Even before married life, women drove me nuts. I took a summer study session abroad as part of my MBA program and spent 3 weeks touring Europe with 13 classmates - 10 women, 3 men. About half of the women were married and 1 of the men in the group was while I had a serious GF, who is my wife now, and was a good boy. So after our classes and stuff ends, the entire group ends up at a bar in Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam. I've been to Amsterdam and other places in Europe well before the serious GF walked into my life so I know how this places work. All of the girls end-up tipsy and dancing on stage. Long before twerking became a thing, dancing close to any guy in Europe was an open invite for the guy to grab anything he could. Well, the girls, who were not used to Europe quickly found out. Every few minutes, one of the girls could grab me or the other married guy (we had found a pool table) and asked us to help get rid of some dirty pervert. After about an hour of this, I was so freaking annoyed that I left the bar, went next door to Smokey Joe's and had a very nice local smoke. Thirty minutes later, I walk back to the bar and literally, 5 seconds in, one of the married girls is asking me yet again to tell some guy to take a hike. I grab a bunch of them, both the married ones and the single ones, and laid down the law. "Listen, we are in Europe, not the States. In Europe, if you bump & grind with a guy here, he's going to take it as an open invite to grab as much of your rack and tail as he can. If you don't want him to have his hands all over your, don't dance." I then walked away, happily buzzed and went back to playing pool and yelling at the TV (the EuroCup was going on at that time, Amsterdam was a bit wild for it). The girls barely talked to me outside of classwork for a good week, just in time for them to get mad at me again in Paris.