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Lifted from VT CR board

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Jan 31, 2014
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Uh, that happens everywhere. It goes all the way back to high school for cripes sake. I knew a girl on my floor at UConn who during a UConn game on TV, would point out all of the players she slept with on BOTH teams and she did not do it for the money. Ray Allen and Donny Marshall could have walked from MSB to Alumni on any given night and received several unsolicited offers for a fun night while I was at school. Heck, I head of similar stories about football recruits at Ithaca College - a good DIII football program. The difference is that this was voluntary. At Louisville, for some unknown reason, the decided that they had to hire (likely with direct or indirect, i.e. booster. money) professionals and then got caught.
What happened with the young woman you knew didn't sound like it was organized by the Athletic Department or other employees. If she slept with all these men on her own volition, and was proud enough to point them out, that's her business. But having athletic departments setting up women for sex (intentionally or looking the other way) for the purpose of securing recruits is a reprehensible practice, among other things, regardless if it happens all the time.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Louisville prostitution scandal doesn't bother me in the least. College football recruiting has been using young women to recruit football players going back before Bear Bryant at Alabama. I like the idea of actually seeing someone hire professionals rather than pimping their coeds. It goes on everywhere, and it's a shame Louisville is a scape goat.

You are not a father of daughters, I would guess.


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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You are not a father of daughters, I would guess.

Not to defend his position but it was a mother of daughters who pimped the prostitutes at Louisville. Sadly I'm not sure parenthood always is the best indicator of what side of the fence people are on.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I'd say as many folks in Florida watch the combo of FSU and Miami as they do Florida...and South Carolina is split pretty near 50-50 on Clemson/South Carolina. Georgia owns their state. There are no ACC teams in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mizzouri.

The ACC owns North Carolina and Virginia. Louisville and Kentucky will be pulling closer in splitting Kentucky football fans but Kentucky probably has the lead now.

South Carolina is better than 50% of South Carolina. But you are right that Clemson isn't just followed locally in the western mountains. It's more like 60-40 or 65-35.

I don't see gloom and doom for the ACC, but I sure see a lot of stupidity. Louisville, Pitt and Syracuse vs. UConn, Rutgers and Maryland. In hindsight, be honest, which would you rather have in the ACC? Think about that map before you answer. With the correct moves early on, they would have a Network in the works, and a GOR, before Maryland bolted. Miami to Maine would be your footprint.

The lesson is a simple one. Never settle for the #2 or #3 property in a given region when a #1 property is available. Honestly, they should have said yes to WVU too.
Jun 14, 2012
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You are not getting it. The BIG added Maryland and Rutgers to sell cable boxes and form a permanent east coast presence. This is why the BIG is making way more than the ACC. The BIG network changes the financial dynamics and regions become more important.

So the BIG expanded to keep PSU happy cause they didn't want to lose them? Ummm, where was PSU going...Answer, no where, the BIG is the top conference in the north. PSU may have a ton of fans in NJ who want to see them play there but the BIG was not paying $35 million + a year to Rutgers for that...Rutgers made the BIG money and allowed further east coast access

Dudes in a bar cheering for their team does not equate to owning a region. I'll take the BIG financial analysts over the ACC bar survey.
I get it perfectly. The B1G did go after cable boxes in the region for a boost to the BTN. But they knew cable boxes are on the decline nationally when they did it. They probably didn't know how rapidly it is happening, causing ESPN and Fox to both downsize. But they knew. That was the public presentation. The real reason was to keep PSU happy. Several of them have admitted it a couple of times, especially the Wisconsin AD.
Dec 25, 2011
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Changing subjects, Mr. Conehead. I'm not sure if you go back far enough, but do you know if UConn is responsible for politically manipulating the Big East to kick Temple out to take their spot for FBS football 15 years ago? I always though UConn's rise to FBS and Temple's boot were unrelated. I'm hearing that they weren't in places I don't want to hear it. I don't know enough to refute it, but I want to if it is not at all true. If it is true, then so be it. Louisville kicked VT out of the Metro before. That can be overcome. But I don't want false rumors out there where I know they are.

To the best of my knowledge, no. UConn was offered to move up to I-A by the Big E in '97 (along with Villanova), began the change in '99 and then transition from 1-AA to 1-A between 2000 and 2005 when they would join the Big E. That was pushed-up a year to '04 when BC, Miami & V Tech moved to the ACC. I suspect that UConn had other issues to focus on more than Temple's football issues. From '91 to '04, Temple had no winning seasons and had won a total of 14 Big E games. The university's inability to take football seriously, i.e. spend money on the program, frustrated Big E leadership for years, especially the football schools. I mean, why should they get a share of the Big E's football revenues when all they do is lay eggs? At least UConn committed to investing in football - new stadium, full I-A scholarship load, promise of a practice facility, etc. Temple was booted after '04 primary under the believe 'addition by subtraction' at a time when the Big E was in survival mode after the initial defection. The wildcard is that as the Big E was a basketball conference, I am not sure how Coach Chaney's antics as Temple's basketball coach (he should have beat down Coach Cal) ruffled the feather of the holier-than-thou Big E Catholics and, if yes, if that played into any of this, too. Chaney retired in '06.

PS - Temple is pushing hard to build a 35,000 football stadium in North Philly; but, local polticians are not supporting the idea.
Sep 14, 2011
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The New Jersey response is what I'd expect with Penn State primary and Rutgers distant from that. It is Penn State territory. You'll get ND if you get around Catholics. Otherwise Penn State. If you run across a Rutgers alumni, my expectation is that you'll hear that. It will be much less.

If in College Park you didn't hear Maryland, that would be embarrassing. I was referring to Baltimore and Annapolis. I would suspect you'd hear Navy in Annapolis a lot if you talk to the Midshipmen and their families and friends. If they keep doing as well as they have been, even more. Penn State is huge in that area just like South Jersey.
Penn State was never huge in Maryland...just the opposite. For years the Turtles considered the Nittany Lions their biggest rivals (even though Penn State didn't return the favor). Half of College Park consisted of kids from "Ballmer" and another big chunk was from Annapolis. Penn State fans are few and far between in Maryland. South Jersey, yes, big Penn State following. Notre Dame, though, no real following in either area.
Feb 3, 2016
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I get it perfectly. The B1G did go after cable boxes in the region for a boost to the BTN. But they knew cable boxes are on the decline nationally when they did it. They probably didn't know how rapidly it is happening, causing ESPN and Fox to both downsize. But they knew. That was the public presentation. The real reason was to keep PSU happy. Several of them have admitted it a couple of times, especially the Wisconsin AD.
Notwithstanding the paradigm shift in how content is viewed, you will still have to pay to view it. Maryland and Rutgers were added for ‘eyeballs’ and BTN content. PSU has never been entirely happy in the B1G. Just the same they aren’t going anywhere. They are stuck - albeit in a very desirable place.
Jun 14, 2012
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Notwithstanding the paradigm shift in how content is viewed, you will still have to pay to view it. Maryland and Rutgers were added for ‘eyeballs’ and BTN content. PSU has never been entirely happy in the B1G. Just the same they aren’t going anywhere. They are stuck - albeit in a very desirable place.
The Big Ten is too smart to add Maryland and Rutgers for 'eyeballs'. They added Nebraska for 'eyeballs', yes. If they added Maryland and Rutgers for 'eyeballs', which I don't believe they did, all they'll get are the 'eyeballs' that watch Maryland basketball. Those alone aren't worth adding both schools.
Jun 14, 2012
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To the best of my knowledge, no. UConn was offered to move up to I-A by the Big E in '97 (along with Villanova), began the change in '99 and then transition from 1-AA to 1-A between 2000 and 2005 when they would join the Big E. That was pushed-up a year to '04 when BC, Miami & V Tech moved to the ACC. I suspect that UConn had other issues to focus on more than Temple's football issues. From '91 to '04, Temple had no winning seasons and had won a total of 14 Big E games. The university's inability to take football seriously, i.e. spend money on the program, frustrated Big E leadership for years, especially the football schools. I mean, why should they get a share of the Big E's football revenues when all they do is lay eggs? At least UConn committed to investing in football - new stadium, full I-A scholarship load, promise of a practice facility, etc. Temple was booted after '04 primary under the believe 'addition by subtraction' at a time when the Big E was in survival mode after the initial defection. The wildcard is that as the Big E was a basketball conference, I am not sure how Coach Chaney's antics as Temple's basketball coach (he should have beat down Coach Cal) ruffled the feather of the holier-than-thou Big E Catholics and, if yes, if that played into any of this, too. Chaney retired in '06.

PS - Temple is pushing hard to build a 35,000 football stadium in North Philly; but, local polticians are not supporting the idea.
Thanks. That's what I thought. They are independent events, and Temple caused their own issues. I do think Villanova was working against Temple though.

I have been following the Temple football stadium situation. I think that the Board will be discussing it today actually. The Temple President is pushing it, and he thinks he's past the politicians. I'm impressed with Temple's football season last year and their ability to hold onto this coach.
Feb 3, 2016
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The Big Ten is too smart to add Maryland and Rutgers for 'eyeballs'. They added Nebraska for 'eyeballs', yes. If they added Maryland and Rutgers for 'eyeballs', which I don't believe they did, all they'll get are the 'eyeballs' that watch Maryland basketball. Those alone aren't worth adding both schools.
You are suggesting the Rutgers / Maryland add was to keep PSU happy. Why would B1G slice up the pie ($) just to keep PSU happy…they are not going anywhere. You invite Rutgers / Maryland because the addition is (or will be) a value added proposition. If not, what you are suggesting is a very, very expensive way to keep PSU happy - in a manner which is detrimental to every other member of the B1G.
Jun 14, 2012
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You are suggesting the Rutgers / Maryland add was to keep PSU happy. Why would B1G slice up the pie ($) just to keep PSU happy…they are not going anywhere. You invite Rutgers / Maryland because the addition is (or will be) a value added proposition. If not, what you are suggesting is a very, very expensive way to keep PSU happy - in a manner which is detrimental to every other member of the B1G.
Bingo. It is what I'm suggesting, and the result is what you are saying. The SPIN about 'moving in the area', bringing Big Ten schools to the east to please the Big Ten alumni in the region is just that, SPIN. They were already in the East with Penn State. There will be a temporary bump in cable boxes until cord cutters make cable boxes like fax machines and type writers.

The real story is what the principals of the Big Ten said at the time.

Jim Delany, "We felt threatened."
E. Gordon Gee, "We had to implement a blocking strategy."
Barry Alvarez. "These were added to hold onto Penn State."

They felt threatened and wanted to block the departure of Penn State. Was Penn State leaving? Probably not, but they were worried enough about it. They just watched the other of the only two college football players in the East, Notre Dame, walk over to the ACC or at least move out of reach of the B1G.

The whole thing was able to be accomplished because the Big Ten was able to promise Wallace Loh enough to betray Maryland's home conference and historical partners. And he did.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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More or less.

That said, I'll heed your angry admonition, and take a break for awhile. I do get the point that this is a Uconn Board and some people can get real angry with outsiders take on things. So I'll return one and all to the Uconn bubble world that seems preferred here. Take care.. be well.

It would have been nice if you brought a thoughtful, informed perspective to the board, even one that I disagreed with.

You didn't.


It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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No like Texas, Michigan, and Florida.

I wouldn't use Michigan as an example right now. We are a mess and, excepting a couple of years, have been since 1998.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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I wouldn't use Michigan as an example right now. We are a mess and, excepting a couple of years, have been since 1998.

Quiet down... were talking about being compared to flipping Kentucky, Kansas, and Indiana... Michigan is a well oiled machine compared to those ADs.
Feb 3, 2016
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No like Texas, Michigan, and Florida.
Texas, Michigan and Florida? UConn only moved up to Div. 1-A in, what, 2000? 2002? I like UConn a lot, I really do. Excellent school, great athletic programs. But you picked some interesting dance partners for the sake of comparison. The air is pretty rarefied up there...
Feb 3, 2016
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Quiet down... were talking about being compared to flipping Kentucky, Kansas, and Indiana... Michigan is a well oiled machine compared to those ADs.
What is wrong with comparisons to Kentucky, Kansas, and Indiana? They are all fine schools with solid traditions. I think most would take it as a compliment.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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What is wrong with comparisons to Kentucky, Kansas, and Indiana? They are all fine schools with solid traditions. I think most would take it as a compliment.

Sure they are... we were a better football program than Indiana the very day we set foot in Div. 1-A.
Aug 24, 2011
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Father Jenkins didn't say New England. He said Massachusetts. I say that the ACC owns the State of New York and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts because the ACC has the only P5 members in both, and the ACC has partial Notre Dame, who is very popular in both New York and Massachusetts. I know of no other school other than perhaps Penn State that can sell out every NFL Stadium in the northeast most every time they go to them without concern for who they are playing. Notre Dame isn't a full member of the ACC, but they play the ACC more than any other conference, and they don't play Big Ten very often. They did play UMass last year. Maybe they could play them in Gillette to see how they do.

I do believe UConn owns Connecticut. I think you would be a great addition to the ACC and have thought so for a while. Your renewed rivalries with BC, Syracuse, and Pitt would be great. They have not peaked. They all have great new coaches in football that look to be taking them in a positive direction. Rutgers has peaked. It can't even recruit the best talent in its home state. And you know better than I about the Rutgers-UConn men's basketball rivalry. I can't imagine wanting to renew that.

I do honestly hope UConn gets into the P5. I came back because it's looking like there is a real shot at the Big XII. I'm not worried about a Big XII network. They have zero presence in the ACC area other than perhaps WVU. If folks in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and Iowa want a channel. Fine by me. I worry about ACC football powers competing with Big XII powers. Clemson crushing Oklahoma the last two years reduces that worry.

If Syracuse is the only regional team that New York state as a whole cares about, please explain why (i) Rutgers football games are clearly the biggest local draw in the NY TV market, and (ii) UConn, and not Syracuse, is the team that has (and had when both were in the Big East) 100% of their football games not on national TV picked up by SNY, the NYC based sports league?

Without ND as a football member, no single conference owns Metro NY football at the moment, but the Big Ten is far closer to it than the ACC. Frankly, if the ACC adds UConn it remains split forever, and if the Ten adds UCOonn NYC becomes a Big Ten City with the ACC of secondary interest. And if we were talking about hoops, since the Big East disintegration the market is hopelessly split, and conferences are looking for "shares," not "ownership."
Last edited:
Aug 24, 2011
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The Louisville prostitution scandal doesn't bother me in the least. College football recruiting has been using young women to recruit football players going back before Bear Bryant at Alabama. I like the idea of actually seeing someone hire professionals rather than pimping their coeds. It goes on everywhere, and it's a shame Louisville is a scape goat.

By that logic (that it goes back a number of years), none of slavery, Jim Crown or denying women the franchise would "bother you in the least" either. Hopefully, you have enough sense to know that you've jumped the shark from annoying to idiotic and go away.
Dec 25, 2011
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Bingo. It is what I'm suggesting, and the result is what you are saying. The SPIN about 'moving in the area', bringing Big Ten schools to the east to please the Big Ten alumni in the region is just that, SPIN. They were already in the East with Penn State. There will be a temporary bump in cable boxes until cord cutters make cable boxes like fax machines and type writers.

The real story is what the principals of the Big Ten said at the time.

Jim Delany, "We felt threatened."
E. Gordon Gee, "We had to implement a blocking strategy."
Barry Alvarez. "These were added to hold onto Penn State."

They felt threatened and wanted to block the departure of Penn State. Was Penn State leaving? Probably not, but they were worried enough about it. They just watched the other of the only two college football players in the East, Notre Dame, walk over to the ACC or at least move out of reach of the B1G.

The whole thing was able to be accomplished because the Big Ten was able to promise Wallace Loh enough to betray Maryland's home conference and historical partners. And he did.

While upset with the B1G over several issues, Penn St was not leaving the B1G. The B1G looks at the whole package and that package includes join membership in the CIC, which is huge for the academic side of the house. That alone would keep Penn St in the B1G. Plus, why would Penn St leave one conference for another when that other 1) provides less money, especially due to the lack of a network, and 2) has many of the same political issues as the ACC such as the Football contingent versus Tobacco Road clan.

As for Maryland, they were in a financial black hole and the B1G through them a lifeline that the ACC could not. Plus, while Maryland is an 'Atlantic' school, it is a large, state flagship university, which meets the B1G profiles, sans Northwestern, a lot more than the ACC, which only has 2 flagship universities. Not to mention that schools like Ohio St have a massive alumni population in the DC area (I believe it is Ohio St's second largest alumni bases outside of OH [Detroit is #1]) country's 7th largest TV market.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Without ND as a football member, no single conference owns Metro NY football at the moment, but the Big Ten is far closer to it than the ACC. Frankly, if the ACC adds UConn it remains split forever, and if the Ten adds UCOonn NYC becomes a Big Ten City with the ACC of secondary interest. And if we were talking about hoops, since the Big East disintegration the market is hopelessly split, and conferences are looking for "shares," not "ownership."
You couldn't be more right. Those outside the metro area may have a hard time seeing this.
Sep 14, 2011
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The whole thing was able to be accomplished because the Big Ten was able to promise Wallace Loh enough to betray Maryland's home conference and historical partners. And he did.
The ACC schools always treated Maryland like an outlier. The Terps weren't southern enough. Their opinion simply didn't matter and eventually that disdain came back to bite the conference.
Aug 13, 2013
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Loh...a Big Ten guy...basically kidnapped Maryland by circumventing the discussion of boosters, alumni, and even his board....

but..most of us FSU fans threw a party....who wants to watch a team that is 2-22 against your team and the last game was
63-0 ?
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