There was a 90s commercial with the Braves pitchers with the tag line “chicks dig the long ball”
I thought you were referring to something else being a pop culture reference.
That one I got. Not sure why that was even in question. I just asked if the person posing the question was a chick.
I also don’t want pitchers hurting themselves running the bases or hitting.
Steven Wright’s career has been seriously derailed because of NL ball.
And chin Mieng wangs career was destroyed by it.
Kerry Wood's and Mark Prior's pitching careers were destroyed by actual pitching.
The game you want looks more like Home Run Derby than baseball.
When stats eventually show that the Rays and A's were onto something in using openers and no pitcher faces a lineup a third time, guess what, no no-hitters, no perfectos. That certainly takes away from the game. No bunting, no stealing... if you were in charge, this would become a game not worth watching. And that doesn't even begin to account for market size creating huge economic advantages for very few teams who are the Alabamas of MLB, effectively relegating half the league to current UConn football status.
Why not just go all Soviet in your game. You can field at 10 years old. You're a shortstop. You go to ballet class for the next 10 years. Another kid can hit long balls. He's a Dan Hurley. Send him to Ivan Drago camp till he's 20.
I love much of what sabremetrics has brought. It makes arguing about baseball more fun. But so much of it is still not predictive or even necessary useful. There are huge flaws in defensive metrics and still somewhat in pitching. And baseball, like all sports, is a copycat league. If a team finds success in stringing together at bats and scoring enough to make the postseason, guess what - other teams will analyze that and copy it. Baseball is very cyclical that way. Pitching is dominant until it's not. One year it's bullpens are the rage. Next it's put your best hitter at #2. Until that year when many of the #2s have slumps and throw off the numbers.
If you can't freaking run or carry out basic things like swinging a bat without hurting yourself, guess what - that's on you, your preparation and your training staff. No "athlete" should be allowed to use your examples as excuses. Cripes, even Bartolo Colon can swing a bat and get around the bases and live to tell about it.