Just plain terrible. | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Just plain terrible.

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Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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And the whole championship run, he was running up and down the bench like a madman. I remember announcers commenting "KO looks like he's actually out there playing defense himself"

where is that passion today?

does he give it to the team? or does the team have to give it to him?

I just don't know
Aug 27, 2011
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Final little tidbit: he mentioned how one player in particular wanted to come here but was at Maryland, and therefore really wanted to prove himself against us. To me, that confirms that Stone would be a Husky right now if the decision had been 100% his.

Just curious, if you're at liberty to divulge, does this imply that our staff cooled on him because of academic concerns or that his family was swayed by Maryland? (I recall there was a rumor about his father getting a UA job.)
Jul 26, 2013
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Just curious, if you're at liberty to divulge, does this imply that our staff cooled on him because of academic concerns or that his family was swayed by Maryland? (I recall there was a rumor about his father getting a UA job.)
If I knew, I'd say. Just speculation, but we all know that we led for Stone for most of the Summer and the Fall. Judging by phrasing and tone, and this is again just my speculation, his family was (whether legally or illegally) swayed by Maryland and nudged him (again, we don't know how much) in that direction.


Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
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Watch this full possession. I count at least 3 occasions where the ball was passed to a player and they froze like they didnt know what to do next.
Aug 24, 2011
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Yep I said he was awful first 5 minutes, didn't guard too many people but no the only one there. But overall not bad, not our worst player on the court tonight that's for sure.

He is the player who has fallen most short of expectations so far. He never attacks when a big hedges on a ball screen, doesn't penetrate and find people, and so far hasn't shot the ball well (which should improve). Brimah isn't a presence on offense, but Miller can be and we have been plenty successful without an offensive presence at center in the past.

The biggest change we can make on offense right now is to give Adams 30 minutes per game at the 1. Gibbs needs to be off the ball most of the time he's in there. Brimah's minutes have already been cut, and the difference defensively when he comes out is obvious to those with better than 20/1000 vision. We can harp on his rebounding deficiencies but we didn't rebound whether he was in the game or not and, to put it bluntly, there weren't many rebounds in any event given the layup line that they had when he left.
Aug 31, 2011
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He is the player who has fallen most short of expectations so far. He never attacks when a big hedges on a ball screen, doesn't penetrate and find people, and so far hasn't shot the ball well (which should improve). Brimah isn't a presence on offense, but Miller can be and we have been plenty successful without an offensive presence at center in the past.

The biggest change we can make on offense right now is to give Adams 30 minutes per game at the 1. Gibbs needs to be off the ball most of the time he's in there. Brimah's minutes have already been cut, and the difference defensively when he comes out is obvious to those with better than 20/1000 vision. We can harp on his rebounding deficiencies but we didn't rebound whether he was in the game or not and, to put it bluntly, there weren't many rebounds in any event given the layup line that they had when he left.

I agree with this, particularly the idea of having Gibbs off the ball - whether that's through Adams being in or DHam initiating the offense.

With a guy who can get into the lane as easily as Hamilton, one thing we're really under-utilizing right now is the drive and dish back out for a 3. Gibbs' ideal role is as the shooter off of that, and Purvis could be pretty deadly too. It's all about positioning and DHam knowing where guys are going to be. Until the positioning becomes second nature, I'd love to see us run some sets where Hamilton/Adams drive with the sole purpose of finding Gibbs or Purvis on the wing.

I still feel positive about this team's offensive potential since there are a number of guys who can create their own decent shots. That's a lot of raw material to work with. But we need to evolve from guys getting themselves decent shots to guys getting each other better shots.
Aug 26, 2011
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He is the player who has fallen most short of expectations so far. He never attacks when a big hedges on a ball screen, doesn't penetrate and find people, and so far hasn't shot the ball well (which should improve). Brimah isn't a presence on offense, but Miller can be and we have been plenty successful without an offensive presence at center in the past.

The biggest change we can make on offense right now is to give Adams 30 minutes per game at the 1. Gibbs needs to be off the ball most of the time he's in there. Brimah's minutes have already been cut, and the difference defensively when he comes out is obvious to those with better than 20/1000 vision. We can harp on his rebounding deficiencies but we didn't rebound whether he was in the game or not and, to put it bluntly, there weren't many rebounds in any event given the layup line that they had when he left.

20/1000 huh? Funny crap. His 4 blocks aren't negated by his inabilities at all:eek:, let's just look at those blocks, amazing. Maryland looked scared to death. Yeah my 20/1000 is incorrect in seeing all the missed coverages off the hedges and pick & rolls - those are not his fault, Christ he's unbelievable. Lay up line happened during his time too let's not continuously make him someone any team fears. This is not Thabeet nor is he close.

And the offense, yep we had them you are correct. Look at Jake he didn't score. But oh yeah there's other parts of offense isn't there. Like being able to occasionally run the offense through a big on top like they did with jake because why? He can catch and pass and didn't make it look like a hot potato. He also set a pick like granite and didn't leave the pick before the defensive player even made contact (happens all the time now). A good pick is what the Gibbs, Pruvis and Adams need to get a step sometime but we have none of that. And Jake also could body up on the low block and force people away from the basket therefore making them less effective. Stone would have never owned his butt.

Hey the whole team sucks on defense, they really do. The more I think of UConn teams then look at this team we are missing that edge down that end no doubt. And he's not THE only reason but for all of you that think we're better with him playing 30 minutes, you're wrong period. Funny thing is I'm not sure of the answer when he's out, I'm just frustrated with the guy who's 2nd year excuse was the shoulder then everyone had him with a full summer and potential lottery. He's the same guy with the bad shoulder, thats the biggest issue. Not the kid who plays hard and loves the game, that's obvious. Hard not to root for no freakin doubt. But the doughnut kills us! Sorry reality is tough sometimes
Sep 3, 2011
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Brimah is in that horrible no-man's land where he's too established to openly recruit over, possibly scaring away recruits at his position, but he clearly not good enough to perform against top competition (including those we could have recruited over him for).

Recruit over him. He isn't going to be the answer against good tems. He plays the role of rag doll. All you need to know about him came in the two game stretch last December (Coppin State & Duke).
Mar 31, 2014
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To comment on some of the above -

1) A haymaker at the refs is justified. The Adams call was brutal, especially at that point in the game. Everything Ollie did in reaction was exactly right until he went after the paperwork.

2) Gibbs is not a point guard. We'll be better in March if Adams starts playing more now. Calhoun can take spot duty on the wing, Cassell can become the next Donnell Beverly.

In response to #2, I feel like you're copying what I've been saying for a few weeks now (dating back to when we were still undefeated).

Nothing really shocks me as much with this team as Gibbs's underperformance. First time seeing him in person and he just doesn't look calibrated for this team imo.

Put me firmly in the Jalen gets most of the PG minutes camp. Not sure if he's ready but he will grow up quick. I'm not sanguine that things will improve if Gibbs keeps running the point.

Adams needs to run the point immediately. I just hope KO has the balls to make the switch.

I was at the game and I really felt like Ollie was struggling in that 1st half along with our players. His subs were odd and our lack of D again was unacceptable. It was open season on our perimeter D and we had no answer or adjustment the whole game.

Just too easy for the Terps and when we finally were able to get some stops it was too little too late. This team doesn't play UConn D and we have the capability to do so...we are all waiting for it to come together but why we continue to no-show for a solid half vs every good opponent is still a mystery...

I'm not so sure this team is capable of great UConn defense like some teams in the past. Gibbs and DHam are nonexistent defensively and outside of blocking/altering shots, Brimah doesn't really offer value on that end either.

I'm sorry it's all on the coaching at this point. There's too much talent on the floor. It's just a misuse of resources.

No one - and I really mean NOBODY - knows how to run the offense. It's hard to even decipher whether they're even *running* an offense half the time. It's penetrate, kick, brick, repeat. No focus on getting a particular guy the ball, no way to reasonably incorporate guys into the the flow - the offense is garbage. Sure, we shoot well for the most part and go on runs - but it's really just getting by on talent at this point. Watching Purvis, Hamilton, etc. pass on wide open shots is just unacceptable. Shoot the ball.

Gibbs shouldn't be anywhere near the point right now. It's so obvious it's painful at this point as there's just a totally different energy and cohesion to what's going on on the floor when Adams is running the show. Could Gibbs evolve into that guy? Maybe. But right now it's not working.

Defensively - I'm sorry - just out of excuses. Team's not up to scuff.

The ultimate weakness though - just no presence down low. It's obvious at this point. Brimah is a nice shot blocking bit-player who can go off every 7-10 games when he's feeling a stroke - but he's not any kind of real presence down low. I had a lot of hope heading out of last year that he'd take a step forward and he hasn't.

The idea of spreading things around is great - but this team just lacks a focal point despite having any one of like... 4-5 guys who could serve as that.

This has been our offense for ollies entire tenure. No off the ball movement. Barely any ball movement. Doesn't seem like we ever run any sets. Just stand around until eventually someone goes one on one.

As others pointed out bazz saved us so many times. How many times did he drain crazy deep threes at the end of the shot clock? That's not good offense. And if you don't have a guy like that (we don't and most teams don't) then you're screwed running whatever offense it is we run.

How many open shots did we get tonight? How many easy buckets do we get on offense? It's all individual skill or one on one ball.

At least Ollie's past teams played defense. This team can't defend either. The coaching staff deserves every bit of criticism it's getting.

We don't come ready to play. We don't play defense. And we don't run any offense. And player development has basically been non existent. The players deserve some blame but the coaching staff, prticulary the Head Basketball Coach need to start doing their jobs.

The lack of off the ball movement on offense isn't just KO, a lot of Calhoun's teams had that problem as well.

My worse preseason nightmare about a front end loaded schedule is coming to fuition. I said that depth is so often a myth - and frankly fools gold. So many guys of equal ability - much prefer a couple stars and some great role players. Thus far we have one star, Hamilton , who defers too much to less talented players.

I agree 100%, give me the one great alpha dog and role players over 4-5 2nd and 3rd bananas. I've said all along that if DHam comes back to school next year, that's when this team will really shine.

I'm glad people are getting on board with the fact that Jalen is the answer, I hope KO does. It has been obvious, even when Gibbs plays well, he can't be the PG. We will blossom when Jalen leads this team. Until then, we will struggle every night unless we can't miss a shot. Not only is Gibbs not the answer at point, he is the answer filling minutes at the 2/3. This team needs to go small and use Brimah only when it is working. When it isn't working, throw your best 5 on the court and let me go.

Took the words right out of my mouth. Play a 3 guard lineup with Adams at the point and Gibbs/Purvis as the shooters, play DHam as a stretch 4 and rotate in whoever at the 5. I think they'll play better defense when they see more shots going in and teams can't get out in transition as much.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Took the words right out of my mouth. Play a 3 guard lineup with Adams at the point and Gibbs/Purvis as the shooters, play DHam as a stretch 4 and rotate in whoever at the 5. I think they'll play better defense when they see more shots going in and teams can't get out in transition as much.

Not sure having their two biggest matadors on the floor would help them play much D. Hamilton is a big hole, but he brings so much else to the game, that you can live with it. In any half court set, Hamilton/Gibbs on the floor at the same time is brutal.

I personally like Adams/Purvis/Hamilton/Miller/Amida. That's probably our best defensive lineup. When Hamilton needs a breather, put in Gibbs at 2 and move Purvis to the three. I'm OK w less minutes for Gibbs until he can sort himself out. Rotate in Facey up front. Not perfect, but I don't think anything is.
Aug 24, 2011
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There are 80 minutes at the two guard slots. Give Adams 30 at the point, Gibbs 10 at the point and 15 at the 2, and Purvis 25 at the 2. Cassell plays only where there is foul trouble. I would actually start the game with Gibbs and Adams, let Purvis sub for Gibbs and then come back in for Adams.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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Driving me crazy:
People were constantly jumping on KO for not being more emotional enough, that he should pick up a T; now blaming Ollie for getting a T in a rare display of emotion.
During recruiting I kept saying we have enough wings get a true center, and the feedback was that you don't need a traditional center anymore, now talking about the need for a big physical body.
People still comparing KO to JC. JC is gone. It's been over 3 years. How he coached is no longer really relevant and I don't get your point in pitting them against each other. KO is never going to be JC. Some of that is even good. All of it is irrelevant.


Aug 26, 2011
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Best sentence I've read here since I joined.

So you weren't here for the ones Deepster has memorialized in his sig?

"To clarify, so no more animal balls?" - intlzncster

"This board has become a miasma dung heap of mean spirited petulance." - zymurg

Those two are pretty tough to top imo.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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So you weren't here for the ones Deepster has memorialized in his sig?

"To clarify, so no more animal balls?" - intlzncster

"This board has become a miasma dung heap of mean spirited petulance." - zymurg

Those two are pretty tough to top imo.

August 2014. I've missed most of the good stuff.


Something went wrong with the program when the start of the season became more about First Night with the woman's team rather than guys vomitting in garbage pails in Guyer Gym during a 3 hour practice from Hell; and rebounding kind of went down the tubes with that.
Aug 27, 2011
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Watch this full possession. I count at least 3 occasions where the ball was passed to a player and they froze like they didnt know what to do next.

There was no offensive set. Three guys took turns trying to go one on one and the bigs acted as safety nets. Just awful basketball and it seems like this is what our offense has become.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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On the front court....jesus. It just hasn't gotten any better. Everyone wearing a suit on our bench is to blame there. I'm on Team Chief - bring back Clyde or anyone who can convince one of these kids to actually rebound. It's full-blown coaching malpractice at this stage.

this, this line is a modern day classic


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Something went wrong with the program when the start of the season became more about First Night with the woman's team rather than guys vomitting in garbage pails in Guyer Gym during a 3 hour practice from Hell; and rebounding kind of went down the tubes with that.

First Night has nothing to do with it. Be quiet, you.
Mar 19, 2013
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Driving me crazy:
People were constantly jumping on KO for not being more emotional enough, that he should pick up a T; now blaming Ollie for getting a T in a rare display of emotion.
During recruiting I kept saying we have enough wings get a true center, and the feedback was that you don't need a traditional center anymore, now talking about the need for a big physical body.
People still comparing KO to JC. JC is gone. It's been over 3 years. How he coached is no longer really relevant and I don't get your point in pitting them against each other. KO is never going to be JC. Some of that is even good. All of it is irrelevant.
Most coaches get "T's" early in the game to get their guys fired up, not with 2 minutes to go and a big rally underway.
Aug 26, 2011
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Most coaches get "T's" early in the game to get their guys fired up, not with 2 minutes to go and a big rally underway.

Buddy, watcha doing on the basketball thread? But 76 he has a point. I want to see some emotion from KO early. Yeah the refs sucked but we can't continue to come out flat. Waiting for the TV timeouts in this occasion didn't pan out. Seems to me guys play in the first half matched the personality of the coach.
Aug 26, 2011
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Most coaches get "T's" early in the game to get their guys fired up, not with 2 minutes to go and a big rally underway.
Ollie made a bad decision but can we get over it. Some think it cost us the game. I don't. However questioning his coaching is fair. Our offense, defense, and rebounding is not able to compete with the better teams in college basketball and hasn't been able to in over a year (last years d was decent)I hope Ollie figures it out because I like everything he represents and stands for. But if I were to judge Coach on the past 30 something games I would come away less than impressed
Mar 31, 2014
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Not sure having their two biggest matadors on the floor would help them play much D. Hamilton is a big hole, but he brings so much else to the game, that you can live with it. In any half court set, Hamilton/Gibbs on the floor at the same time is brutal.

I personally like Adams/Purvis/Hamilton/Miller/Amida. That's probably our best defensive lineup. When Hamilton needs a breather, put in Gibbs at 2 and move Purvis to the three. I'm OK w less minutes for Gibbs until he can sort himself out. Rotate in Facey up front. Not perfect, but I don't think anything is.

Having more spacing with the Adams/Gibbs/Purvis/Hamilton/anyone at the 5 means more buckets and less transition opportunities for the other team. UConn has been getting murdered in transition, and you can easily run that look and stick Adams/Purvis on the 2 best perimeter scorers and not have to worry as much about Hamilton guarding a smaller/quicker player.

I'd rather tailor the team to playing the best players as many minutes as possible and fixing the offensive struggles/limiting opposing fast breaks. I don't think there's a lineup this team can play that wouldn't leave at least 1 exploitable player on the floor defensively anyways.
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