South Central LA, during the time KO was in HS was an absolute war zone. There were literally kids out with assault rifles taking each other out, in war games like fashion. To speak nothing of the drive by shootings that led to movies like Boys in the Hood, and Menace to Society. What kind of teachers/teaching would be attracted to that? That had to be one tough environment to teach in for the ones who did it. Did Ollie go to Crenshaw HS?
I am not going to take him to task over grammar given his background, sheet the man made it out of South Central, graduated college, endured the CBA, willed himself to a 13 year NBA career that should have never happened given his skill set, is a college coach at his alma mater, and NBA greats like Kevin Durant credit him with changing the culture of the organazation. I say he is to be applauded for his accomplishment and not derided over his less than perfect grammar.
As for Williams and Spurrier being an act, how could you possibly know that?