wants to focus on research. That will take us over the top. As is, we are in the top 50 for public universities in research. But we really need to work on obtaining a lot more federal research money, need a much larger endowment and much more private support in research.



Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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After her hiring, UConn President Susan Herbst has dedicated most of her efforts to expanding the university's research profile. UConn has 7 NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduate programs. UConn is already classified as one of 108 RU/VH Research Universities (very high research university) in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Learning (this list includes public and private universities), but Herbst has continued her efforts. The university recently announced a collaborative effort with Jackson Laboratory with the state of Connecticut to construct a new facility that will allow for unprecedented genetic research to prevent, treat and cure human disease. The university also announced a $7.5 Million partnership with General Electric to focus on the energy industry. UConn will also begin construction on a new Technology Park soon.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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U.S. News ranked the University of Connecticut the 21st ranked public national university and 63rd ranked university (there is a 5-way tie for 58th ranked and UConn is ranked next) in 2013. The ranking places Connecticut ahead of Purdue, Rutgers, Minnesota, Michigan State, Iowa, and Indiana.

With rankings ahead of several B1G members already, the faculty hiring initiative and focus on research should solidify its academic standing within the B1G. An AAU invite is potentially not that far off and even without AAU, the academics stack up pretty favorably.

UConn needs to elevate its endowment (currently $329M). It's WELL short of many B1G schools, who are at or near $1B...which is a level that Herbst has publicly targeted as wanting to get to.
Sep 3, 2011
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Man, I'm not going to get the laundry list. From a high level:

- maybe we get AAU in 2014, fact remains we are not now. Nebraska received a pass on that, but let's not confuse what Nebraska brings to the table with what Uconn does with regards to football brand. We are not in the top 100 research universities.

- if the ACC opts for Ville when it's getting picked apart why does the Big 10 see value? Is Swofford not as smart as us posters? I know, FSU, BC, etc voted against us, but do your really think that if the Uconn resume was that strong, Swofford wouldn't find a way to compel? Do you really think those meetings are like an episode of the view where they squawk and moan for only selfish interests? I'm sure they are smart, reasonable men who understand the greater good.

- Football program. Uconn is a new program with little tradition, it does not play in a football hotbed of a state from either the recruiting standpoint or the fanaticism. It's a pro sports state. It plays in an undersized off campus facility with zero venue draw whatsoever. Why is Michigan doing their best to play elsewhere? Are Big Ten fans going to be psyched to come out to the Rent, expansion or not? Say what you want about Rutgers, but it's a football rabid state, has on campus facitlities, a strong recruiting base with a higher population, much higher overall enrollment/alumni base with closer access to NYC alumni to get out to.

- geography - big ten has made it's dip into the NYC market with what they hope is high risk, high reward Rutgers. There is no reason to double up there now. Just like the ACC has BC and no need for Uconn until they're desperate, neither does the Big 10 now. This illusion that Uconn helps them corner NYC is hogwash.

- more short term than long, but hoops on probation and they have a dingbat as FB HC. Football is clearly trending south. Those are not strong reasons why any conference would not take a Uconn today given this is more about future investment, but when you weigh it all out with Uconn sitting in pergatory and on a cusp, the current perception does not help.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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to simply put it, we will be aau in 2014 or 15. so cross that one off your list. lets get ot the others. we have a 9k arena on campus right? and then a 15k one in hartford central to the states population a half our down the highway from storrs? i don't think the b10 is going to say no to a top 10 bball program all time becuase of that. if schools like bc or duke are on there list then this point is a joke to begin with bball size wise.

whats next? stadium size? we can expand any minute now if our ad had vision. that shouldn't hold us back. jd says go to 60, we can but we just need a ad to pull the trigger.

whats next on that list of yours?

Gampel seats at least 10k. it used to seat 8400 until they put seats over the corners in 1996-1997.


Mar 30, 2012
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You probably know a lot more on that point than me, but all I see there is Uconn ranked 122nd in research nationally behind a plethora of schools ranked higher and not AAU. I always thought this was one of the more important criteria. Anything you can offer clarity on there would be great.

This is true only if you don't count the Farmington medical campus as part of UConn, and count only research conducted in Storrs. But 90% of federal research dollars go for biomedical research. Being #122 with the vast majority of the biomedical research excluded is actually a decent showing.

If you include the medical center, UConn is more like #60-70. That is marginal for the AAU but they are working on building research up further, and some B1G AAU members are lower ranked. We are moving up and it is only a matter of time before UConn joins the AAU. If the B1G wants us in their league and B1G schools support UConn's application, it could happen quickly. If there is no B1G support, it will still happen within 20 years.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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And it's worth adding on that the very first thing Herbst did, I think even before she officially took office, was to force out the head of the UCHC in Farmington. That guy had really damaged the environment there causing a lot of research faculty to leave. So if they can recruit new faculty and get the grants coming in again that should help the profile.
Dec 15, 2012
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This illusion that Uconn helps them corner NYC is hogwash.

A lot of things called hogwash have happened throughout history. Such as man riding a rocket to the moon, scientists developing invisibility cloaks, and Rutgers being invited to the B1G.


Mar 30, 2012
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I might add that UConn's AAU profile is currently very similar to Nebraska's, which just got kicked out of the AAU. Nebraska had the problem that the AAU refused to count their medical center in Omaha as part of the campus in Lincoln, dropping the Univ of Nebraska way down the research rankings. If they count Storrs separately from the medical center, then UConn's profile is not good. But taken together, the two are close to meeting all AAU standards. Storrs is 36 miles from Farmington, Lincoln 53 miles from Omaha. I think there will be a lot of politics involved in whatever decision is reached.
Sep 3, 2011
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A lot of things called hogwash have happened throughout history. Such as man riding a rocket to the moon, scientists developing invisibility cloaks, and Rutgers being invited to the B1G.

LOL - good point, although I think the likelihood of two hogwash moments coming together simultaneously is pretty unlikely. It would be like landing a man on the moon while landing a man on Mars in the same week.

The AAU info is definitely interesting, thanks. I do believe a must needed feather in the cap if there is going to be consideration by the Big Ten. Herbst seems to be a highly academic minded prez, so all should be comfortable that goal is being strived for with aggression. The question is simply timing/Big Ten plans and then how that factors into how it comes together with the Uconn FB perception. Does Big Ten go 20 deep? That would be a number well beyond what is the most oft talked about goal number of 16. If that large, what does scheduling look like? How much of their current strategy is to muscle ND into the league? I don't see Uconn getting into the Big Ten at 16 teams. I only see if they are willing to go 20 after they first break up the ACC further with a bang, bring in 1st line target schools, then see what ND does and monitor how Rutgers/NYC market plays out. Why move on Uconn any faster?

Let's put it this way, the next big news items that Uconn fans should look forward to in no particular order is the MD exit fee waived/reduced and an announcement of AAU membership. Maybe see Uconn FB sign on a coach with some buzz. It is not a Big Ten invite. Anything else would make zero sense.
Dec 15, 2012
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LOL - good point, although I think the likelihood of two hogwash moments coming together simultaneously is pretty unlikely. It would be like landing a man on the moon while landing a man on Mars in the same week.

Can't really disagree with that. Really all I'm trying to say is that either these conference commissioners/presidents are a bunch of big kids playing with really expensive toys and making silly decisions, or they're strategic geniuses who would whip me at Risk. Either way I don't think anything is off the table and I think UConn is a legitimate candidate. Will they get in anywhere, who knows, but they're a candidate. I only dislike the outright dismissals.
Aug 26, 2011
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I might add that UConn's AAU profile is currently very similar to Nebraska's, which just got kicked out of the AAU. Nebraska had the problem that the AAU refused to count their medical center in Omaha as part of the campus in Lincoln, dropping the Univ of Nebraska way down the research rankings. If they count Storrs separately from the medical center, then UConn's profile is not good. But taken together, the two are close to meeting all AAU standards. Storrs is 36 miles from Farmington, Lincoln 53 miles from Omaha. I think there will be a lot of politics involved in whatever decision is reached.

I believe Nebraska med school research doesn't count bc it is organized as a separate legal entity with a separate governing board. It is UN in name only. Uconn is part of the flagship, med school research would be counted in the total research picture, same as UM, OSU, etc.
Sep 3, 2011
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Definitely a candidate, but definitely B list at this point. They need some breaks to get where they want to get. They are not being courted.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I might add that UConn's AAU profile is currently very similar to Nebraska's, which just got kicked out of the AAU. Nebraska had the problem that the AAU refused to count their medical center in Omaha as part of the campus in Lincoln, dropping the Univ of Nebraska way down the research rankings. If they count Storrs separately from the medical center, then UConn's profile is not good. But taken together, the two are close to meeting all AAU standards. Storrs is 36 miles from Farmington, Lincoln 53 miles from Omaha. I think there will be a lot of politics involved in whatever decision is reached.

Research dollars are counted under each chancellor not university president. UConn has the same chancellor covering Storrs and the medical school in Farmington, so they would be credited with both campus' research.


Mar 30, 2012
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Research dollars are counted under each chancellor not university president. UConn has the same chancellor covering Storrs and the medical school in Farmington, so they would be credited with both campus' research.

That's good for us, but these kind of criteria are political in nature and there's no guarantee that the standards UConn will be held to will be the same as other applicants. Depending on whether existing AAU schools want us in the club, they can apply different standards or emphasize some standards more than others to get the outcome they want.

We're not so strong research-wise that the AAU has to have us to strengthen their lobbying function. So it will come down to whether the other schools like us and want us or not.


Mar 30, 2012
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it makes me wonder, for susan to be just lighting the science high ups on fire with adding heads to the school and the aau push and everything she must have some sense of support on the other end. right? why go all out if your not getting love from the aau members? i mean we can go all out for aau to help a b10 profile or just to help uconn be the best possible but would we be doing it so so quick and the massive push with science heads and all that? i have to think she has a good idea of a goal whether its a # or w/e metric she has something in mind and i think she has support of get there and your in type hint/ideas. susan was at duke and gtech before uconn right? she has major ties to other aau schools like nwest, the suny system and others i remember reading what ever they are. having aau connections from those previous jobs may have her leading uconn on the fast track aau wise and we just aren't aware of how fast.

That's what I believe. We shall see. ... The big question is if she's after the AAU membership just as a milestone accomplishment in itself or if it's also to help get us in the B1G. It would be great if she's been told, meet the standards to get in the AAU and we'll negotiate your entry to the B1G (maybe with improvements to stadium size, games in NYC, etc). No question these conversations have taken place and she knows UConn can join the AAU if it improves its profile.

As far as lighting up the science heads, I don't read anything into that. If you're going for being a major research university, go for it full-bore, don't be half-assed about it.


Aug 24, 2011
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That's what I believe. We shall see. ... The big question is if she's after the AAU membership just as a milestone accomplishment in itself or if it's also to help get us in the B1G. It would be great if she's been told, meet the standards to get in the AAU and we'll negotiate your entry to the B1G (maybe with improvements to stadium size, games in NYC, etc). No question these conversations have taken place and she knows UConn can join the AAU if it improves its profile.

As far as lighting up the science heads, I don't read anything into that. If you're going for being a major research university, go for it full-bore, don't be half-assed about it.

yup 2 things that just hit me. i went to her wiki and she has a lot of schools/systems in her past connections and many are aau. her idea of hiring so many research ppl so quickly i think is big news in that community from what some have told us on here. i think iots a serious thing and something that doesn't happen especially in these times economy wise. maybe its a calculated risk on her part. she could spend millions expanding the stadium or going for aau. maybe she looked at the 2 and said we can always expand the stadium based off the invite so the aau is the way to go type deal. i would love to know lol...

but looking at the wiki it says she was bron in nyc. if she lived up here for any amount of time we need to pump that. figure out a nice way to do it and get on it...is that going to win us a recruit? no, what its going to win us is the support of teachers and high ups in nyc. just think of the uconn and nyc schools initative u can make up and start pumping to improve classes for kids. use kemba hs at example #1 and just crush it. ideas....for days....


Mar 30, 2012
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she was bron in nyc. if she lived up here for any amount of time we need to pump that. figure out a nice way to do it and get on it...is that going to win us a recruit? no, what its going to win us is the support of teachers and high ups in nyc. just think of the uconn and nyc schools initative u can make up and start pumping to improve classes for kids. use kemba hs at example #1 and just crush it. ideas....for days....

Good idea. We could even have some kind of regional initiative where there's some intermediate tuition between in-state and out-of-state for "regional" applicants, ie NY and NE. Or maybe enhanced financial aid, or endowed scholarships. (E.g., whenever an athlete wins a national championship in bball or football, we endow a scholarship to UConn for the top-ranking academic applicant from his high school. The "Kemba Walker Memorial Scholarship" for someone from Kemba's high school.) Try to be the flagship university of NY and NE, and let people in those areas know that UConn is trying to serve them. It could help build a larger market and cultivate fans.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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That's good for us, but these kind of criteria are political in nature and there's no guarantee that the standards UConn will be held to will be the same as other applicants. Depending on whether existing AAU schools want us in the club, they can apply different standards or emphasize some standards more than others to get the outcome they want.

We're not so strong research-wise that the AAU has to have us to strengthen their lobbying function. So it will come down to whether the other schools like us and want us or not.

You're absolutely right. Membership is by invite only, just like CR. My feeling is that if UConn is invited (and accepted) to the AAU, it will be a good sign for UConn's CR positioning. Some of the same back channel discussions that would take place behind many closed doors to discuss UConn's value for the AAU might also lead to discussing UConn's value in CR.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Good idea. We could even have some kind of regional initiative where there's some intermediate tuition between in-state and out-of-state for "regional" applicants, ie NY and NE. Or maybe enhanced financial aid, or endowed scholarships. (E.g., whenever an athlete wins a national championship in bball or football, we endow a scholarship to UConn for the top-ranking academic applicant from his high school. The "Kemba Walker Memorial Scholarship" for someone from Kemba's high school.) Try to be the flagship university of NY and NE, and let people in those areas know that UConn is trying to serve them. It could help build a larger market and cultivate fans.

I absolutely love this idea. I've seen it in another thread somewhere (might have been you, I can't remember) and think the idea of reduced tuition for New England/NY residents is a great idea. It would not only increase the number of applicants (and quality of applicants by default), but it would also demonstrate UConn's flagship footprint in the northeast.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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fwiw @pj and @dooley the reason i brought up keba among others is that he went to a great hs which is now closed in nyc i believe so that should be a starting point for uconns initative to help build nyc classrooms type stuff...think the hs was rice or something tech.

It's a good idea HFD. You're right, Kemba went to Rice and according to their Wiki page, it closed in 2011. It would be an excellent opportunity to increase our profile within NYC.
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