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Non-Key Tweets

Nov 10, 2014
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Initially I thought the ACC just wanted the Big East marque football teams (Miami, VT, BC.) That actually made sense minus BC. Miami and VT were not BE schools. The BE was a screwed up league and the "football first" programs were never going to be happy. There was going to need to be a football/basketball separation for the schools that played both in the BE and the south of the mason-dixon line football schools were better fits in the ACC

But, by the end, it was readily apparent the ACC truly wanted to destroy the BE. Syracuse and Pitt were marginal adds at best and their addition did more to kill the BE than help the ACC. Instead of trying to assume the BE's position in the NE the ACC elected to try exclude several geographically important programs like Rutgers, WVU, and UConn. It was almost as if the ACC bought enough of the BE Teams to put the conference out of business and then abandoned the region.

The irony is the ACC won the war but the cost of winning may be the ACC becomes the new BE. Not one core BE program the ACC acquired has flourished. Syracuse, Pitt and BC have decreased in athletic performance and conference value. When the ACC destroyed the natural rivalries in the NE, the fans lost interest. BC may have asked to be "NE's team" and left on an island but their program has suffered. WVU/Pitt was one of the greatest, most hated rivalries in the sport. Now what do Pitt fans get excited for? While the old BE schools have declined in value, the ACC is burdened with those teams drawing a full conference share.

It is very foreseeable ACC programs with options will eventually leave for more money in the BIG/SEC. That will not be enough to kill the ACC but it won't have some of its marque names. What will be left in the ACC is a lot of the old BE teams and non-flagship universities. I suppose that is the circle of life...


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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Which flavor of 'shine does one need to drink to get where he's at? Usually I come up my least-sensical realignment scenerios after taking in some pecan pie 'shine, but I'm open to other flavors.
Jan 15, 2014
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This is like saying that the inventor of the VHS is still an industry leader in home entertainment because he was able to drive betamax out of business.
No.. that analogy does not really work, imo.... as nobody said that by putting the BE football league out of business that the ACC thus became " an industry leader", as a result of the BE football league collapsing. Nobody here claims the ACC is the " industry leader ". My comments were in reply to the comment made above by a poster that the ACC is on the verge " of collapse", and another poster that said that the Commissioner of the ACC has been " incompetent " as a Commissioner. These 2 comments would be analogous to stating that Apple is on the verge of collapse in the PC business because Lenovo has been expanding its market share of the PC business the last few years. Just because a couple of people might overstate something in a momentary bout of hyperbole, does not make it so. Swofford has done a terrific job as the Commissioner of the ACC during his tenure, imo. The league is far more stable than when he was chosen as its Commish, and its School members seem far more happy than the Big or the B12. He has the continued support of the ACC schools, and he's been reelected unanimously by them as a result. It is the currently unstable B12 that is rift with internal strife, engaged in open infighting, and far more likely to have defections than the ACC.
Aug 27, 2011
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He has been very engaging tonight...and actually was able to back this up with some solid comments. I don't know about @Dooley (my partner in crime in the twitter conversation) but I was actually impressed with his thought process/reasoning.
Jan 15, 2014
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I still remember Leahy claiming the move was about academics. .

Yes,but most BC fans think that old goat was talking ragtime. NONE of these schools operate out of the alignments based upon" academics ". They operate out of the position as to what will give their schools the most dollars. Stanford is in a league with Washington State. Vanderbilt with Mississippi State. Virginia with N.C. State. BC was in a league with West Virginia. Duke with Louisville, and so on and so forth. Thus, I would hope that nobody with any intelligence listens to what the academics or ANY of the school Presidents tell us when they talk about " academics " or " student -athletes ". Syracuse " student- athletes " had years where not a single player on its basketball team ( starters or bench ) got a degree from Syracuse. So this " academics " angle is just pure nonsense. Uconn would accept in a heartbeat an invite to the B12. The fact that Oklahoma State might be its " academic " bedfellow, won't mean a thing to the " Academic " types ( ie, School President ) that will vote yes for it. ALL these P5 Conference schools have come to grips with this long ago,imo.... no matter what these School President " Academics " might tell us in a press release.
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Jan 15, 2014
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Oh brother. If anyone believes that FSU, Miami, Clemson are about to go to the B12, they will be frustrated from now until eternity. Somebody needs to put the brakes to this utter madness being posted from twitterville. Clemson and FSU have gone to the Championship Game from the ACC. They are not about to forfeit that good position ( and its resultant payday ) to go to a league with Texas, Oklahoma. Just be intelligent, use our brains, and conclude quickly how utterly and completely ridiculous this twitter post is.
Aug 27, 2011
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Oh brother. If anyone believes that FSU, Miami, Clemson are about to go to the B12, they will be frustrated from now until eternity. Somebody needs to put the brakes to this utter madness being posted from twitterville. Clemson and FSU have gone to the Championship Game from the ACC. They are not about to forfeit that good position ( and its resultant payday ) to go to a league with Texas, Oklahoma. Just be intelligent, use our brains, and conclude quickly how utterly and completely ridiculous this twitter post is.
They were close to leaving once...


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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If Boren stays quiet the next couple months that is good indicator the B12 is serious about expansion. There is no need to run your mouth when you are getting what you want in the future....

Kind of like fight club..."the first rule of conference expansion is there is no conference expansion." The fact no one in the Big12 will even admit they discussed conference expansion speaks for itself.

When expansion happens UConn is positioned it is just a waiting game
We're doomed.
Jan 15, 2014
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But, by the end, it was readily apparent the ACC truly wanted to destroy the BE.


The effect was to destroy the BE, but debateable if that was the initial aim.

Should the B12 ( and/ or another league ) come in and poach the AAC teams, and the AAC football league then eventually collapses as a result, can we say that " it was readily apparent that the B12 truly wanted to destroy the AAC " ? or was it more the result, but not the aim ? Just asking. And if Uconn gets a B12 invite, accepts, then goes to the B12, and then the AAC league later collapses, does Uconn bear the responsibility for destroying a league ? Really ? Again, just asking.
Nov 25, 2012
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So summer of 2016 plans for the B12 - add two schools and come to an agreement on a B12N. Then sit back and see what happens to the ACC. Maybe they really can peel off a couple schools down the line (to go to 14), which would be better than pulling in two more G5 schools. But, if not, add a florida school and maybe BYU, Memphis or Houston (Houston should go to the ACC when it melts down). If its about cable boxes (and it is), then I think the B12 could end up looking at Navy or Temple to grab the MD/DC or PA/South NJ markets. I know, crazy, but we were in the same position last time around - off the radar of most.

I feel pretty good this is the path ahead. The wild cards are the B1G (do they move to take us) and tv negotiations for the B12n.
Temple gets like 1/8 of the Philly which is still like 100k
Nov 10, 2014
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The effect was to destroy the BE, but debateable if that was the initial aim.

Should the B12 ( and/ or another league ) come in and poach the AAC teams, and the AAC football league then eventually collapses as a result, can we say that " it was readily apparent that the B12 truly wanted to destroy the AAC " ? or was it more the result, but not the aim ? Just asking. And if Uconn gets a B12 invite, accepts, then goes to the B12, and then the AAC league later collapses, does Uconn bear the responsibility for destroying a league ? Really ? Again, just asking.

Comparing the AAC and ACC is ridiculous. The AAC is a refugee camp of schools who are cobbled together. There is no rhythm or reason to its membership and it literally spans from Houston to Hartford. It is a conference in name only.

If the ACC had a vision of what it wanted to be it lost its way. Did the ACC want to be the east coast conference? A SEC type football conference? A prestigious academics/athletic conference? With every expansion the ACC showed a new direct but without a final goal. If you drive in a circle, it is hard to get anywhere.

The only reasonable conclusion of ACC expansion was it was more focused on killing the BE and less focused on taking the BE territory. It was like a hunter who kills for sport but does not eat the meat....Now the ACC has won the war but cannot pay the reconstruction costs (paying BC, Syracuse, Pitt out of FSU/Clemson's share).

Clearly you are troubled by the claims BC betrayed the BE. Don't be....what is done is done and BC is paying the price now.
Feb 10, 2012
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The effect was to destroy the BE, but debateable if that was the initial aim.

Should the B12 ( and/ or another league ) come in and poach the AAC teams, and the AAC football league then eventually collapses as a result, can we say that " it was readily apparent that the B12 truly wanted to destroy the AAC " ? or was it more the result, but not the aim ? Just asking. And if Uconn gets a B12 invite, accepts, then goes to the B12, and then the AAC league later collapses, does Uconn bear the responsibility for destroying a league ? Really ? Again, just asking.

Why would uconn be responsible for what happens to a league it is no longer in?Once uconn accepts an invite to another league, I would hope it would refrain from participating in conference votes.

I don't think anyone holds bc responsible for destroying the be... The issue was always how they did it, and then how they have conspired against uconn since. It's cute how you think bc should shoulder the burden of bringing down a league where it hardly had an impact over 20+ years.
Jun 11, 2013
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The effect was to destroy the BE, but debateable if that was the initial aim.

Should the B12 ( and/ or another league ) come in and poach the AAC teams, and the AAC football league then eventually collapses as a result, can we say that " it was readily apparent that the B12 truly wanted to destroy the AAC " ? or was it more the result, but not the aim ? Just asking. And if Uconn gets a B12 invite, accepts, then goes to the B12, and then the AAC league later collapses, does Uconn bear the responsibility for destroying a league ? Really ? Again, just asking.

BTW.... Nice 32 point loss yesterday. The announcer says at the end.. "Everyone beats BC by a lot these days". Lol.
Oct 11, 2011
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@SADUCFKNIGHT1 they just had guy on from Tulsa that Boren wants BYU and UConn after the UC game on sports talk

Found this summary on the Cincinatti 247 board:

- Speaking with Tulsa Daily News' John Hoover
- Comments on Boren's statement in early Jan regarding expansion...
- Boren spoke with Hoover regarding expansion. had a lot to say; had an agenda. Doesn't fit with what B12 wants to do politically, but fits what born wants to do - strengthen b12, CCG, netowrk.
- Expansion is very much alive. BB and AD from Kansas and pres from KSU... All pretty much said without revealing anything - expansion is being discussed, but is not at stage where they are tossing out names. not at stage where they're setting deadlines. Talking about how having 12 teams vs 10 would be advantageous to conference.
- In due diligence process. Mounds and mounds of due diligence. Contraced a data analysis firm in Chicago and a media consulting firm in NYC. studied over 40,000 permutations of scheduling. League size, conference schedule, w and w/o CCG...
- Big 12 is not ready to expand. They want to. 3 or 4 schools want to expand, 3 or 5 don't, there are some swing votes... if tey can pull one or two others, they can have the required 8/10 to get expansion done and invite schools. Not anywhere near that stage.
- Having one voice very important... Cannot shoot from hip. Need one voice. BB to be that voice.
- Trump card = LHN prevents UT invite to SEC etc. If Texas gives it up, why wouldn't they give it up to stay in B12? Boren's veiled threat - threat of OU leaving B12 would collapse B12. Would destroy everybody's conference affiliation.
- Opinion question from Broo - as you crystal ball as to what the B12 may do if it expands (IF) - where do you think UC fits? Answer: Safe assumption there's enough momentum to assume B12 goes to 12 teams soon enough. i would think - David Boren wants BYU. National brand, national following in Mormon church. established football school for revenue. Does not want GOR penalties to other conferences. Think there is strong strong push for UCONN to be #2 due to size of TV market. UCONN grads living up and down east coast... Strong academic reputation. Where they fall short is football. Bring men's and women's bball... where does cincy fall? Honest opinion? 3rd. Behind UCONN. Reason: football tradition built by coaches in last decade.
- Broo: "This isn't good news for cincinnati fans, is it?" Answer: just one sports writer's opinion...
- Time table for expansion? Next pushpin on board is meetings May 31 - June 3 in Dallas. We should know then if expansion will happen in next 12-18 months. If it doesn't happen, thinks we can start writing B12's obituary.

Broo: sounds like UC needs to get busy with football...

End of segment.
Jan 15, 2014
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BTW.... Nice 32 point loss yesterday. The announcer says at the end.. "Everyone beats BC by a lot these days". Lol.
I don't follow college basketball. (Nobody seems to in Greater Boston). I didn't even know who BC played yesterday in college basketball. I think the young Celtics are playing well of late now however, and Bradley's 3 pointer at the buzzer to beat Lebron and the Cavs was pretty nice. But I'd imagine you probably don't like and follow the pros, just the amateurs games ? ( which is fine and all too .)
Nov 25, 2012
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The effect was to destroy the BE, but debateable if that was the initial aim.

Should the B12 ( and/ or another league ) come in and poach the AAC teams, and the AAC football league then eventually collapses as a result, can we say that " it was readily apparent that the B12 truly wanted to destroy the AAC " ? or was it more the result, but not the aim ? Just asking. And if Uconn gets a B12 invite, accepts, then goes to the B12, and then the AAC league later collapses, does Uconn bear the responsibility for destroying a league ? Really ? Again, just asking.
The Big East had been around for 25 years had a reputation as a if not the best basketball league and burgeoning football cred. They were in direct competition with the ACC. These are entirely different situations. Will there be sour grapes from fans of schools like ECU or Tulsa if UConn and Cincy leave saying that the league had a chance to be something ? No doubt but they'd be wrong.
Jan 15, 2014
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End of segment.[/QUOTE]
Will there be sour grapes from fans of schools like ECU or Tulsa if UConn and Cincy leave saying that the league had a chance to be something ? No doubt but they'd be wrong.

In this scenario, would they be wrong as well to sue you for leaving the AAC, stating your leaving caused the AAC to be diminished in value as a result of your leaving ? And that the principal reason they claimed you left the AAC was not to better yourself, but principally to destroy the AAC ? I would say in such a scenario that they were probably just wrong. They were simply jealous, perhaps bitter, and that would perhaps properly explain their sour grapes, lawsuit, and the like. And yes, they would be wrong on your motives. But if you got to the B12, would you even care what they thought regarding this alleged silly and mistaken nonsense of their claim of your setting out to " destroy the AAC " with your choice to depart the league for another that you simply perceived was a better one, and one that simply offered you more long term stability and the promise of more financial gain ?
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May 4, 2012
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That's OK Boston College didn't realize it had a men's bb game either. They just sent some guys over that volunteered. ...they kept it within 30 at least.

I don't follow college basketball. (Nobody seems to in Greater Boston). I didn't even know who BC played yesterday in college basketball. I think the young Celtics are playing well of late now however, and Bradley's 3 pointer at the buzzer to beat Lebron and the Cavs was pretty nice. But I'd imagine you probably don't like and follow the pros, just the amateurs games ? ( which is fine and all too .)

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