Ramona Shelburne weighs into Parker-Auriemma | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Ramona Shelburne weighs into Parker-Auriemma


Aug 24, 2011
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Parker showed zero grit or drive or determination in that game and it didn't matter whom she was supposed to guard. Geno pulled her after a particular possession in the 3rd quarter where it was clear she wanted no part of the aggressive and physical and determined Opals. That was that. She played great in the Gold Medal game against the finesse French team but everyone knew the real Gold Medal game was against the Opals. That said, that's not why she wasn't in Rio although I suspect USA BB remembered her poor effort in the face of adversity and knew they could win against Australia without her.

Parker likely would have been in Rio had she chosen to play in the 2014 World Championships in Istanbul but she chose to miss her second consecutive World Championship. She did this knowing that USA Basketball does not look favorably upon players bypassing the World Championships for the more glamorous Olympics. Everyone wants to be an Olympian, right? There's no gold medal quite like an Olympic gold medal. There are several core players who have never missed a World Championship tournament for USA Basketball or have done so only when a serious injury prevents them from playing. USA Basketball notices and cares a lot about that.

Back to Parker. She missed the 2010 World Championships in the Czech Republic because of shoulder surgery. She had chronic shoulder issues dating back to college and after re-injuring during the WNBA season she opted to shut down the season and have surgery. There was a story that summer that she had planned to have the shoulder surgery right after the WNBA season (and maybe still miss the world championships?) but she had the surgery mid-summer and that was that. She made the London Olympic team.

The next international tournament was the 2014 World Championships in Istanbul. After playing the entire WNBA season and the playoffs without evidence of injury, Parker announced that she would not be able to play for USA Basketball in Istanbul because of some minor, undisclosed knee surgery. She wished her teammates well on twitter, though. USA Basketball was not pleased nor were some of her teammates, the ones who show up and play in the world championships even though they'd probably like to take time off to have some minor surgeries or rest before overseas commitments begin. Whatever the surgery, Parker was ready to go when her overseas schedule began early November, 2014. There was to be no interfering with her Euroleague schedule.

Then comes Rio and USA BB was faced with having to look certain veteran players in the eyes and tell them it's okay to pass on the world championships and then waltz on in and make the Olympic team. USA BB chose instead to say that's not okay. Message sent. No preferential treatment, no player is more special than another.

I don't doubt for a minute that Geno didn't want her on the team in Rio. I don't think he enjoyed coaching her in London, particularly after she was removed from the starting lineup. It didn't matter as she did not have the support of the majority of the committee and that was largely because she backed out of the 2014 world championships and the complaints about that from some of the veteran players.

It's 2017 and USA BB extends an invitation to Parker to participate in camp leading up to the 2018 World Championship team. She was given the opportunity to show that playing for USA BB is an earned privilege and not an entitlement given to a WNBA MVP or All-Star. She declined.

I can not believe there are reporters still writing about Parker not making her third Olympic team. I also can not believe we're still seeing words like "tragic" or "injustice" ascribed to this situation. Sorry, tragic is how you describe what just happened in Vegas or Puerto Rico or other such places or events. A millionaire being denied her 3rd gold medal is not an injustice. There are more important things going on in the world than #ParkersLifeMatters.
Where's the hand clapping emoticon when I need it?!! I especially liked how you laid out her lack of commitment to Team USA and the comments "USA Basketball was not pleased nor were some of her teammates, the ones who show up and play in the world championships even though they'd probably like to take time off to have some minor surgeries or rest before overseas commitments begin." and "she did not have the support of the majority of the committee and that was largely because she backed out of the 2014 world championships and the complaints about that from some of the veteran players." Some find it hard to believe that her falling out with USA basketball was self inflicted, and it's easy to blame Geno instead of the person who actually had control over her destiny...
Mar 13, 2013
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Where's the hand clapping emoticon when I need it?!!
Yes, great post UConnCat. I find it interesting that Candace didn't mention the commitment issue. I'm assuming Shelburne didn't do the research and therefore wasn't aware of it. Or even worse -- she was aware but chose not to mention it.
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Mar 11, 2017
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Griner wasn’t on the team, and Sylvia wasn’t 100% healthy. Other than Fowles, Candace was the tallest player on the team. Tina, at 6’3”, and Asjha, at 6’2”, also guarded Cambage, who is 6’8”. Candace is a superlative player, but she’s a finesse player. Against the bulky Aussies (not just Cambage), more strength and willingness to bang are required.

Which is funny because the former Australian coach made his roster decision to go with finesse players who could keep up with Parker (his quote/thinking, not mine lol). :D So Cambage was their only bulk, physical player in Rio.


Good Guy for a Dookie
Aug 29, 2011
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Understand..... It is good... I withdraw my statement if it was interpreted as fact

I also went back and did the research. 2o06 was the only year there were two former Duke players in the team...it was WC, not the Olympics. And one of the two in 2006 was All-NBA (Elton Brand). Carlos Boozer was All-NBA when he was selected to the 2008 Olympics. Kyrie Irving was All-NBA when he was selected for the 2014 WC (where he won MVP) and the 2016 Olympics. Mason Plumlee was not an All-NBA selection when he was picked, but all of the Olympians chose not to play in that year's WC, so the team was comprised of the next-tier players and younger ones at that.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I also went back and did the research. 2o06 was the only year there were two former Duke players in the team...it was WC, not the Olympics. And one of the two in 2006 was All-NBA (Elton Brand). Carlos Boozer was All-NBA when he was selected to the 2008 Olympics. Kyrie Irving was All-NBA when he was selected for the 2014 WC (where he won MVP) and the 2016 Olympics. Mason Plumlee was not an All-NBA selection when he was picked, but all of the Olympians chose not to play in that year's WC, so the team was comprised of the next-tier players and younger ones at that.
You get extra credit for doing the research but the original post was talking exclusively about the "Olympics" as mentioned three different times in the post.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Hard to say unless other players or coaches are willing to be quoted and their number and identity are such as to make their comments credible.

Which is not the case. But then, players almost never allow themselves to be quoted publicly, in a negative vein and by name, about other players.

It is the case that the "selfish" accusations, as supposedly made by other players, have been swirling around Ms. Parker for a long time. Here's a randomly selected example.

Caveat: No idea as to credibility. But it has persistently been out there in email Scoop Groups and social media.

I heard it specifically in the former context (sources with pretty good track record) at the time of the selection.

My point is not truth or falsehood. Maybe spreading this stuff is the work of Russian trolls. Maybe, on the other hand, where there's smoke . . .

My point was to answer DC's (typically tweaking of UConn fans) comparison of CP's on-court demeanor with that of DT.

Works the refs a lot, perhaps excessively, yes. Selfish, no.

I used the word "credibly," upon which you focus, Coco, just because I can't swear that no one's ever called DT selfish on the court.

But again, there's just no such narrative about her, and rightly so.
So how can you conclude positively and definitively about DT that she has never been reported to be a bad teammate and then conclude the opposite about Candace when teammates are not willing to go on the record publically? My limited experience with these scoops is that there is dirt in all. Did you scoop for DT?


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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It still amazes me that the outcry is still out there.... that Parker got shafted and a tremendous injustice was done.....
This whole Candace issue has for me been nothing more than a lot of noise..... and I have stayed out of the fray and out of the discussion for well over a year now..... but I sincerely find it FASCINATING that people are still harping on this subject so long after the fact.

One of the reasons this story will not go away is because it was very poorly handled by all parties concerned. The basis of the decision should have been entirely basketball or basketball related and simple: I.e. USA basketball though that for this team EDD or Stewie or Catch was a better fit. End of story! Lacking a simple basketball explanation, the tin foil brigade resorted to innuendo against Geno, and of course many people correctly leapt to Geno’s defense. In defense of Geno non-basketball and personality based explanation emerged.

Specific missteps:

USA basketball surprised Candace and the world with the announcement. Candace was back in California when she received a phone call from Carol Callahan announcing the news. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/wnba/2016/04/26/candace-parker-disappointed-will-not-be-on-us-hoops-roster/83548214/ For a player of Candace’s stature that is wrong because this being the age of social media the news was already out- on ESPN. Contrast that with when Skylar Diggins was cut from the World Championship team Geno and Carol Callahan met with her to deliver the news in real time in France. http://olympics.nbcsports.com/2015/02/19/skylar-diggins-olympics-basketball-2016-rio/

In a subsequent interview Carol Callahan gave what was a perfectly simple and good basketball explanation for the decision citing the “Depth of the US team at the 3 & 4 positions?” Translation: USA basketball selected who they thought were better players. The trouble with this explanation is that it came 6 full days after the announcement and fell largely on deaf ears because by that time everyone (including me) was either fully entrenched in their respective conspiracy theories or defending Geno.

Candace initial handled both the news and the first interview with USA Today well, concluding with "I'm older and more mature and feel like I take things as they come. They made their decision and I have to respect it." Then someone got to Candace gassed her up and suddenly there was the re-tweet of her dunking on UCONN from almost a decade ago. The re-tweet simultaneously fueled two already raging fires. 1) Geno made this happed 2) USA basketball has too many UCONN players.

The Media. Most of the reputable newspapers questioned the decision to exclude Candace form the Olympic team. Almost ALL national newspapers stated that this was a USA basketball decision. A few rags based in the state of Tennessee were the papers stating that the decision was Geno’s, wrong and in retaliation against the University of TN. For rags based in TN, Geno is the devil so all would have been better off considering the source before reacting. Since many didn’t consider the source, Social media took it from there, recall that Candace’s dunking on UCONN was a re-tweet meaning someone sent it to her. To the best off my knowledge no single paper put a direct and specific question to either Geno or Carol regarding the decision. That Ramona Shelburne can get clicks off an event that happened more than 18 Months ago makes her pretty smart in my opinion.

Geno. I honestly don’t think Geno cares about the decision and the controversy surrounding it, but I also believe that this is an instance where being glib does not work out well for him. He might have been better served addressing this one directly. Almost three months after the Olympic team had been selected Geno was interviewed by Hartford Courant about the Olympic team. In that interview Geno made two statements that added fuel to the fire. These are statement Geno has made before about his UCONN & Olympic teams but this was at the apex of the controversy and IMO he would have been better repeating what he said a few weeks earlier, which was: "The committee had to make some very hard decisions. "

"It's a lot like a great orchestra," Auriemma said. "Everybody is playing their particular instrument and may be the best in the world at that. But that doesn't mean that you get to do your own thing because all of a sudden it's not an orchestra anymore. It's just a bunch of individuals trying to show how good they are. Everybody on this team, the reason they're on this team is because they understand that.

"They are really, really good at sizing up the situation and saying, what does this team need from me?" Auriemma said. "Not like, this is what I do on my team so this is what I'm going to do here. No, [it's], what does this team need from me and how do I complement everyone else. And we're very, very fortunate that the players that we have really, really think that, feel it, buy into it, and live it every day."


Us. Here I’m including myself & many BY-ers. We used the BY to defend Geno against accusations that were written elsewhere. The accusers would not be brave enough to post here. We came up with explanations for this decision that were personality based and repeated then often.

If you are looking for basketball explanation for why Candace was left off the Olympic team Carol Callahan provided one, as did @meyers7:

“I really can't see where Parker would fit in on this team. I like Parker, I think she's a great player. But after watching what they want to do with this team, I don't really see where she would have fit in. I think the committee might have gotten this one right, against my judgement.”

Me. The personality based explanations, especially those that attempted to diminish Candace as a player or person really irked me because they are so very lazy. Equally lazy is the specific linkage of this decision exclusively to Geno. This is USA basketball vs. the rest of the world we are talking about. If you are looking for a non-basketball (personality) explanation for the decision, just jump on one of the many that have already been proposed or come up with your own. Either way I’ll be here to refute.


Aug 15, 2011
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So how can you conclude positively and definitively about DT that she has never been reported to be a bad teammate and then conclude the opposite about Candace when teammates are not willing to go on the record publically? My limited experience with these scoops is that there is dirt in all. Did you scoop for DT?
Coco, I think I explained adequately that I wasn't saying positively and definitively it was "never reported" about DT -- actually indicated I was avoiding saying that.

But I've never heard it said of her on or off the record, or by rumor or otherwise, have you?

If you think it's there, please accept your own invitation to engage in a deep dive comparing two players, one of whom was dragged into the conversation by DaddyChoc.

When you're done, I trust you can report that "There's no needle in that haystack."

Or DC can speak for himself if he thinks there's similar stuff out there about DT, which I doubt.

Time to give it a rest, far as I'm concerned.


Buckeye Guest
Jun 24, 2014
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Is Ms. Shelburne's misguided assumption in this piece that Geno or any Team USA Coach has some say in the selection process of National Teams? She obviously doesn't know that that isn't the case. The Coaches have no input in the selection of players for the National Teams. Carol Callan and the committee snubbed Candace Parker, not Geno I'm sure he would have loved to have her available...


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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It’s amazing that this issue simply won’t die.

Just a few more thoughts:

I think that Cat nailed it, including the overly strong terms used. Candace’s non-selection was puzzling, certainly on the surface; it was not a tragedy.

USA Basketball is not stupid. They chose a team in 2016 to give them the best chance of winning, which they did in record-setting fashion. The only somewhat close game was the one that Sue missed with an injury, which suggests that Sue Bird was the MVP.

Candace’s tweet about opting out of the 2017 scrimmage is proof that she has an attitude, does not value the World Cup, and does not appreciate having to try out. She sealed her fate with USA Basketball by that tweet. I can’t imagine Tamika Catchings doing something like that. Once a prima donna, always a prima Donna.


Mega Monster Moderator
Aug 15, 2011
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Coco, I think I explained adequately that I wasn't saying positively and definitively it was "never reported" about DT -- actually indicated I was avoiding saying that.

But I've never heard it said of her on or off the record, or by rumor or otherwise, have you?

I recall a poem once written that clearly laid out the case of D being a ball hog. Certainly not a team player's M.O. But, I'm sure that you will just denigrate the reputation/expertise of the author anyway.... ;)


Aug 15, 2011
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I recall a poem once written that clearly laid out the case of D being a ball hog. Certainly not a team player's M.O. But, I'm sure that you will just denigrate the reputation/expertise of the author anyway.... ;)
The author was a hack.


Aug 24, 2011
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It’s amazing that this issue simply won’t die.

Just a few more thoughts:

I think that Cat nailed it, including the overly strong terms used. Candace’s non-selection was puzzling, certainly on the surface; it was not a tragedy.

USA Basketball is not stupid. They chose a team in 2016 to give them the best chance of winning, which they did in record-setting fashion. The only somewhat close game was the one that Sue missed with an injury, which suggests that Sue Bird was the MVP.

Candace’s tweet about opting out of the 2017 scrimmage is proof that she has an attitude, does not value the World Cup, and does not appreciate having to try out. She sealed her fate with USA Basketball by that tweet. I can’t imagine Tamika Catchings doing something like that. Once a prima donna, always a prima Donna.
Very well said.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I recall a poem once written that clearly laid out the case of D being a ball hog. Certainly not a team player's M.O. But, I'm sure that you will just denigrate the reputation/expertise of the author anyway.... ;)

Geno's immortal line: "I didn't bring you here to pass." She yawned and went about being the coach on the floor her senior year.
Dec 23, 2011
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I also went back and did the research. 2o06 was the only year there were two former Duke players in the team...it was WC, not the Olympics. And one of the two in 2006 was All-NBA (Elton Brand). Carlos Boozer was All-NBA when he was selected to the 2008 Olympics. Kyrie Irving was All-NBA when he was selected for the 2014 WC (where he won MVP) and the 2016 Olympics. Mason Plumlee was not an All-NBA selection when he was picked, but all of the Olympians chose not to play in that year's WC, so the team was comprised of the next-tier players and younger ones at that.

Yes and as I said I went by memory..... perhaps it was that i was never a great Boozer fan.... and he always made the teams..... i know Laettner was on the 92 dream team... but it was a requirement i think that one college player be named to the team so didn't have a problem with that one.... perhaps i should back off on Coach k.... after all i really do like him.... much i like parker as well
Dec 23, 2011
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One of the reasons this story will not go away is because it was very poorly handled by all parties concerned. The basis of the decision should have been entirely basketball or basketball related and simple: I.e. USA basketball though that for this team EDD or Stewie or Catch was a better fit. End of story! Lacking a simple basketball explanation, the tin foil brigade resorted to innuendo against Geno, and of course many people correctly leapt to Geno’s defense. In defense of Geno non-basketball and personality based explanation emerged.

"It's a lot like a great orchestra," Auriemma said. "Everybody is playing their particular instrument and may be the best in the world at that. But that doesn't mean that you get to do your own thing because all of a sudden it's not an orchestra anymore. It's just a bunch of individuals trying to show how good they are. Everybody on this team, the reason they're on this team is because they understand that.
Great post here thanks for providing a lot of the backfill info..... good explanation of how this curfuffel transpired.... I like Geno's analogy of an orchestra... so true....
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Unpopular Opinions
Sep 13, 2011
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And I'm sure some other fans will still find a way to blame Geno, in spite of the juvenile tweet following her childish decision:

It wasn't juvenile at all. Several fans wanted to know why she wasn't included. Many were going after Team USA, again. She tweeted this and put those rumors to rest. It needed to be said.


Unpopular Opinions
Sep 13, 2011
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The scuttlebutt at the time was that Candace's (former/potential) teammates were the ones to express a concern as to whether Candace was a good fit for the team not Geno though I am sure he had input.

The Olympic team had great chemistry. That matters.

Tamika Catchings was on the team. She and Geno have a good working relationship. That kind of lays waste to the whole, it's UConn/Tennessee bad blood.

I chalk the reference up to bad reporting and nothing more.

"Scuttlebutt" ... no, that was another unsubstantiated rumor meant to discredit Candace and keep the finger of blame pointing in the wrong direction. Great reporting and several other reporters have stated the same. A quick google will show this.


Unpopular Opinions
Sep 13, 2011
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Considering they won the gold with Candace previously not even playing at the same level tell me that "team chemistry" has nothing to do with it. During the fall play prior to the Olympic selection, Candace and EDD led team USA in national play with Candace posting a triple double. Chemistry issues would not allow a player to post double digit assists. Team mates love players that generous with the ball, because that equates to team inclusion and not exclusion.
Apr 29, 2015
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And I'm sure some other fans will still find a way to blame Geno, in spite of the juvenile tweet following her childish decision:

My 13 year old grandaughter is more mature than you Candace! Maybe you should spend time with Tamika and Kara to learn how to have class!!!
Apr 29, 2015
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Great point JP... wonderful.... yeah i wish as well they could have met somewhere in the middle.... as Dr Phil says oh i hate to quote him!!! "No matter how flat a pancake is it still has two sides"
Doesnt a pancake really have 3 sides top, bottom and the diameter edge, lol!
Dec 23, 2011
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After all my yap about how all this talk a year plus after the fact is STILL being legislated...... i must say, as the final WNBA game comes up later today..... that i love Parker as a player, and she is well put together.... she makes a great interview..... she is good person, and a really fine ambassador for U of Tennessee and the Sparks.


Aug 24, 2011
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It wasn't juvenile at all. Several fans wanted to know why she wasn't included. Many were going after Team USA, again. She tweeted this and put those rumors to rest. It needed to be said.
How did she put "those rumors" to rest? And what rumors are you referring to?

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