Lakers preparing offer for Hurley | Page 14 | The Boneyard

Lakers preparing offer for Hurley

Apr 4, 2024
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That's the thing though, it's not a once in a lifetime opportunity. You think any NBA owner or GM would hang up the phone if Hurley's agent called in 2, 5, 10 years saying he might be interested in an opening?

Hurley can go to the NBA whenever he wants. Does he care about the prestige of the Lakers? Who knows. Does he care about the money? Probably not over a few million a year, but for 100 million, multi-generational wealth? That's harder to argue against.
Lakers, Celtics, Knicks are once in a lifetime types
Dec 8, 2015
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I get that the Lakers are a historic franchise. But long term is it really a top of the league job? LeBron is pretty old and the west is loaded. It’s on the west coast. I’m sure that they could offer lots of years and dollars. The opportunity for endorsements and off the court opportunities is definitely there. I just see Hurley as being a guy that when the time is right is more suited to coach the Celtics, Knicks, Sixers, or Nets.

If it wasn't the Lakers, we'd be talking about the franchise like NOLA, Portland, or Charlotte... they're horrible, with no young talent, and are 5 years away from being a contender, minimum. That being said... it's LA.


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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Well, if they're willing to make the massive, long term offer it will be difficult to turn down as it will be life altering money

The few things in our favor would be:
  • The Lakers would require basically a full rebuild as they are LeBron, AD (neither has much left) and not a lot else.
  • The Nuggets should still be a contender for quite a few years.
  • The Wolves and Thunder are built to be very good for a long time.
  • The Spurs are very close to approaching, at least in young talent, the Wolves and Thunder.
  • The bulk of what Dallas has still has quite a few years left.
  • There are three teams, also with short windows that still have a lot of overall talent (Dubs, Suns, Clippers)
  • There are two young teams with a good amount of talent that may be able to take the next step (Kings, Pelicans).
Thing he needs to factor into the equation:
  • What life will be like early on when competing for titles won't be realistic.
  • How easily he'll be able to install the culture he professes.
  • How willing NBA players, looking to secure contracts that will be 3-4 times what DH willl be making (even with massive deal for a coach) would be to make the extra pass when they believe they need stats sufficient to be named first team all NBA to qualify for certain increases.
  • How willing a team of NBA players will be willing to buy in on him if there is an extended period without much success (which will likley occur until a full roster is built).
In full candor, I hope he stays but I won't question him for taking the Lakers job as a) it will be life altering money and b) while NBA jobs will be available for him in the future, an offer from a high level (top two historically) brand at the level being rumored may neve be on the table again.

One recent ESPN blip which I believe should be reason for him gibr the Lakers a massive no; they just spoke of a LeBron conversation where he praised DH. They then stated that there could be no better coach to develop Bronny than Dan Hurley. If the idea is to make Hurley Alfred to Bronnie's Batman, there shouldn't be enough money in the world for that job.

If LeBron wanted Hurley to develop him, he should have had him transfer to UConn for crissakes.

I agree that apart from it being the LA LAKERS, in terms of winning a title, this isn't a great job at all. But it's the Lakers, with all the money in the world.

I just see it as a bad fit all around. Gonna pay a guy with zero connections/experience with the NBA $100M when the last coach to win a title at both levels was Larry Brown? But that doesn't mean I don't think it's going to happen. At a certain point you can't turn down that kind of money.
Dec 15, 2023
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We could lose anyone on the team, not just the new recruits. This is the nightmare scenario.
Yup. You listen to all the current players/recruits, and they say the reason they chose UConn was Hurley and the system/culture he built.
May 3, 2016
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Honestly, isn’t saying I cudda coached at Tucky, LA just as good as actually doing it? Especially if you continue to win Natties at UConn.
Jan 29, 2015
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His stock may never be higher, his system could help revolutionize the NBA, and he’d make crazy money and live in LA. College coaching is a total grind and getting worse. That said, he’s not winning an NBA title with the Lakers roster and it’ll be years before he’d even have a shot. Rick Pitino should’ve never taken the Celtics job, and Billy Donovan should’ve never left. If I’m Hurley, I coach another couple years at UConn and then go the Knicks when that job opens up.

Hunt for 7

Built Hurley Strong
Dec 27, 2022
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So people should just never take another job ever? He never should have left Wagner because they gave him the opportunity to be a college coach? He hurt his URI legacy? He already literally laughed at the idea of going to Kentucky for way more money, that’s not enough loyalty?

You act like UConn grabbed him off the street. He picked us over p5 options when our program was an absolute disaster and we were stuck in the aac getting blown out during 9 pm Tuesday night games in a half empty gampel. He resurrected our program and gave us the best 2 year run in program history and one of the best in college basketball history. If he wants to pursue other goals which he has been open about in the past he deserves to do that and pretty much the only people who would hold that against him are the same ones who were demanding his firing 16 months ago
Not what I said. He made the right choice when he came to UConn. The more job/life changes you make the more chances you don’t get it right.

But my comment was trying to express some content on loyalty and I still don’t agree with the comment that he owes UConn nothing, opportunity and great opportunity is what everyone who is good at their job should always look for.

Give Danny credit for knowing how to make the right decision when he chose us. But loyalty is kind of abstract and my comment was more based to your peers and players than to the institution/college.

At the next level loyalty is not a part of the equation. I know that can be a burden for a person…..
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Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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Are you seriously comparing living in Glastonbury CT to Los Angeles?

Highest paid colleges basketball coaches this year were Self at 9.6 mill and Cal at 8.5 mill. He's at or above their level now.

I think a contract in that area could be competitive with an NBA offer. Another 10 years at UConn at 9 mill is equally as attractive as the risk of 3-4 in the NBA at 15 mill. The talk of "life-changing" money is a little silly to me. He's getting life-changing money if he stays in college too, with unlimited job security as long as he feels like working.

Can we pull that kind of $$ out of thin air? I have no idea. But I'm confident the AD has been working on it for a couple months now.

I really think this will come down to whether or not he wants the challenge of coaching at the highest level. Personally, I would... and I'd go. But it's not for everyone.
Is it really coaching at the highest level?
Nov 11, 2018
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If it wasn't the Lakers, we'd be talking about the franchise like NOLA, Portland, or Charlotte... they're horrible, with no young talent, and are 5 years away from being a contender, minimum. That being said... it's LA.
Yeah. I lived there for 12 years. I don't follow the NBA, didn't watch the lakers and still knew every player on the roster. Even Nick Young and Luke Walton were celebs in LA. This team dominates the city
Jan 31, 2018
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Too bad. He has said many times the NBA is one of his goals. I don't like the fit in LA to be honest. But probably 60 to 80 million reasons why he goes.
Oct 13, 2012
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If he wasn’t going it wouldn’t have leaked. The lakers are not getting publicly snubbed by UConn.

I’m sure it’ll be very hard for the Hurleys to leave but assuming they do I truly wish them all the best. Danny brought this program back from life support
Jan 14, 2012
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If LeBron wanted Hurley to develop him, he should have had him transfer to UConn for crissakes.

I agree that apart from it being the LA LAKERS, in terms of winning a title, this isn't a great job at all. But it's the Lakers, with all the money in the world.

I just see it as a bad fit all around. Gonna pay a guy with zero connections/experience with the NBA $100M when the last coach to win a title at both levels was Larry Brown? But that doesn't mean I don't think it's going to happen. At a certain point you can't turn down that kind of money.
He’s not stupid

You CANNOT win with that team and a 40 year old LeBron, max contract, calling the shots. Cap strapped. No first round pick next year.

Hes “exploring” what a partnership would look like…

He’s not dumb. He HAS to know a rebuild, without Lebron, is required.

And most likely, AD would need to go as well

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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His stock may never be higher, his system could help revolutionize the NBA, and he’d make crazy money and live in LA. College coaching is a total grind and getting worse. That said, he’s not winning an NBA title with the Lakers roster and it’ll be years before he’d even have a shot. Rick Pitino should’ve never taken the Celtics job, and Billy Donovan should’ve never left. If I’m Hurley, I coach another couple years at UConn and then go the Knicks when that job opens up.

I'm hoping the Donovan and Pitino results sway Hurley along with what Coach K built by staying. I say all this realizing today's CBB world is entirely different than it was in the 90's and 00's.

UConn can never match Lakers financially, but he can live a very comfortable life in the top 0.01% of all people and forever be a northeast legend.

He part of a machine larger than him when he goes to the Lakers and eventually leaves the Lakers.
May 27, 2014
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On item 4 - how many years does LeGM have left? He could do the cute Father & Son thing for a year then build his own thing after…
This is the part that’s crazy to me. What if Hurley doesn’t want Bronny? What if some other team takes Bronny before LA? Taking a kid who put up 4 ppg in college just to keep Lebron is so anti-Hurley it sounds crazy to me.


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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I do love the people in here that aren't clued in to how the NBA works with its news stories.

If WoJ is tweeting and doing sportscenter spots at 7am about a story it very much is legitimate.

If something big happens in the NBA Woj is the one who drops it.

This has way more legs than the UK forum non sense. This is probably 80/20 done to the lakers with how it's been handled in the media. Woj doesn't just leak stuff for contract negotions.

You're talking about people being naive without acknowledging that Woj and Shams leak whatever their sources want them to leak, when they want them to leak it. So that they continue getting scoops. It's an ecosystem.

Yeah, it's clearly legitimate that the Lakers are interested. It takes two to tango. Danny will no doubt listen. I would. His agent would fire him as a client if he didn't.

Let's wait until Woj reports Danny wants the job and the two sides are negotiating the terms before throwing our hands in the air.

It's really amazing seeing people's defense mechanisms kicking in here. Saw the same thing with Alex. Everybody saying he was gone so they could protect themselves emotionally in the event he did leave.

Nobody has any basis to handicap this based on a couple tweets that say the Lakers are going to make an offer.
Feb 23, 2023
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The lakers can’t win now no matter who the coach is. Does Hurley really want to go through a rebuild? If it’s just about money then go get that bag sir. I just think DH cares more about winning than money.

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