That joke was made in the 1970s by a TCU alum who was jealous of Houston's success, and had clearly racist overtones at the time.
Houston was the first school to integrate sports in this part of the world. Our student body has always been more diverse than the other SWC schools. When we would play private schools back then, they would hang signs like "Cage the Cougroes."
So glad that you enjoyed the racist joke. Speaks highly of you.
CougarRed lets break this down to the most simple assessment of UH to the Big12.
UH's attractiveness to the Big12 is entirely dependent on one factor. Can the Big12 currently carry a potential Big12 network in Houston? If teams like UT, TCU, TT, Baylor and Oklahoma are capable of drawing carriage fees for a Big12 network in Houston then UH is a redundant addition which does not make financial sense. If, on the other hand, UH is essential for cable providers to carry a Big12 network in Houston then they should probably be added.
Obviously there is a lot of history between UH and other Texas schools which we east coasters do not understand. I've heard everything from fear of UH's potential football to now racism over UH's potential exclusion. I've even heard the ridiculous "taking UH keeps the SEC out of Houston" ... like somehow all the TA&M and LSU fans in Houston are suddenly becoming Big12 fans cause UH is in the Big12?
There is one thing we can absolutely be certain of....the Big12 is looking at expansion for one main reason, money.
It is not about football, or rivalries, or dominating a market, or keeping the little guy down. It is about money. Any other arguments other than money for UH's inclusion are just false prophets.
If UH increases the revenue stream more than other alternative programs they will get the nod. My guess is UH's territory is already sufficiently "sold" in the Big12 and they cannot generate the market that schools coming from a entirely new region can. That does not mean UH is a worthless program nor is it an assessment of UH's athletic value. UH would be much more attractive to a conference like the PAC or ACC who has no Texas representation.
Anyways no one like to hear their school get bashed. Personally I think UH is a pretty impressive program and could eventually work their way into a P5 conference. But it is hard to get into a conference when there are already 4 team from the same state in that conference. That is not racism...that is business.