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OT: Eli Manning

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Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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You're really citing the eagles game from last year to call eli elite? The game where he did absolutely nothing in the 4th quarter while the eagles clawed back from down 3 scores? Or the New Orleans game, where he did absolutely nothing in the first half against a mediocre at best defense and allowed his team to fall down by 20+ points? The same defense that allowed 50 points to Aaron Rodgers and Green Bay? Or the same Eli manning that did nothing against the eagles earlier this year and fumbled the ball away on the last drive?

Eli Manning is having his best statistical season this year. Put his statline this year up against the best seasons of Rodgers, Brady, and Peyton, and it's not even in the same stratosphere.

There. I "defended my points." Now, stop avoiding my question: Do you think Eli is as good as Rodgers, Brady, and Peyton?
Nov 7, 2011
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The country is absolutely not "anti-religious." When 78% of the country is Christian
Yeah but, half of them are twice a year Christians, 20% don't go to church at all, and half of what's left are going to church only because they don't want to take any chances with Hell and what not.

Point is, 78% of people answering "Christian" to a random poll does not equate to "being religious," as I mean it.

Perhaps we just have different defs. I don't define "religious" as "anybody who is not atheist."
Aug 26, 2011
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It seems to me that Dallas and Denver are complete opposites. Denver wins games that they should have lost. Dallas finds ways to lose games that they appear to have in hand.

Yeah Devland he's the only quarterback who does that? Every QB gets lucky hell Homo did last night on the 1st freakin play - Kiwanuka could have waltzed into the endzone if he could catch......Must be a Cowboys, Pats fan or something!! lol
Aug 26, 2011
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Guess I have no chance if everybody's made up their mind already.

You're forgetting his best pass of the drive hit Asante Samuel in the hands.

Noone cares about that pass unless you're a Pats fan or an Eli hater....you bring up irrelevant stuff and want everyone to agree. You have your thoughts and that's fine. To compare Romo to Eli is actually funny from someone who tries to be rational. He makes bad plays and doesn't finish - the other guy finishes. Pretty easy!
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah but, half of them are twice a year Christians, 20% don't go to church at all, and half of what's left are going to church only because they don't want to take any chances with Hell and what not.

Point is, 78% of people answering "Christian" to a random poll does not equate to "being religious," as I mean it.

Perhaps we just have different defs. I don't define "religious" as "anybody who is not atheist."
Your point may be true, but it does seem a little convenient to discount a ton a people. I don't want to get into a big thing (a la the Catholic argument I saw earlier--we can agree to disagree if it's going to get as angry as that seemed to).

Regardless. Even if I were to concede this, I think a few things going on:
  1. I think you are conflating a small, east and west coast, intellectuals with the country at large.
  2. I think there is something "American" about "leave me the hell alone about your beliefs and let me do what I want." This is why the pilgrims came. "Let me make money" is why Jamestown was founded. Good or bad (and let's not get into it) these are the people, and those are, in some ways, the ethics, of our country. I don't think "leave me alone about your religion" is "anti-religious."
  3. Any country that generally needs you to have a religion to hold office (not legally, but atheism is looked down on intensely according to polls), and 100% of the time for the presidency that religion needs to be Christian, can't really be "anti-religious."
To be clear, I take "anti-religious" to mean not liking religion. I think you can not go to church, but not be "anti-religious" in the same way I don't eat Fluff all that much, but still wouldn't put myself in the anti-Fluff camp. (I'm cool if you eat it. I might once in a while.)
I think Americans are cool with religion. They just want to be left to their own and not evangelized to. And again, church membership, church attendance, and any other measure of religiosity is much higher in the US than Canada, Japan, Korea, or first world Europe.
Sep 24, 2011
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All I know, is that this year you can't spell "Elite" w/out "ELI"!!! Sorry, still on a high from last night's game!


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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I love when people talk about the Samuel INT that "hit him in the hands".

The pass was 8 feet over Samuel's head. The fact that he got even a piece of it was a feat of tremendous athleticism. But this idea that he should have intercepted it is, and always has been, lunacy.


For Your Health
Aug 24, 2011
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As a final note to this thread.

Watch the game winning drive again. It's incredible. The defense was all over Eli, and he managed to pull this off. Patriots had them third-and-long twice, 4th-and-1, almost sacked ...
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