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OT: Are you older than dirt?

Bald Husky

four score
Jan 17, 2021
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Not sure how many of you grow up in Connecticut, but I watched the Ranger Andy show, followed by The Big 3 Theater.
I actually was on the Ranger Andy show. Had to listen to "The Song That Never Ends" lol. How about Connecticut Bandstand?
Aug 26, 2011
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My dad didn't like that noise we called music so I never was able to watch Connecticut Bandstand.
Nov 23, 2015
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I also remember the "milk man" coming a couple times per week. We had a wire crate of sorts outside the door, he put the new milk bottles in it.

Our wonderful local doctor made house calls. I have a strong memory of seeing him - walking - coming up our road one day when I was sick.

Black Jack chewing gum was very different, but in a good way.

I just about destroyed my teeth with the flat bubble gum that came with a pack of baseball cards, but oh how I loved it all- as a 10 year old, how cool was it to get your favorite ball players with a big hit of bubble gum? Cool baby. :)


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Fire Balls, Hula Hoops, S & H Green Stamps, Fort Wayne Pistons and Syracuse Nationals, Salk (polio) vaccine in little paper cups.
You forgot the Rochester Royals
Mar 6, 2017
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I just about destroyed my teeth with the flat bubble gum that came with a pack of baseball cards, but oh how I loved it all- as a 10 year old, how cool was it to get your favorite ball players with a big hit of bubble gum? Cool baby. :)
And using clothes pins to attach baseball and football cards to the spokes of our bikes to "mimic" a motorcycle


Aug 27, 2011
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I also remember the "milk man" coming a couple times per week. We had a wire crate of sorts outside the door, he put the new milk bottles in it.

Our wonderful local doctor made house calls. I have a strong memory of seeing him - walking - coming up our road one day when I was sick.

Black Jack chewing gum was very different, but in a good way.

I just about destroyed my teeth with the flat bubble gum that came with a pack of baseball cards, but oh how I loved it all- as a 10 year old, how cool was it to get your favorite ball players with a big hit of bubble gum? Cool baby. :)
I swear I had > 50 Johnny Logan’s
Feb 2, 2022
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Well, this is startling…

View attachment 101134
1. Never liked it, but how about Smith Brothers Cough Drops? (Licorice was my favorite.) They and Samuel F. B. Morse put Poughkeepsie NY on the map. The two bearded brothers (William and Andrew) had their likenesses on the package, right next to the words Trade and Mark (it was one of the earliest trade marks granted by the Federal government), and a lot of consumers thought their names were Trade Smith and Mark Smith.

2. Never liked them.

3. Never had a crew cut.

4. Closest I ever came to smoking.

5. For a nickel!

6. My wife was once in the Peanut Gallery.

7, Oh yeah.

8. I can still hear the clinking sound outside the kitchen door.

9. We had one (3335-W). Our shared party was 3335-R. And this was back when you picked up the phone and the operator would say "Number Please."

10. Movietone news. And a funny picture, too. (My favorite was Popeye.)

11. How about 78s?

12. Not as popular as Connies, but we wore PFs. (Stood for "Posture Foundation.")

13. Much better than paper lunch bags.

14. The scene of my first . . . well, forget that.

15. In NYC the famous ones were MUrray Hill and BIgelow. In my little home town, it was JOhn (real creative, huh?)

16. We got TV late; I was still listening to radio every night.

17. Those classic, gleaming soda fountain fixtures all over the country were made by the Bastian Blessing Company in Chicago. I was a soda jerk for a while at the coffee shop at Grossinger's.

18. Never much for skating (which, of course, were the 4-wheel kind).

19. Yup. This was back when we had to lick postage stamps, too.

20. "Blue dots for sure shots."

Holy crap, I guess I AM a dirt nerd.
Feb 2, 2022
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How many of you have ever ridden in a rumble seat or stood on a running board?

I must admit I do not remember Black Jack gum. But then I did not pay any attention to the brand except to the double bubble kids commercial. How about the small coke bottles you bought out of the machine for 5 cents. Or how many of you ever had a Winky Dink set? I did not care for Howdy Doody. He looked too weird ( kind of the Chucky of his era ) and Clarabell and Mr Bluster were just too bazear for my taste. The same went for Pinky Lee who was just plum crazy.

Who ever remembers talking through cans connected by string?
The first car I remember was my Dad's Terraplane, made by Hudson. It was black, bought in the late '30s. My brothers used to ride on the running boards. (Forget about seat belts, which wouldn't come around for another 20 years, and were lap only and not mandatory.) When the war broke out, you couldn't get a new car, so that was our family car until Dad bought his first automatic transmission car -- a 1947 two-tone Oldsmobile with "hydramatic drive." That Terraplane was so old that near the end, the horn would honk every time we made a left turn!
Feb 2, 2022
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I remember when the flag had 48 stars, and when the 49th and 50th stars were added.
The 49-star is the rarest, because it was only in existence for one year. Both Alaska and Hawaii were admitted in 1959, but Alaska came in before July 4th, and Hawaii after. Hence, the 49-star flag for the rest of 1959, and 50 stars a year later.
Mar 16, 2018
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Brooklyn Dodgers / Ebbets Field
Five Elsie ice cream wrappers and a quarter got you into the ballpark
Mar 4, 2014
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They should bring back candy cigarettes. Better than the real thing.

Remember pulling open the old pull tops to soda cans. You could separate them and then used the curled top to fling the ring. Every once in a while you'd screw up opening the top, the ring would separate, and then you nearly cut your fingers trying to push in the pull tab. Good times.

May 30, 2020
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17 of 20; That is why I tell my students that "I was born around the time dirt was discovered in Iowa." when they ask me about my age...
May 30, 2020
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I didn't know butch wax... Was that for those pompador hair styles or was that what the surfers used to put on their boards? I wasn't into either.
No, it was to make the "butch" hair cut stand straight up on the top of your head.

Probably why my brother and I never cut our hair after the wrestling State Tournament until the first wrestling weighin the next Fall so we did not need the butch wax...


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Fascinating thread, and thanks @The CDR-Ret I didn't know what butch wax was either. But I had a "butch cut" every summer, normal hair the rest of the time.

I remember about 11 of them, but admit I know about almost all of them. Someone mentioned the NY exchange Murray Hill - for some obscure reason my phone number growing up was "Murray" (no Hill that I remember) in my NJ hometown. Abbreviated MU, and later "68". Party line when I was young.

A couple don't go back all that far, for example juke boxes in diners and at the tables. You could be under 50 and lived that.

Bald Husky

four score
Jan 17, 2021
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The worst thing I ever tasted. Fletchers Castoria. I think that's right, for pooping. How about going in for surgery and had to endure the Ether to put you out. I'm sure the spelling is wrong, so I hope you know what I am talking about.

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