You know we forget who he was surrounded by; Hobbs and Miller specifically. Those two probably had as much input in winning it all as Ollie. They may not have been great head coaches but their resumes will say they are great assistants. Oh and early on during our runs did 'he' really 'outcoach' Izzo, Huggy, Cal and the other great coaches, or did 'they' (he with Hobbs and Miller)? Also add 'Coach' Bazz and they had a winning formula.
Those 3 are long gone and it appears Ollie is struggling on his own, and he is still a 'new' or fresh Coach surrounded by who?
Just saying Ollie is in over his head, with the level of competition and certainly the level of opponent coaches he is up against. Ricky, Kevin and crew are out of their league and Chillious and Killings are first year assistants here, ponder that.
Even Calhoun owes a lot of his success to Blaney and his crew. We may only see JC and his HOF title but he could not have done it on his own. He had excellent assistants many who went on to venture into HC positions themselves (credit JC). I see no one on the bench capable of being a HC, or HC in training. There is nothing to learn on that bench from a first time Coach. Anyway before we can recruit we need wins and success. Success breeds attraction. We need to get that one recruit like a Chris Smith who can turn us around, but even Smitty came in as the missing or needed piece. Unfortunately right now we need so many 'pieces' and sadly no one here can tell what the completed picture is supposed to look like under Ollie.