Non-Key Tweets | Page 771 | The Boneyard

Non-Key Tweets

Nov 19, 2014
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I just don't think if you ask 50 people on the street who has a better football program today, that more than a handful of people would say WVU is the better football program. You speak of the 90s, WVU went 65-49 in the 90s. Not exactly world beaters (Cincy was abysmal in the 90s to be fair.)
I would agree. Wvu football program has really sunk back into mediocrity, and likely may be hunting for a new coach sooner rather than later. Ad extended Brown's contract which looks like a very bad move, but Brown has shown little to think he can make a turnaround.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I find actually seeing these guys talk to be a little disappointing.

In any event our interim president should immediately call the Big Ten and our interest in joining. Apparently, the Big Ten would have no choice but to invite us in order to keep us out of the hands of the SEC.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I feel like there are a solid dozen people that would by a shirt that says “I know the BTM”.
There only way that guy exists and is in the same position at the Big Ten Commissioners office is if he empties the waste baskets and mops the floors.
Aug 26, 2011
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"I had dinner at a restaurant this weekend with BM. It was not a pretty sight."
Jul 22, 2021
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Christopher Lambert@theDudeofWV · 10h
You don't have to be an insider or have any connections to know the Pac 12 is in trouble. The issues the conference has are on full display. It's a dangerous time for the Pac 12. They are up first for renegotiating their TV contract.

Christopher Lambert@theDudeofWV · 10h
You don't have to be an insider or have any connections to know the Pac 12 is in trouble. The issues the conference has are on full display. It's a dangerous time for the Pac 12. They are up first for renegotiating their TV contract.

Christopher Lambert@theDudeofWV · 9h
Just for giggles, a thought experiment. If you are the Big 12 and the B1G would add USC if they could also add Kansas... do you let Kansas go knowing you can replace the Jayhawks with better football programs from the Pac 12?

Good gawd! How delusional are these Big 12 fans? Any PAC program would give their left nut to join the B1G before entertaining anywhere else.
Jul 22, 2021
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Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 55m

“Fox will have the main package and its deal will feature at least as many games as its current deal, probably more.”

“….conference still is trying to sell one, two or possibly three more packages to other suitors.”


Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 55m

“traditional media companies CBS, ESPN and NBC have taken meetings with the Big Ten and Fox Sports.”

“On the digital front, Amazon and Apple also have had discussions with the Big Ten.”


Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 55m
USC is watching….and talking.

Matt Todd@toddsinator15 · 51m
Does Kansas have any chance?

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 48m
Jul 22, 2021
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Jared W Orskog@OrskogW · 1h
I read it a few times and something is perplexing for me. Why is Fox negotiating for the conference or better yet why'd the conference get a deal done with Fox separate first?

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 43m
It’s almost exactly what happened in 2017. FOX Sports got 1st half of Big Ten package with astronomical number…2nd half was put out there in open market…ESPN had to match FOX’s number to get 2nd half of package and they eventually caved in and gave Big Ten what they wanted.
Jul 22, 2021
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Chicago Jayhawk@chitownJhawk · 40m
Do you see Kansas getting in the mix as possible expansion yet?

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 36m
I would say they are in the mix.

USC is lead dog. Lots of it depends on USC’s upcoming decision and they have different options and some leverage.

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 16m
One more point for this evening:

Lots of steam out there FOX Sports ownership of BTN actually increased in last year…from 51% to possibly 61%.

My speculation (only) it might make it easier in greasing skids to get BTN on possible streaming network…example: Amazon or Apple+

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 11m
I’m sorry..1 more point

Amazon is in talks with Big Ten for streaming deal according to SBJ…but keep this in mind…

Amazon doesn’t currently have infrastructure to produce its own live Football games. NBC will produce Thursday Night NFL games for Amazon starting in 2023.

Greg Flugaur@flugempire ·9m
Replying to @flugempire
So if Amazon wants to have small package of Big Ten games they will need an NBC to do produce the games…


Use Big Ten network which has the infrastructure….for a pretty penny.

Lots to discuss for next week.

Dan Adams@DanAdam16613173 · 11m
Replying to @flugempire
I’d assume FOX would do the same for Amazon if needed.

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 9m
Maybe…or NBC who wants their own small package of Big Ten content to do double headers on 7 Saturdays with Notre Dame home games….or maybe BTN.

Dan Adams@DanAdam16613173 · 7m
CBS will bid hard after losing the SEC. They’re currently out of action on Saturday’s. I’d assume the other “winner” here would gladly help the streaming side.
Jul 22, 2021
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M H ver3@M H ver3 · Apr 18
Fox sports advising B1G to expand and USC and UCLA are the prime candidates being eyed (as I told you 6+months ago). How B1G will they go though?

M H ver3@M H ver3 · 21h
Looking like the fabled Alliance between ACC/B1G/ and PAC has fizzled out before it could begin. $$$ talks.

M H ver3@M H ver3 · 21h
Talk from inside the B12 is that indications are that Luck will replace Bowlsby and that a renewed GOR is being pursued for the new tv contract. Expansion is not over. WVU steadfast against a new GOR.

Andy Olsen@Andysbbqpit · 21h
Also I would take Oregon or Stanford over UCLA. And why would WVU be against grant of rights? If you think it hurts them from going to the ACC, tough . It’s time for WVU to pay up to the B12 for giving them a roof over their head. They sign now or they can go G5. Screw’em!!

M H ver3@M H ver3 · 20h
When the music stops WVU may find themselves in the ACC and B12 may find themselves with some west coast schools of prestige. WVU will hold out on the GOR as long as they can.
Jul 22, 2021
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Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 10h

“NIL is effecting all aspects of college sports. It will also leave its mark in realignment. Majority of donors won’t be doubling dipping into their own pockets to sustain their level of commitment towards Athletic Departments while contributing to NIL activities.”


Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 10h

“Donations to general funds of Athletic Departments nationwide have already seen a slight dip while NIL Collectives are being built. This gap in funding, coming off the deficit in revenues due to pandemic, has left some Athletic Directors in despair.”


Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 10h

“Football Programs with steep expectations who have donors committed to elevating their NIL collectives to highest level need to have their Athletic Departments maximize all revenue streams with largest one being media bucket”


Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 10h

“The enduring commitment to NIL activities by donors may only exist if donors see same commitment by Athletic Department they support. Athletic Departments have mounting pressure to maximize their value in new world. See Oklahoma and Texas and their move to SEC”.


Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 10h

“Pay to Play court rulings could inject more direct costs on Athletic Departments. It has become imperative all options of realignment for schools such as USC, Oregon and Washington be looked at and those options leveraged against one another to secure their futures.”

Jul 22, 2021
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Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 2h
Replying to @flugempire

1) High value ACC schools want to have opportunity to jump to SEC or Big Ten can’t because of ACC GOR which last until mid 2030’s.

2) If Notre Dame joined conference it wouldn’t be SEC.

3) Current NIL landscape is unsustainable.

tcb@TCBnole · 1h
Replying to @flugempire
can't YET....they can. The believe that 14 years from now is unbelievable distant is off. 14 years in the past wasn't doesn't seem that far to me now. It will close quick.

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 1h
The problem is 14 years is more costly than 14 years previous. The gap has grown to where 14 years can = 700 million dollar difference. But I understand what you are saying.

tcb@TCBnole · 1h
100% true. The schools that have to wait that long should be fighting to get out. But they were stupid enough to get I'm not sure they have figured out how dire the situation is. The SEC/B1G have to decide if they are better off killing off competition or going beyond that

@Expansion_Crush ·2h
Replying to @flugempire
He mentioned conferences cutting underperforming schools that don't add value. That won't happen in the B1G, Pac12 or SEC. It could happen in the ACC.

@Expansion_Crush · 2h
It won't happen because the B1G and SEC got their money in spite of having those schools and the Pac12 because they don't really have options, they'd be killing the conference if they eliminated schools.

❄ Seth A ❄@KUandUofAfan · 1h
The Big 12 is probably in the same boat as the Pac-12. Current (and future members) would be locked in unless they decided to voluntarily leave.

@Expansion_Crush · 2h
Replying to @flugempire
It's coming before 2030

college football fan@Genetics56 · 2h
way before then. And he is talking about ACC schools.

Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 2h

None of these ACC schools can bring their individual media rights with them to new conference until 2036. Unless they gather 300 million dollars to give to ACC to get out of GOR. Even then they still wouldn’t come out ahead for next 15 years.

college football fan@Genetics56 · 2h
I'm talking about the starting process before it's all done in the end. The end will be the ACC schools and everyone will know what will happen by the time those schools do their thing. The rest will have already taken place, including the separation away from the NCAA.
Jul 22, 2021
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college football fan@Genetics56 · 1h
and you will see the Pac 12 schools (already tweeted who those are) join the Big Ten. Eventually the ACC schools. I already talked about all of this last summer. It becomes one large conference and then the SEC + ACC schools.

college football fan@Genetics56 · 1h
and Yes Kansas will be included in the breakaway. Their basketball brand is too valuable to leave behind.

college football fan@Genetics56 · 1h
The only question that I have is how many Pac 12 schools decide they don't want to deal in the new world of college athletics at the highest level? Stanford sure as hell isn't going to. Nor will California. UCLA is an unknown, IMO. Oregon will. USC will. Washington?

college football fan@Genetics56 · 1h
Utah doesn't have the infrastructure. They will be out. Colorado will push to join due to academic alignment with the Big Ten. The Arizona schools are an unknown.

college football fan@Genetics56 · 1h
The other big question is, do all Big Ten schools join the eventual break away? Like I said, I can't leak the news right now, but the answer is no and I can't name who it is.

Justin Shufflebottom@Shuffleb3Justin · 1h
Replying to @Genetics56
Is Nebraska safe?

college football fan@Genetics56 · 1h

Justin Shufflebottom@Shuffleb3Justin · 1h
Stupid question but wanted to make sure.

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