Lakers preparing offer for Hurley | Page 13 | The Boneyard

Lakers preparing offer for Hurley

Aug 26, 2011
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This is not a big deal for Alex. He chose to come back for another year of college. He loves UCONN. He wants to improve his game. He wasn't coming back just for Danny.
that mindset will change for Alex if/when most of the team around him bails with Hurley
Mar 29, 2022
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At least they waited for us to finish recruiting for this season
Boy do I have some bad news for you....

What if I told you your entire team gets a 30 day portal window after this potentially happens.

Recruiting season may not have even really started yet.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Not going through all the comments.

1. Thank you. Good luck. You righted the ship and put us full steam ahead. Forever indedted.
2. Call Jay Wright
3. Promote Kimani to HC and make Luke his #1 Assistant. Give Kimani $3m and Luke $1m.
Aug 30, 2011
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So loyalty is like a one way street. I must have missed that.

FWIW certainly not at this level but 10 years ago, I had to make a decision that might offer life altering money. I decided to be loyal to the business team that helped me get to a point that such an offer could be possible.

I chose the loyalty route and although, I made less money they people that helped me did well. I am doing better financially than I would have ever imagined before I had any leverage. I was about the same age as Hurley.

As I get closer to retiring I can pretty easily figure out I left more money on the table but never felt bad about it.

So people should just never take another job ever? He never should have left Wagner because they gave him the opportunity to be a college coach? He hurt his URI legacy? He already literally laughed at the idea of going to Kentucky for way more money, that’s not enough loyalty?

You act like UConn grabbed him off the street. He picked us over p5 options when our program was an absolute disaster and we were stuck in the aac getting blown out during 9 pm Tuesday night games in a half empty gampel. He resurrected our program and gave us the best 2 year run in program history and one of the best in college basketball history. If he wants to pursue other goals which he has been open about in the past he deserves to do that and pretty much the only people who would hold that against him are the same ones who were demanding his firing 16 months ago
Aug 28, 2011
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If just Hurley leaves then it'll obviously be bad but it won't be the end of the world. If one or both of Luke/Kimani leave with him then it's probably gonna get really ugly

If Hurley leaves I'll be surprised if a single player on the roster isn't in the portal a few days later.
Aug 27, 2011
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Dan has what I call a ”life decision” to make in early 50‘s… his kids are grown, he is accomplished great things where he is… now at the crossroads of whether he should reach for the stars when approached with a once in lifetime opportunity like this.

I am in the same position - not in dollar amount - but situation. On one hand, it’s great to be appreciated where you are and be offered opportunity - but it’s stress all around no matter which path you choose.

I trust Dan will make the best decision for his family.

I think when he thinks about all the risk / reward, the flash of the money offered fades, Dan stays.
That's the thing though, it's not a once in a lifetime opportunity. You think any NBA owner or GM would hang up the phone if Hurley's agent called in 2, 5, 10 years saying he might be interested in an opening?

Hurley can go to the NBA whenever he wants. Does he care about the prestige of the Lakers? Who knows. Does he care about the money? Probably not over a few million a year, but for 100 million, multi-generational wealth? That's harder to argue against.
Apr 2, 2023
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I get that the Lakers are a historic franchise. But long term is it really a top of the league job? LeBron is pretty old and the west is loaded. It’s on the west coast. I’m sure that they could offer lots of years and dollars. The opportunity for endorsements and off the court opportunities is definitely there. I just see Hurley as being a guy that when the time is right is more suited to coach the Celtics, Knicks, Sixers, or Nets.
Dec 15, 2023
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Major risk for Danny as well. Given their age/history, an injury to Lebron/AD could tank the team. The "cliff" with Lebron could be reality at any point - its tough to be dominant in the NBA at later ages (compared to football/QB, baseball, etc.). In any event, the Lakers team will need to go through a major transformation and I think that's part of the appeal of bringing in Hurley. Expectations will be super-high in LA. Does Danny want to live with all this stress??
Aug 26, 2011
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So, whenever we decide to discuss possible replacements other than Murray and Young, I’m ready. I’d be chasing two Big East coaches that I feel would challenge for national titles in Storrs. One will be controversial and neither will be Shaheen Holloway, though he may be a good choice too.
May 30, 2018
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If Hurley leaves, there is a good chance that some of the staff leaves as well. LeBron praised Hurley and the staff for their creative play making back in April.
Aug 30, 2011
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Laker's are an old team that will have to go through a full rebuild very soon. Give DH the big contract he wants and deserves and all will be well.
Mar 26, 2024
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Boy do I have some bad news for you....

What if I told you your entire team gets a 30 day portal window after this potentially happens.

Recruiting season may not have even really started yet.
Other college coaches just salivating at the chance to poach UConn's top players...
Aug 26, 2011
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Going to the Lakers for LeBron's last ride is super high-risk, high-reward for a first time NBA coach. If he wins a title, he's a HOF lock and a legend.

If he faceplants, he could be out of the league and take a while to get a second chance, and there's a decent chance of that.

My gut feeling is he's using this as leverage for a contract here and will go to the NBA eventually, but not for at least another handful of years. Remember, Billy Donovan won back to back, was courted by the NBA, even took the Magic job at one point before reneging, and ultimately coached at Florida 8 years after his second title.
If he faceplants there will absolutely be a cushy college job waiting for him (likely not UConn)

See Matt Rhule


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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Guys. Lakers are gonna annihilate anything that UConn can do.

This is not an even fight. Lakers nearly got Coach K back in the day.

To say "nearly" is doing some heavy lifting there would be a bit of an understatement
Apr 4, 2024
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So people should just never take another job ever? He never should have left Wagner because they gave him the opportunity to be a college coach? He hurt his URI legacy? He already literally laughed at the idea of going to Kentucky for way more money, that’s not enough loyalty?

You act like UConn grabbed him off the street. He picked us over p5 options when our program was an absolute disaster and we were stuck in the aac getting blown out during 9 pm Tuesday night games in a half empty gampel. He resurrected our program and gave us the best 2 year run in program history and one of the best in college basketball history. If he wants to pursue other goals which he has been open about in the past he deserves to do that and pretty much the only people who would hold that against him are the same ones who were demanding his firing 16 months ago
What power 5 options were available that were better than us at that time?
Dec 15, 2023
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If he does go (and becomes the highest paid NBA coach) expect one of the shortest honeymoons in history.
Yup, I dont like the set-up or match to be honest. He wont get the "system buy-in" at the NBA level that has made him successful at UConn. Personally, the odds are this will turn into another Pitino outcome versus a success story.

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