Non-Key Tweets | Page 406 | The Boneyard

Non-Key Tweets

Jul 8, 2013
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MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN rep was very forthcoming about quite a bit of things.

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN needs UT and the B12.

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN is not going to be able to afford the next B10 contract-Numbers being thrown around by other networks dwarf what ESPN can pay

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN also knows it is going to lose schools from ACC to B10-big deal schools on the Bball side

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
And big markets that give good Ratings.

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
Getting Cincy in the B12 helps keep an Ohio presence for ESPN college football.

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN needs to protect what it has with ACC and B12 but does not want a merger if ACC loses schools to B10-can't afford to pay(cont)

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
(Cont) competitive shares to 20 schools in a mega conf.

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN will let B12 and SEC get the big programs left in ACC(UM FSU Clemson VT) and refill the ACC remnants with AAC teams and pay them less

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN also said LHN can be transitioned to B12N-it's willing to do what the conference and UT wants

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN wants Uconn in B12 for TV market purposes for the LHN/B12N. Simple as that. Also gives B12 another blueblood in BB

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ACC GOR is going to be a non-issue since ACCN was not created. It can be beaten in court now.

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
@agentmdo Uconn has NYC and the state of Connecticut. It alone almost doubles the B12 market penetration.

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN wants sec and B12 to play nice. Needs them to stay strong.backdoor deals with sec that 2 schools in B12 were working on(cont)

MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
(Cont) will not be endorsed by ESPN and will be fought.

Brandon Bartlett ‏@BBartlett819 · 2h2 hours ago
@MH3 timing of moves? Where do you think Clemson ends up?

MH3‏@MH3 @BBartlett819 still not sure on timing. During B10 contract negotiations the will hit the fan
I want to believe. I really do.
Dec 25, 2011
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MH3 ‏@MH3 · 2h2 hours ago
ACC GOR is going to be a non-issue since ACCN was not created. It can be beaten in court now.

And yet, the XII is supposedly unbreakable until 202? or something. Sorry, but knowing Texas, there is no way that that they agree to any GOR that did not provide a loophole for them. The question is, can Oklahoma find a use the same loophole if they do not get what they want within the XII, such as expansion and a championship game.
Feb 22, 2014
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Another moonshine fueled ACC Armageddon fantasy.


ESPN buys the ACC lock, stock and barrel, but is OK with The B1G and SEC tearing it apart? Its suddenly more important to protect a conference with 8 of its 10 members located in 3 states, with the other two states covered being Iowa and WV? LOL. This is bad even by Mh3 standards. I'll sum this up for everyone.

Texas is the king of The Big 12.
They make a * ton of money on The Longhorn Network.
There is zero scenario where they are not better or at least even if The Big 12 implodes.
They aren't going to do *.
Everything The Dood or MH3 write are fantasies to make themselves feel better about WVU's Situation.

The Neers are not a king of college football like these fools believe. They are lucky to be a jester in King Bevo's court. They rode a run of historical program success, all achieved in a down conference, to secure an invite from a different conference that was in desperate need for schools with a football pulse. The Big 12 royally screwed up when they passed on pursuing Cincy and Lville along with WVU. They could have went to 12, added some decent football and basketball, all while opening up another region for the conference.

Predictably they took the path of least resistance and created a ridiculous island upon which WVU sits. JMO but given the chance the conference members would cut WVU loose and add Houston, CSU, or some other regional program. They exist as a conference as long as Bevo says so. No one has leverage over The Horns. Their future is paved with gold wherever they go. The rank and file fall in line behind them because they know that their options are incredibly limited should the big baby take its ball and go home.
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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I think Texas is feeling some pressure, but they may decide in the end to ride the Big 12 out and then do something different in 2025. I do think that the uncertainty of a different conference, together with the geographic issue of being in a league like the ACC where the closest team could be hundreds of miles away, make it worth something to them to keep the Big 12 together.

I also think that the Big 10, Pac 12 and SEC are not interested in Bevo's BS and will not invite them. Alabama, Michigan and USC don't feel like they need to kiss anyone's ass, and certainly not Texas'. Each of those leagues have schools that couldn't take Texas' crap anymore. Texas knows this, and that may be enough to get Texas to move.
Apr 25, 2014
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Really ? What league Commissioners are more competent in your opinion ? And why ?

Jim Delaney, because he invited the schools that made his league stronger financially, rather than making stupid, short-term decisions and crippling his ability to get a conference network off the ground, and rather than getting outmaneuvered for nearly every key northeast market. How is it possible that the B1G, and not the ACC, has the best market presence in NYC, Philly, and Baltimore/DC?


Aug 26, 2011
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Jim Delaney, because he invited the schools that made his league stronger financially, rather than making stupid, short-term decisions and crippling his ability to get a conference network off the ground, and rather than getting outmaneuvered for nearly every key northeast market. How is it possible that the B1G, and not the ACC, has the best market presence in NYC, Philly, and Baltimore/DC?
Lol... So much this.
Nov 10, 2014
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The SEC and Big10 have excellent commissioners. Every move Delany and Slive/Sankey made has increased revenue. They have approached their conference as joint, equitable business venture and have made pure business decisions in regards to expansion. Their members place incredible trust in the advise of their commissioner and he leads the business. Rutgers did not make sense to a lot of Big10 fans...well, until their schools got its Big10 pay check this year. The Missouri and Texas A&M expansion produced a huge payday for the SEC. Bama may be the best football team in the country but it is funded by cable boxes in Missouri and Texas.

The ACC has the worst commissioner. The ACC has shown no vision and has only grown by devouring the Big East. The ACC's methodology for expansion has been a combination of territorial protection/personal vendetta (BC wants to be the only P5 program in NE) and power struggle between the football and basketball teams (FSU/Clemson wanted Louisville for football and threatened to leave if they did not get their way). The ACC controlled the NY market and failed to retain it by not keeping UConn and Rutgers. Swofford has allegedly made promises of an ACCN to FSU and to date, he has not produced on those promises. The ACC botched the selling of its T3 rights and the ACC is drastically unpaid compared to the SEC/BIG. Now teams like FSU are arguing for a larger revenue share and Swofford is probably just dumb enough to consider it. Instead of the growing the revenue pie, Swofford is more likely to try to unevenly distribute to keep the football schools happy. Simply put, the ACC should be far more profitable than it is and there does not seem to be the loyalty in the big football schools. I suppose if you live by the sword...

The Big12 is the biggest mystery. They have always shown the most individualist approach (each team selling their own T3 rights) so the commissioner was more of a mediator and less of a CEO. Per Boren's comment OU wants more of a Big10/SEC model. That means expansion is based on profit, not which non G5 Texas team had the best football season last year. WVU is infinitely better in football than Rutgers but Rutgers can make more for a conference. OU wants a whole new business model. It may be too far along for the B12 to change but if they do, the ACC will be the big loser.
Aug 27, 2011
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When playing poker at some point you do need to show your hand. I think we all agree that Uconn strengthens the NYC market for any conference. If NYC and ultimately the New England to DC corridor is the end game what is it going to take to get the B1G to make it's move and show it's hand. I find it hard to believe that they would let the Big 12 get a foothold in NYC by taking Uconn.
Aug 26, 2011
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Listened to Rick Neuheusel this a.m. on Sirius 84. His take: Okie light's Coach Gundy was on recently & said that he wouldn't be surprised if the P-5 became the Mega P-3. Rick said the Sooners aren't happy only making @ $ 20M per year when the SEC & soon the B1G are making @ 37M. Feels that the Sooners will either go SEC, B1G or PAC as the Pac will also want $37M & resurrect the Sooner, Okie light, Bevo, pick another Texas team annexation. Feels that contracts can be broken & isn't worried about the TV rights.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Listened to Rick Neuheusel this a.m. on Sirius 84. His take: Okie light's Coach Gundy was on recently & said that he wouldn't be surprised if the P-5 became the Mega P-3. Rick said the Sooners aren't happy only making @ $ 20M per year when the SEC & soon the B1G are making @ 37M. Feels that the Sooners will either go SEC, B1G or PAC as the Pac will also want $37M & resurrect the Sooner, Okie light, Bevo, pick another Texas team annexation. Feels that contracts can be broken & isn't worried about the TV rights.

At some point, someone will be left out that will put up a big stink.
Nov 10, 2014
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Nice logical post. While I agree that certain ACC Properties are more coveted by both The B1G and SEC, I can't see ESPN allowing a property that they own in full to be raided by other interests. Its a lot easier to work a side deal with Texas(like they've already done) and allow the lower valued properties of the Big 12 be scattered to the four winds. The Big 12 is unique in that is push came to shove, homes could potentially be found for all members.

Hypothetical Realignment(Fan Fiction)

B1G- KU & UConn- Add 2 basketball blue bloods, 2 good TV Markets, and 2 good academic institutions.
West- UNL, WI, Iowa, IL, NW, MN, PU, KU

PAC- KSU, TT, ISU, OSU- Gets The PAC into another time zone for broadcasting purposes, adds an AAU School with a good fan base, and 3 solid football schools to get to 16.
Coastal- USC, UCLA, Stanford, Cal, OU, OSU, WSU, UW
Central- AU, ASU, CU, UT, OSU, KSU, ISU, TT

Winners of each can play every year in either the Rose or Fiesta Bowl.

SEC- TCU & OU- Gets The SEC into Dallas/Fort Worth Area in a major way to pair with TAMU/LSU in the Houston Area.
East- USCe, UGA, UF, UT, Vandy, UK, Bama, AU
West- Ole Miss, MSU, LSU, Ark, MU, A&M, OU, TCU

ACC- Texas Independent with a partial ND Deal, WVU, Baylor. The only stumbling block would be scheduling 17 for basketball. Football is improved with existing schools getting games against regional rival WVU and growing power Baylor. Conference members now have 5-6 ND games and 5-6 Texas games to divide up each year.

North- BC, SU, Pitt, WVU, VPI, UVA, Lville, Miami
South- UNC, Duke, NCSU, WF, Clemson, GT, FSU, BU

Winners of each can play every year in either the Orange or Sugar Bowl.

The National Championship can rotate among cities around the country in a bidding process like The Superbowl.

None of this will ever happen. but its is at least as plausible as anything The WV Twitterati has come up with.

I love a happy ending but my experience as a UConn fan has taught me there will not be one for everyone if a conference disbands. Teams UConn called our partners and rivals turned on us and left us to die. Conference Realignment is a brutal business.

If the Big12 implodes some combination of ISU, KSU, Baylor, TT, TCU, and WVU are going to get screwed. For example, the PAC10 won't a pay 30 million share to ISU for its membership. That is not an attack on ISU but more a reality check on cable boxes in Iowa for the 2nd most popular school.

Personally I think the ACC would have less teams without a home if it blew up. FSU, Clemson, Miami, UNC, UVa, VT, GT, and NC St would be locks into some conference. Duke, Syracuse, Louisville and Pitt could probably find a home but might have to hustle. It is conceivable everyone but WF and BC might be ok if the ACC blew up.

Bottom Line - conference realignment is not about fair or the greater good. If ESPN backs the ACC with a network they will survive. If the Big12 builds a network they will likely survive. It is all about money....trying to take care of everyone is not in the equation. I don't know what ESPN wants but I do know the BIG, SEC, and Big12 all want programs currently in the other conference has that attraction.
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Oct 11, 2011
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Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 3h3 hours ago
@Expansion_Crush @Odharris1 @OmegaSupreme914 @NebGradDubDub @ronnoco5 @posas13 @MurrDCU
I think NBC & FOX have package offer to B1G

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 3h3 hours ago
@Expansion_Crush @Odharris1 @OmegaSupreme914 @NebGradDubDub @ronnoco5 @posas13 @MurrDCU
NBC/FOX did it with NASCAR in 2013..trying again

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 3h3 hours ago
I'm telling you right now if NBC & FOX shared offer to B1G is the deal that gets made..
FOX has ZERO incentive to deal with Disney/LHN/B12N

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 2h2 hours ago
I don't see ACC getting raided by B1G for a long time.
ESPN has made it clear...building wall on ESPN content.

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 2h2 hours ago
If FOX/NBC snares all or most of B1G contract/content...ESPN digs in on current content.

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 2h2 hours ago
In this scenario FOX has no need to compromise with ESPN and hand them/buy out over multiple B12 3rd tier deals to Disney.

Murr ‏@MurrDCU · 2h2 hours ago
@flugempire what if no ACC Network voids that GOR? ACC gets picked apart.

Greg Flugaur‏@flugempire @MurrDCU I don't believe the ACC GOR gets voided...and if ESPN loses all or most B1G tier 1 rights they will build ACCN.

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 2h2 hours ago
ESPN is not going to lose B1G Tier 1 content AND lose ACC schools to B1G...
Disney is still Disney

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 2h2 hours ago
I don't see Disney losing B10 Tier 1 Content + ACC schools in raid...nope.
But FOX getting B1G Tier 1 makes B12 schools uneasy
Feb 3, 2016
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Hypothetical Realignment(Fan Fiction)

B1G- KU & UConn- Add 2 basketball blue bloods, 2 good TV Markets, and 2 good academic institutions.
West- UNL, WI, Iowa, IL, NW, MN, PU, KUU

Love the B1G adds of KU & UConn. Additionally, would be good to see B1G and PAC champions play in Rose Bowl again every year, even if some of the faces change – guess I’m old school. Fantasy? Sure. But frankly as good a plan as any I’ve read. If indeed it still matters (UNL!), is UConn close to AAU membership?

(re: football - B1G East Division would be a killer to get through….)
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Feb 22, 2014
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I love a happy ending but my experience as a UConn fan has taught me there will not be one for everyone if a conference disbands. Teams UConn called our partners and rivals turned on us and left us to die. Conference Realignment is a brutal business.

If the Big12 implodes some combination of ISU, KSU, Baylor, TT, TCU, and WVU are going to get screwed. For example, the PAC10 won't a pay 30 million share to ISU for its membership. That is not an attack on ISU but more a reality check on cable boxes in Iowa for the 2nd most popular school.

Personally I think the ACC would have less teams without a home if it blew up. FSU, Clemson, Miami, UNC, UVa, VT, and NC St would be locks into some conference. Duke, Syracuse, Louisville and Pitt could probably find a home but might have to hustle. It is conceivable everyone but WF and BC might be ok if the ACC blew up.

Bottom Line - conference realignment is not about fair or the greater good. If ESPN backs the ACC with a network they will survive. If the Big12 builds a network they will likely survive. It is all about money....trying to take care of everyone is not in the equation. I don't know what ESPN wants but I do know the BIG, SEC, and Big12 all want programs currently in the other conference has that attraction.

I'm not saying that any of this would ever happen, just that it is a way to take care of all current Big 12 Members should some kind of obscenely profitable P4 scenario play out.
Nov 10, 2014
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It is a beautiful thought but more than likely some of the Big12/ACC schools will be playing in the AAC if their conference implodes. Hopefully UConn won't be there when they arrive...
Jan 15, 2014
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Jim Delaney, because he invited the schools that made his league stronger financially, rather than making stupid, short-term decisions and crippling his ability to get a conference network off the ground, and rather than getting outmaneuvered for nearly every key northeast market. How is it possible that the B1G, and not the ACC, has the best market presence in NYC, Philly, and Baltimore/DC?
The BIG 10 was always a better football conference than the ACC. The ACC was primarily a Basketball Conference before Swofford took over as Commish, and competing in the same waters as the Big East in football and Basketball. If we look at the ACC when Swofford took over, with his chief rival at the time ,the Big East, Swofford was able to clearly win that battle by proactvely acting to transform the ACC from primarily a Basketball League to a balanced league between football and Basketball..... AND.... put his main rival league, the BE into a competitive tailspin, resulting in a spin off by that league of its football programs, and making the BE a collection of Basketball schools. Swofford negotiated a solid, if unspectacular, TV contract for the league, and kept FSU, Clemson from bolting, and made BE Commish Tranghese to look like a fool with his no vision, and utter incompetence. It is now the B12 that is a league with vitriol and divisiveness among its members. Commish Delaney of the BIG dealt reasonably well with the strong hand he was dealt, but the addition of Rutgers and Maryland ( while losing Notre Dame to the ACC in all sports for football) does not compare all that well with the tenure moves of Swofford during the same tenure periods in my opinion. The additions by Swofford of Miami, Virginia Tech, BC, Louisville, Pitt, Syracuse, ND (for all but football ) solidified the league as a P5 conference, and made the league far more than just the southern tobccco road basketball oriented league the ACC was prior to Swofford's tenure and work. If you consider the entire body of work of Swofford as Commissioner during the league realignments and expansions to be one of " incompetence " compared to others, then we'll just have to respectfully disagree on this.
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Aug 26, 2011
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The BIG 10 was always a better football conference than the ACC. The ACC was primarily a Basketball Conference when Swofford took over, and competing in the same waters as the Big East in football and Basketball. If we look at the ACC when Swofford took over, and his rivalry the Big East, Swofford was able to clearly win that battle by proactvely acting to transform the ACC from primarily a Basketball League to a balanced league between football and Basketball..... AND.... put his main rival league, the BE into a competitive tailspin, resulting in a spin off by that league of its football programs, and making the BE a collection of Basketball schools. Swofford negotiated a solid, if unspectacular, TV contract for the league, and kept FSU, Clemson from bolting, and made BE Commish Tranghese to look like a fool with his no vision, and utter incompetence. It is now the B12 that is a league with vitriol and divisiveness among its members. Commish Delaney of the BIG dealt reasonably well with the strong hand he was dealt, but the addition of Rutgers and Maryland ( while losing Notre Dame to the ACC in all sports for football) does not compare all that well with the tenure moves of Swofford during the same tenure periods in my opinion. The additions by Swofford of Miami, Virginia Tech, BC, Louisville, Pitt, Syracuse, ND (for all but football ) solidified the league as a P5 conference, and made the league far more than just the southern league the ACC was prior to Swofford's tenure and work.
Enjoy knowing that Louisville is your peer institution.
May 29, 2015
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The BIG 10 was always a better football conference than the ACC. The ACC was primarily a Basketball Conference when Swofford took over, and competing in the same waters as the Big East in football and Basketball. If we look at the ACC when Swofford took over, and his rivalry the Big East, Swofford was able to clearly win that battle by proactvely acting to transform the ACC from primarily a Basketball League to a balanced league between football and Basketball..... AND.... put his main rival league, the BE into a competitive tailspin, resulting in a spin off by that league of its football programs, and making the BE a collection of Basketball schools. Swofford negotiated a solid, if unspectacular, TV contract for the league, and kept FSU, Clemson from bolting, and made BE Commish Tranghese to look like a fool with his no vision, and utter incompetence. It is now the B12 that is a league with vitriol and divisiveness among its members. Commish Delaney of the BIG dealt reasonably well with the strong hand he was dealt, but the addition of Rutgers and Maryland ( while losing Notre Dame to the ACC in all sports for football) does not compare all that well with the tenure moves of Swofford during the same tenure periods in my opinion. The additions by Swofford of Miami, Virginia Tech, BC, Louisville, Pitt, Syracuse, ND (for all but football ) solidified the league as a P5 conference, and made the league far more than just the southern tobccco road basketball oriented league the ACC was prior to Swofford's tenure and work.

This is like saying that the inventor of the VHS is still an industry leader in home entertainment because he was able to drive betamax out of business.

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