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The Summitt...

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Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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That's about it. The link to the video was in a copyrighted article, but the video wasn't password or otherwise protected. So anyone anywhere who knew the link, which DD had posted here, could watch the video. As a result of this incident, Maria found a more secure host for the videos intended only for her premium subscribers.

For our part, we exercise care about copyrighted materials. Links to such materials posted on the internet are OK, as are brief quotations with acknowledgement. Wholesale reproduction of large parts, or all, of a copyrighted piece are not OK. We post reminders of these rules from time to time.

In this case, there was a specific precedent raising the issue. DD had posted a large excerpt from an article on the Lady Vols. I inquired where it came from, and he said from the Tennessee premium site. I took the article down. Writers are entitled to be paid for premium content, and they can't allow it to be disseminated for free by their subscribers to non-subscribers.

When this linked video episode came along, however, we had no reason to take any particular note of it. It was just a link to YouTube. For her part, Maria viewed it as a repeat offense by DD and reacted strongly both on her board and by filing an FBI complaint. She withdrew the complaint shortly thereafter, which is why, DD, you never heard anything.

We had some discussions with her at the time as to how we could communicate better if a problem arose on one of the boards.

For the record, and I hate to put even a slight damper on the Boneyard hilarity in this matter, the involvement of the FBI with intellectual property theft is not preposterous, although such involvement in a case like this would be in that realm.

Copyright infringements are generally dealt with in civil lawsuits. Here's a discussion by the Copyright Office, which is probably more than most people want to know. The relevant point in that discussion is that there are two units of the FBI that do investigate intellectual property crimes.

While one can call the local FBI office and be routed, there is also an Internet Crime Complaint Center which allows one to file a complaint online. I believe this is what Maria did.

Complaints filed in this manner are mainly aimed at triggering investigations of consumer fraud. A criminal infringement matter involving the FBI would likely involve product patent or trademark infringement, especially international, to the potential detriment of consumers.

As far as videos, the FBI has been involved with large-scale movie piracy.

One supposes a complaint involving video of a Lady Vols press conference, allegedly "pirated" by pointing to its location on the public YouTube, would be something less than a top priority for the Bureau. So for those inclined to giggle at the idea of FBI involvement in this case, to that extent they can feel free.

I totally agree that piracey of private content is something that the FBI needs to be involved with. I just want to make sure that everyone understands that:

1. I posted a link to a free site (youtube) and the content was not secured in any way.
2. Yes, I posted a piece of a premium article. And the board had no issues that is did that until Maria contacted JS, I believe and complained about it. While it might have been too much of the article, I believe Maria was upset because I used what she wrote to show how much of a shill she was/is for Tennessee. She wrote a scathing article on the referees in one particular game.
3. Maria went on and on about how I am a "serial copywrite infringer" based on the cut and paste from one article, and then the link to the video.
4. I have been posting on this board and it's reincarnations over time for 14 years. I understand posting articles and not the link is wrong. And I certainly understand premium content.

I just hate how I was made out to be the bad guy on this. I did NOTHING wrong and while she withdrew her FBI complaint, they would have laughed her out of the office based on the fact that the video was posted on a public site with no security.

They can have their own private little world with their fake threads about recruiting, their insults to Geno, UConn, me, Tony, and whoever else they deem inferior to their holier than thou program. It won't change the fact that they are petty, insecure, paranoid and overall moronic.

Maybe another 9-10 loss season will bring them some humility, but I doubt it.


Aug 15, 2011
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2. Yes, I posted a piece of a premium article. And the board had no issues that [ I] did that until Maria contacted JS, I believe and complained about it.
No, she didn't complain about that first instance. I took it down on my own. Although it lacked attribution (which is why I had to ask where it came from) and was longish, aside from those copyright issues I want to be clear that I just don't think people should quote from premium content on a free board at all.

One can't supply a link, and I'd rather not get into judgements about how long the quote is or whether it's adequately credited. I admire those who write for a living and prefer to leave it to them how they want to draw attention to what they wrote and seek compensation for it, right down to the last phrase.

Other than that, I have no quarrel with anything you said. And that, provided your final comments are confined to the group we'll call the "Bestiarius 20," is as inclusive as it sounds.
Aug 27, 2011
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And that, provided your final comments are confined to the group we'll call the "Bestiarius 20," is as inclusive as it sounds.



Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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No, she didn't complain about that first instance. I took it down on my own. Although it lacked attribution (which is why I had to ask where it came from) and was longish, aside from those copyright issues I want to be clear that I just don't think people should quote from premium content on a free board at all.

Thanks for clarifying, JS.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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Many times I’ve seen a Vol fan poster say something nice about an opposing school only to be verbally abused and branded a troll or worse

Or That usually means being accused of a UConn fan, or worse, a boneyarder.
Apr 7, 2012
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I can hear the conversation at the FBI office, now...

"intellectual property theft ?"

"From the sumitt"?

"That's like stealing fashion ideas from the "people of Wal Mart""...


Mad Man
Aug 28, 2011
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I feel cheated and left out. As an occasional Boneyard poster without the depth of basketball knowledge demonstrated by others in here, I have not been noticed by the Summitt. (Although I have had most of the few posts I tried making on the Summitt removed.) As a result, I don't have a cruel nickname. There isn't a single disparaging remark about my intellect of assumed background -- even my mother remains unscathed. I am beginning a campaign to change that. And I am starting it now:
"Tyler's mother wears army boots."
"'Thompson Boling' is Latin for Insane Asylum."
"Orange is the white flag of defense."
"Who knew 'volunteer' was a strategy for leaving the NCAAs early?"


Aug 15, 2011
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"intellectual property theft ?"

"From the sumitt"?
There are plenty of thefts that leave a room empty.

Thefts from a room that's already empty are more of a challenge.


Misabe Mukwa
Aug 26, 2011
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I feel cheated and left out. As an occasional Boneyard poster without the depth of basketball knowledge demonstrated by others in here, I have not been noticed by the Summitt. (Although I have had most of the few posts I tried making on the Summitt removed.) As a result, I don't have a cruel nickname. There isn't a single disparaging remark about my intellect of assumed background -- even my mother remains unscathed. I am beginning a campaign to change that. And I am starting it now:
"Tyler's mother wears army boots."
"'Thompson Boling' is Latin for Insane Asylum."
"Orange is the white flag of defense."
"Who knew 'volunteer' was a strategy for leaving the NCAAs early?"

I have always refrained from visiting or contributing to the Summitt for fear that my ego might be bruised by the lack of being insulted.


Stats Geek
Aug 25, 2011
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Speaking of copyright, I do try to respect copyright, (even though some of the rules are insane).

It's hilarious that the Summitt had their knickers in a twist over a copyright issue. A few years ago a poster, I think it was a mod, posted something that looked like it was stolen from elsewhere.

I questioned it, and the poster ripped me a new one, explaining loudly that she has arranged for permission to reprint the material, and I was a blankety blank blank for even daring to question her ethics. I wrote to the author, who told me no such permission had been given, or even requested. In other words, she was simply lying through her teeth, and betting I wouldn't check.

I've said before, and I'll say it again. Not everyone who posts at the Summitt is lying piece of scum, and the entire community should not be tainted with the bad behavior of some.


Aug 15, 2011
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Not everyone who posts at the Summitt is [a] lying piece of scum
Daring statement of the month. And one that can readily be proved. All I have
to do is name you a Summitteer who isn't a lying piece of scum.

For example, there's . . . wait a minute. Not him.

I'm thinking. Hold on . . . Aha. You know who isn't a lying piece of scum? It's --

oops, there was that time . . . Hmm . . .

I've got it! The one who isn't a lying piece of scum is . . .

Drat. He really is. Hold on . . .

Umm . . . well, that one's a blatant liar, but piece of scum? Huh. No more than
the surface of your average stagnant pond in August . . .

Hmm. Maybe her. Scummy as can be, but did she ever outright lie?

Well , yeah, there was the bit about Geno and the paper bag full of cash,
but otherwise . . . oh cripes, there was also the Diana driving a taxi
while on hard drugs, but . . .

OK Phil. I'll take your proposition on faith for now. May have more support
for you after giving it a little more thought.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I totally agree that piracey of private content is something that the FBI needs to be involved with. I just want to make sure that everyone understands that:

1. I posted a link to a free site (youtube) and the content was not secured in any way.
2. Yes, I posted a piece of a premium article. And the board had no issues that is did that until Maria contacted JS, I believe and complained about it. While it might have been too much of the article, I believe Maria was upset because I used what she wrote to show how much of a shill she was/is for Tennessee. She wrote a scathing article on the referees in one particular game.
3. Maria went on and on about how I am a "serial copywrite infringer" based on the cut and paste from one article, and then the link to the video.
4. I have been posting on this board and it's reincarnations over time for 14 years. I understand posting articles and not the link is wrong. And I certainly understand premium content.

I just hate how I was made out to be the bad guy on this. I did NOTHING wrong and while she withdrew her FBI complaint, they would have laughed her out of the office based on the fact that the video was posted on a public site with no security.

They can have their own private little world with their fake threads about recruiting, their insults to Geno, UConn, me, Tony, and whoever else they deem inferior to their holier than thou program. It won't change the fact that they are petty, insecure, paranoid and overall moronic.

Maybe another 9-10 loss season will bring them some humility, but I doubt it.

#2 referred to the refs at Maples in Dec. game- after we beat them by 17 pts and Nneka hung 42 on them too. Even though both teams were called for 16 fouls and Stranford outplayed them, it HAD to be the refs. Their crying about refs is so ridiculous given they benefited from homer refs at TBA and NCAAs for many years vs. Stanford. They set the tone to play maul ball, so we did vs being soft. Cry me a river.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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If you had your druthers, would you prefer that Stanford's fan board be open to everyone or a premium site like it is now? Periodically I've been a member over the years, and find the existing Stanford board limited in the number of posters and opinions which I find a drawback to continuing a subscription.
Aug 27, 2011
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If you had your druthers, would you prefer that Stanford's fan board be open to everyone or a premium site like it is now? Periodically I've been a member over the years, and find the existing Stanford board limited in the number of posters and opinions which I find a drawback to continuing a subscription.

I'd prefer it to be open, but understand the economic realities of having to charge. Free or paid, our board is a small number of posters and there is not much activity compared to other boards. The Bootleg is more civil now, sans one fan, but kind of boring too. I enjoy reading the Cardboard, which is free. I don't pay in the summer as i like to take a break from bball.
Nov 20, 2011
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Speaking of copyright, I do try to respect copyright, (even though some of the rules are insane).

Not everyone who posts at the Summitt is lying piece of scum,....
See, they've only been gone for a couple of days and already we're starting to see positive comments about the Summitt on this board.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Daring statement of the month. And one that can readily be proved. All I have
to do is name you a Summitteer who isn't a lying piece of scum.

For example, there's . . . wait a minute. Not him.

I'm thinking. Hold on . . . Aha. You know who isn't a lying piece of scum? It's --

oops, there was that time . . . Hmm . . .

I've got it! The one who isn't a lying piece of scum is . . .

Drat. He really is. Hold on . . .

Umm . . . well, that one's a blatant liar, but piece of scum? Huh. No more than
the surface of your average stagnant pond in August . . .

Hmm. Maybe her. Scummy as can be, but did she ever outright lie?

Well , yeah, there was the bit about Geno and the paper bag full of cash,
but otherwise . . . oh cripes, there was also the Diana driving a taxi
while on hard drugs, but . . .

OK Phil. I'll take your proposition on faith for now. May have more support
for you after giving it a little more thought. really are a . ;)


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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Pied Piper Cornelius realizes her dream. She can spew her hate and paranoia and accusations without challenge because there will be nothing but lemmings reading them. All the while getting paid for it. I wonder if she will still have to beg for "travel funds."

Christ, I hope she doesn't report me to the FBI for this.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Looks like some Louisville fans have learned well from LV fans. Where else would they find garbage like that?
Nah, you can't learn to be an idiot - people are usually born that way. I guess they could be more susceptible to dumb stuff that's repeated ad nauseum, though. Scary to think these people can vote.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Pied Piper Cornelius realizes her dream. She can spew her hate and paranoia and accusations without challenge because there will be nothing but lemmings reading them. All the while getting paid for it. I wonder if she will still have to beg for "travel funds."

Christ, I hope she doesn't report me to the FBI for this.
You can count on Boneyarders to appear as character witnesses for you. Or not, if you think that would help more. :)


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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That thread onthe Louisville board is so sad. Paying for Maya Moore? What a nasty thing to say about a terrific player and person.

Geno is a big boy and can handle it, but Moore doesn't deserve these kind of accusations.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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So the Maya/UConn story has morphed from UConn buying her mother a house (until discovered she rented) to giving her a job (until discovered she owned a business) to violating NCAA rules by allowing her to sign a license agreement and produce merchandise with the UConn logo (even though the NCAA has ruled that's not a violation) to giving her preferential treatment by allowing her to sell the licensed merchandise through the UConn Coop (even though the license agreement requires that all UConn merchandise be sold through approved retailers such as the Coop) to the Louisville Board's contribution to the story which is that Geno just gave Maya a bag of cash. These Louisville fans sure give the LV fans a run for their money on the idiocy meter. They're like children playing a game of telephone.

And they are just now bringing up the three-year-old story about Geno, Angel and the NC ring. Angel loved the joke and has always had great things to say about Geno. She loves him. Unbelievable.


Good Guy for a Dookie
Aug 29, 2011
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So the Maya/UConn story has morphed from UConn buying her mother a house (until discovered she rented) to giving her a job (until discovered she owned a business) to violating NCAA rules by allowing her to sign a license agreement and produce merchandise with the UConn logo (even though the NCAA has ruled that's not a violation) to giving her preferential treatment by allowing her to sell the licensed merchandise through the UConn Coop (even though the license agreement requires that all UConn merchandise be sold through approved retailers such as the Coop) to the Louisville Board's contribution to the story which is that Geno just gave Maya a bag of cash. These Louisville fans sure give the LV fans a run for their money on the idiocy meter. They're like children playing a game of telephone.

And they are just now bringing up the three-year-old story about Geno, Angel and the NC ring. Angel loved the joke and has always had great things to say about Geno. She loves him. Unbelievable.

There should be a meditation to settle this. Maybe over lunch at Wendy's with Bird and Taurasi...or are they in Russia?

Sorry, could not resist. :)
Aug 27, 2011
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I read the Louisville posts and it was 2 posters. They probably get their "truth" from the checkerboard because they say they heard the dirt. It's funny because those same Tenn fans are accusing Walsh of cheating, or of highly unethical behavior with the billboard in Oregon, supposedly meant for Russell. Wonder how that plays down in bluegrass land.
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