Lakers preparing offer for Hurley | Page 75 | The Boneyard

Lakers preparing offer for Hurley


May 23, 2024
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Lakers shed about 75% of their salaries after next season including Lebron, Anthony Davis and DeAngelo Russell. If Hurley wants to bring in his guys he can, even if they sign Lebron to a short term deal. They are going to have a ton of space and the Lakers are a destination for free agents.

Definitely not as bad of a situation as many making it out to be. And Lebron remained elite last season.
they are either wasting a couple years with lebron AD and chris paul or trading more future picks for some star. option 2 is far more likely and will set them back for years.
Feb 19, 2014
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Was Billy Donovan’s legacy improved or diminished by going to the NBA?

He had a chance to become a guy with a legacy of Coach K, Calhoun, Knight, etc. Instead he’s a mid NBA coach who blew his shot at being a lock for the Hall of Fame. Hurley should not make that same mistake.
Nov 11, 2017
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If Lebron is on the roster you're in win now mode with a roster that can't win now. The roster is garbage. They don't even have a first round pick in 2025 when they seemingly might be in the lottery and in contention for Flagg.
They won 47 games last season and were like 3 games back from the 4th seed in a very competitive west. They last to Denver by 2 buzzer beaters. How exactly is that roaster garbage?
Nov 3, 2019
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If he takes NBA job he won't have to deal with every 4/5 star recruit demanding 1 million in NIL and threatening to leave each season.
I can't even imagine the pressure on college coaches having to build rosters like that....makes what he has done even more amazing.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I'm obviously a fan of LA because I've lived here for 20 years but I find these posts opining that a certain personality type doesn't "work" in a city of 20 million people to be a little silly. Not everyone that lives here is an instagram thot or a wannabe actor. We have doctors, lawyers, plumbers, refrigerator salesmen, construction workers - gasp - standup comedians, you name it.
When my ex GF (from West Hills) told me her dad worked at the LA Times, I assumed he was a reporter. Nope. Managed a lot of the printing process. I think LA is pretty underrated. I don't want to live there, but It has a lot to offer. I can imagine Dan succeeding there. His bluntness would be different, but he can be funny and charming with it at times. He's like the Chili Palmer of basketball coaches.
Feb 23, 2022
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I don’t get the complaining on here about Dan needing to release a statement.

DB has not got an extension done for Dan yet. Every single contract negotiation for Dan to this point has yielded unwieldy benefits for the program. He did this at URI too.

More money for the assistants, infrastructure, etc. Now the collective angle has sprung up, and it must be a part of the package.

D’Amelio made a huge push to corporate partners this year for the NIL funding. Do you not think that’s related?

All Hurley has ever wanted is to be supported at the highest level so he can focus on coaching and winning.

If I were betting on this, I’d bet Dan returns to UConn with an even fatter contract (but if it were all about money he’d have taken the $15M at Kentucky), that has UConn’s NIL guarantees at the top of the country.

But this process and the negotiations and the public silence is necessary if you’re trying to get UConn to do the right thing for its basketball program.
Sep 14, 2015
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I’ve got to think that the Lakers and/or other NBA franchises were thinking about Hurley a lot sooner than yesterday morning. It’s been two months since the 2nd national championship. The Lakers season was over almost a month and a half ago. I know the news dropped yesterday, but I assume Hurley has known about this far longer than when the media breaks it. If that’s the case, why not let Karaban know your intentions sooner? Or why get Liam and Aidan to commit if you know you are gone? I get that you still have a job to do as current HC at UConn but you’re not going to sell these guys on a championship if you don’t plan to be around. Either he had absolutely no idea an NBA franchise would come calling (which seems unlikely) or he is truly using this for leverage and a tactic that yes he is the best coach in the county, pro or college, and UConn better make that known in his new contract.
leverage may be for NIL $$
Aug 26, 2011
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They won 47 games last season and were like 3 games back from the 4th seed in a very competitive west. They last to Denver by 2 buzzer beaters. How exactly is that roaster garbage?
Losing in the first round with Lebron & AD means the rest of your roster is garbage
Dec 10, 2019
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To me one of the most interesting nuggets that has come out (think it was in one of fanta’s articles) is that UConn has had an offer out to Hurley for a while now and were kinda confused as to why he hadn’t signed. It’s also been well reported that reddick was being strongly considered for the LA job but obviously, they stalled somewhere on that.

I was full panic mode yesterday… but am oddly more calm today. Suddenly more pundits are talking about why Hurley shouldn’t take the job. And the narrative on the Lakers job went from DH is the guy, he’ll get a blank check… etc. to “Hurley is interviewing, and Reddick is still firmly in play.”

I don’t begrudge anything Danny is doing in being open to this. He has always looked at the NBA as an interesting possibility and the most storied franchise at that level is putting an offer on the table for him and wants to wine and dine he and his wife west coast style. There isn’t a world in which I realistically think he says “no” out of hand to that. As many here have already said - that’s a call that you take and consider. But I do think there is a very realistic chance that the actual job is something he can say no to, after carefully considering it and hearing what they have to say.

If the UConn offer has been on the table for a month and Danny hasn’t signed it, it means there’s something missing. And now we hear UConn are scrambling to put together the best possible counter offer they can to keep him. Meanwhile, LA is VERY publicly, on the eve of the NBA finals, showing JJ and all their other candidates that they have options (and have managed to insert themselves into the narrative of a finals in which they should not even be a footnote).

Suddenly, Hurley and LA seem to be holding all the cards.
Aug 25, 2011
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When my ex GF (from West Hills) told me her dad worked at the LA Times, I assumed he was a reporter. Nope. Managed a lot of the printing process. I think LA is pretty underrated. I don't want to live there, but It has a lot to offer. I can imagine Dan succeeding there. His bluntness would be different, but he can be funny and charming with it at times. He's like the Chili Palmer of basketball coaches.

In my top 5 movies of all time so I gotta give this a like. Farina crushes it as Ray Barbone. "They say the smog is the reason we have such beautiful sunsets." "Oh is that what they say, huh? What a bunch of duck____ b_______."
Aug 27, 2011
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I struggle to believe Dan would do this so close to the season but there appears to be smoke

Highest paid NBA and NCAA basketball coaches​


Bill Self​



John Calipari​



Tom Izzo​

Michigan State​



Steve Kerr​



Gregg Popovich​



Erik Spoelstra​



NOTE Kerr and Spoelstra's new contracts, above, begin in the 2024-25 season
SOURCE USA TODAY head coaches database, USA TODAY research

Just fyi. IMHO, gotta pay Danny $9.7M. In other words, highest paid college coach and deservedly so. That would be the only counter, if Lakers offer.

As for the state debt...........


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I don’t get the complaining on here about Dan needing to release a statement.

DB has not got an extension done for Dan yet. Every single contract negotiation for Dan to this point has yielded unwieldy benefits for the program. He did this at URI too.

More money for the assistants, infrastructure, etc. Now the collective angle has sprung up, and it must be a part of the package.

D’Amelio made a huge push to corporate partners this year for the NIL funding. Do you not think that’s related?

All Hurley has ever wanted is to be supported at the highest level so he can focus on coaching and winning.

If I were betting on this, I’d bet Dan returns to UConn with an even fatter contract (but if it were all about money he’d have taken the $15M at Kentucky), that has UConn’s NIL guarantees at the top of the country.

But this process and the negotiations and the public silence is necessary if you’re trying to get UConn to do the right thing for its basketball program.

There are almost 2,000 posts in this thread. I'm not sure anyone has called for DH to release a statement lol.
Aug 17, 2014
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Quote from Coach Calhoun
"I think he needs to look at the Lakers opportunity like anybody else would. You’ve got to look at it. It’s Danny and his wife’s decision. It’s a family decision. Going 3,000 miles from where you’re from is hard though. I looked at a couple NBA jobs. I know who I am. I’m a college coach. I’m not a pro coach. He’s happy at UConn. He loves UConn, and we’ve become great friends and I’m very proud of and happy for him. It comes down to what he wants, but this is the Lakers we’re talking about. Yes, you look at this opportunity, of course.”


Aug 14, 2011
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The Lakers head coaching job is similar to the Yankees manager job circa 1984. Historic and storied franchise. But the glory years are behind it headed toward a rebuild. They’ll be on top again. But not in the near future.

It's like a Greek man saying, "Olympics? hold my beer."

He then proceeds to become the Eric Cartman of the 2024 Olympics.
Oct 26, 2018
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You're crazy if you think people on this board wouldn't string him up for jumping ship in the week or two after a championship parade. And by then the coaching musical chairs had already stopped. We wouldn't have landed Aiden, Liam, or Tarris.
april was 100% the time. just wait until the parade is over. the only times that are worse than june are july and august. the later it gets the further behind the 8 ball we are. who cares if we got aiden, liam, tarris they are goners.
Apr 1, 2013
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Lakers shed about 75% of their salaries after next season including Lebron, Anthony Davis and DeAngelo Russell. If Hurley wants to bring in his guys he can, even if they sign Lebron to a short term deal. They are going to have a ton of space and the Lakers are a destination for free agents.

Definitely not as bad of a situation as many making it out to be. And Lebron remained elite last season.
It's not a good situation either. It would be best to already have a superstar. Each year LeBron declines and Davis playing is not reliable. While they can get FA's unless you have elite superstars where are they going? They don't have the patience in LA and their FO competence is in question. SO, this upcoming year they aren’t winning and unless a young big time superstar is available; the following year they will probably lose. AT that point his tenure/personality could start to wear thin.

His best move would be The Spurs. IMO the coach there an al-time great has gotten more nutty and if he were to go-- Hurley could do great things there. But he won't go.

Hurley should go a team that has some young superstar/stars locked up. Not to have to babysit LeBron’s son while before Hurley's eyes he sees the great LeBron continually decline in performance. However, the contract he gets from LA ofc would probably be unprecedented - so h takes the hits and rolls with them with a 50-50 chance he's back in the East Coast a few years maybe doing TV if that suits him too.
Aug 29, 2011
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Losing in the first round with Lebron & AD means the rest of your roster is garbage

Other teams are getting better. Thunder, Wolves, Mavs, Spurs, Pelicans, Nuggets. The Lakers are getting worse.

You're paying D Russell $18,000,000, Rui $17,000,000, Gabe Vincent $11,000,000, Vanderbilt $10,000,000. You owe Lebron $51,000,000 next year and AD $43,000,000 and then $60,000,000 the following year.

The only good young player is Austin Reaves and there are 15 of him in the NBA.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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In my top 5 movies of all time so I gotta give this a like. Farina crushes it as Ray Barbone. "They say the smog is the reason we have such beautiful sunsets." "Oh is that what they say, huh? What a bunch of duck____ b_______."
They say the $#%&ing smog is the $#%&ing reason they have such $#%&ing beautiful sunsets.

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