A-Rod admitted to taking performance enhancing drugs. A-Rod was also implicated in the Biogenesis scandal. Clemens was implicated in the MacNamee Scandal and by at least two of his former teammates. Bonds was implicated in the BALCO scandal, by a host of former athletes who used the Cream, and Clear and by the Lab's chief executive. Both Clemens and Bonds were formally indicted by the United States Congress.
How exactly does all of that compare to Ortiz?
Whether Ortiz gets into the Hall or not, he certainly has had his HOF moments. He's won the Edgar Martinez Award more times than Edgar Martinez. He's a 9 time All Star, a 5 time silver slugger winner, holds 3 records (Hits, RBIs and HRs) at his position and has been in the top 5 in MVP voting 5 times. He doesn't have a chance to cross traditional HOF Thresholds (3k hits, 500 HR), but his body of work, and penchant for the dramatic gets him some consideration.
Good points, again I reject the need to measure a guy's greatness based on HOF as if it is a guilty or not guilty verdict.
With respect to PED's there are really very few Most Wanted Poster bad guys. Bonds, McGuire, Sosa, Canseco, Palmiero, Clemens and ARod are way out there as primary culprits.
After that a second but still very serious level of guys suspended from games, notable names include; Manny, Giambi, Braun, Tejada, Cabrera etc..
Then a 3rd level of admitted or known users but never suspended including; Petite, Brady Anderson, Ivan Rodriguez. With this group depending on the quality of their confessions or denials most people are willing to look past that. Probably no HOF quality guys on that list, but again who cares.
So Ortiz is in a 4th tier, guys with one rumor or alleged positive test, but nothing more. No question this is different than totally clean guys and could be a big obstacle for a borderline HOF case. But Ortiz isn't out of consideration like the first two groups and ultimately one or two 'maybe' steroid guys will get in before Ortiz is even eligible and at that point he's in a class of player that is not excluded, just loses a few silly votes.