Yes.. She did. I wonder if she stays in the southeast and if she drops down a level in terms of schools. She would look good in the purple and white. (high point)
High Point is 43 miles away from the very distinctive Pilot Mountain, home of Ms. Sutphin. Fam could certainly come down and see her.
Wake Forest is almost exactly half that distance -- 21+ miles -- from Pilot Mountain. If she wants to take one more crack at the ACC, the conference just passed the immediate eligibility rule. Plus, Ms. Raca is (finally) graduating, so there's a need for a big. Wonder if Jen Hoover and WF bigs coach Melissa D'Amico will take a drive up Rte. 52 to see Ms. Sutphin.
(I remember all this Pilot Mountain stuff with Ms. Sutphin because just about the time I first read about her, I was driving down to see my son at Wake Forest University and would drive by said Mountain.)
Hmm...switchng from Memphis to Winston Salem, I have to check my notes for my son's favorite BBQ places! ?