Humanity will be richer and much more advanced in the future . . .
As to your second part, technology will continue to advance, no doubt, but energy=wealth, so only an increase in useful energy, per person, will result in more riches. The opposite is happening right now - useful Joules/person is in decline, and so too much wealth/individual.
Of course, that's not to say that the shrinking pie must affect all the same way. I have no doubt that the people who are very greedy and very smart will leverage technology to increase their share of the energy pie.
. . . but do you really think 5% of the world's population (the United States of America) makes that much of a difference?
5% of the population is not representative of power. India has about 1/5 of the people, but has little or no power.
Power is derived from the ability to project economic and military violence - and the U.S. is still far and away the leader in that regard.
That's incredibly ethnocentric.
It's just the way it is. You can hang whatever label on it that appeals to you.
Civil liberties weren't balanced out and have yet to still be balanced out.
I think you're conflating "equal access" to rights to the rights themselves. No doubt that bias and prejudice has ensured that civil liberty has not been equally administered at any point in the U.S. - and most of the time it has been grossly mis-administered.
My point was that civil liberties are now in decline, and freedom to speak, assemble, engage in religion, and so on (think bill of rights) are being eroded. That applies to everyone, however they have been treated historically.
Many "native Americans" are still oppressed to this day.
Well, I don't know anything about this, but it sounds like something that's likely true.
But there'll be a Utopia one day.
If you mean after we're dead, then I'll be hoping you're right.