Just plain terrible. | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Just plain terrible.

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Aug 28, 2011
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You can never expect to win a game when you lose the rebounding battle 45-24.
Yes but don't you think our guards had a bigger impact on the game? I do especially when they shoot a combined 10-26, with 4 assists and 5 Turnovers. That is awful guard play.
Jan 28, 2015
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I'm sorry it's all on the coaching at this point. There's too much talent on the floor. It's just a misuse of resources.

No one - and I really mean NOBODY - knows how to run the offense. It's hard to even decipher whether they're even *running* an offense half the time. It's penetrate, kick, brick, repeat. No focus on getting a particular guy the ball, no way to reasonably incorporate guys into the the flow - the offense is garbage. Sure, we shoot well for the most part and go on runs - but it's really just getting by on talent at this point. Watching Purvis, Hamilton, etc. pass on wide open shots is just unacceptable. Shoot the ball.

Gibbs shouldn't be anywhere near the point right now. It's so obvious it's painful at this point as there's just a totally different energy and cohesion to what's going on on the floor when Adams is running the show. Could Gibbs evolve into that guy? Maybe. But right now it's not working.

Defensively - I'm sorry - just out of excuses. Team's not up to scuff.

The ultimate weakness though - just no presence down low. It's obvious at this point. Brimah is a nice shot blocking bit-player who can go off every 7-10 games when he's feeling a stroke - but he's not any kind of real presence down low. I had a lot of hope heading out of last year that he'd take a step forward and he hasn't.

The idea of spreading things around is great - but this team just lacks a focal point despite having any one of like... 4-5 guys who could serve as that.
Oct 7, 2011
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I don't know what Kevin Ollie is doing right now.

1) He insists on putting Nolan, Cassell and Calhoun on the court....at the same time. I'd love to see the +/- numbers there. It takes our offense long enough to get into the swing of things and it just completely derails when he's off on his bizarre rotation binges.

2) He's been a statue for three years and he gets a technical foul now?! Oh, my lord. What in the holy f--- was he thinking?

He managed to have get his first two teams to play well over their heads - gotta get back to whatever magic dust he was sprinkling on those teams.

On the front court....jesus. It just hasn't gotten any better. Everyone wearing a suit on our bench is to blame there. I'm on Team Chief - bring back Clyde or anyone who can convince one of these kids to actually rebound. It's full-blown coaching malpractice at this stage.

Amida was scared of Stone before the game started. He's really fired up to swat low-major shots, but he's plain intimidated against better competition - it's way too predictable these days. Given that Nolan and Enoch are not really options, we desperately need Brimah to play to his potential.

So, to recap, we played on half of basketball. Fourth straight game going down double-digits. We were outscored from the free throw line by 14 and out rebounded by about 25. We still managed to get within 3 before the head coach emerged from his coma and depth-charged the rally.

And we lose by ten.

Someone try to defend that performance.
I'm shocked one of the assistants didn't grab him when that lineup was on the floor and say "do you realize our lineup?". Everyone in my section was like WTF?? And it seemed like Maryland ran off 10 straight, although I'm sure they didn't. Other observation is that Gibbs is not a leader. Not a calming influence at all when down, and took it upon himself to make some really bad plays. I'm very disheartened w this performance. Third time in a row we let a quality team take it to us before we fought back. That is a recipe for disaster...
Oct 7, 2011
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Nothing really shocks me as much with this team as Gibbs's underperformance. First time seeing him in person and he just doesn't look calibrated for this team imo.

Put me firmly in the Jalen gets most of the PG minutes camp. Not sure if he's ready but he will grow up quick. I'm not sanguine that things will improve if Gibbs keeps running the point.


Apr 19, 2015
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Gibbs not being a pg is killing us. I think we all expected more there at this point. Adams is the answer but I'm not sure he's ready yet.
Sometimes you just have to admit that your plan (Gibbs - PG) was not correct and make the change (Adams). It is ok to change a plan, you created it in the first place. The first plan is not working. Is it just poor execution or motivation? Or is it a case of what was drawn up on paper was just that; a paper plan. What we are seeing unfold is redundant predictability. I don't see the fire in Gibbs. That has always been a hallmark of UConn teams. Either quietly (Talik) but always leading by example or very verbal and example (Kemba, Bazz, Boat). To me, what do we have to lose? Let the kid play point and Gibbs the SG. Purvis off the bench. If we are ever going to make a go of this season now would seem the time to experiment. I don't want to say it is throwing in the towel to change. Not changing seems to be throwing in the towel. I want to see a LEADER on the floor and that position is PG.
Most of what I have seen of Jalen A. is very good; especially considering his lack of experience. He also plays D which is where it all starts. Love KO and do have faith in him. He is the one with " a PHD in basketball"; not me. Hope he can figure it out and pull the trigger. Many great comments made by others in this thread about bigs etc., working the officials. Not too late to turn this around. We need leadership on the floor.


My worse preseason nightmare about a front end loaded schedule is coming to fuition. I said that depth is so often a myth - and frankly fools gold. So many guys of equal ability - much prefer a couple stars and some great role players. Thus far we have one star, Hamilton , who defers too much to less talented players.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm glad people are getting on board with the fact that Jalen is the answer, I hope KO does. It has been obvious, even when Gibbs plays well, he can't be the PG. We will blossom when Jalen leads this team. Until then, we will struggle every night unless we can't miss a shot. Not only is Gibbs not the answer at point, he is the answer filling minutes at the 2/3. This team needs to go small and use Brimah only when it is working. When it isn't working, throw your best 5 on the court and let me go.
Aug 26, 2011
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What is all this piling on AB when he plays a half decent game. I know he didn't score but when has UCONN really had a big man that has scored. I guess maybe JA/HT days. The problem we lost this game is our guards. If SG/RP/JA play half decent we have a real chance to win it. They all plays pretty subpar and of course we lost. We will live and die by our guard play all year long.

Again you can't discount his blocks during the run, they were critical. But you can't dismiss the stupid 3rd foul when Trimble was out of control and he fouled him just because. If he puts his hands straight up he throws up a prayer and he gets the rebound (maybe lol). For every good thing I can name 2 plays on defense which he was late or not around. Rebounded better especially early but I can't even name a play on the offensive end where he did anything. This team can't be struggling in half court playing 4 on 5 basketball it's that simple. He never gets position to rebound in the offensive end against good, big guys. Always swinging away from behind. And the one time he gets the ball in scoring position on the low block he throws up a very weak 4 foot air ball, is this good for our offensive flow.

"half decent" games being acceptable is making this team what it is. Gibbs needs to step up too, Miller needs to do more, Adams needs to be more consistent and finish, Rodney more consistent, DHam needs to finish around the rim in the first half and he also really needs to get a left hand to be great. I mean many guys played ok and are going to play better I believe, they've done it before. But AB, same guy like it or not. Block some shots, miss his assignment because he's thinking whether or not to block the shot and then run down the other end and get nothing against good teams. Not even a damn pick of impact ever. What do you want me to say, he's going to be fine?

Knock Knock...no one's home!
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm glad people are getting on board with the fact that Jalen is the answer, I hope KO does. It has been obvious, even when Gibbs plays well, he can't be the PG. We will blossom when Jalen leads this team. Until then, we will struggle every night unless we can't miss a shot. Not only is Gibbs not the answer at point, he is the answer filling minutes at the 2/3. This team needs to go small and use Brimah only when it is working. When it isn't working, throw your best 5 on the court and let me go.

Get JA in the game and let them get to know each other, this way Sterling gets looks form the wing as Jalen starts to find his way. Agree no choice.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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First things first. Jalen needs to get the reigns to this team. It will benefit us in the future. Secondly, unless Gibbs decides to play defense (and that's if he's able to) he should slide into a Calhoun/Austrie spot-up 3pt shooter role.

As much as I say cut Gibbs' minute, the second KO does that I bet he starts team chemistry problems. He did it at Texas because he didn't play, he did it at Seton Hall because he got suspended and coaching staff wasn't on same page. He'll do it here.

Miller and Facey are severely undersized vs. bigger teams. It seems they out weigh us by 50 lbs. Brimah is Brimah and he won't change. Hate to say it but Enoch needs more minutes. He's raw but he'll learn 10x faster than Brimah.

Purvis is the most confusing basketball player ever. Where is his high school confidence?

Defense is all hustle. No one is displaying hustle at the moment. We're playing pick up basketball. I don't know if that's on KO or the players. Individualism is a problem.

KO not taking responsibility for the tech is laughable. We all knew we weren't going to win the game though. A good team will lock it up defensively under 3 minutes and that's exactly what Maryland did. I don't see them being a national contenders, but that 1-2 combo of Trimble and Suilamon with quality bigs down low is something to be afraid of in March. They're well-coached too. Tough out for sure.

We got work to do. Again.
Aug 26, 2011
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First things first. Jalen needs to get the reigns to this team. It will benefit us in the future. Secondly, unless Gibbs decides to play defense (and that's if he's able to) he should slide into a Calhoun/Austrie spot-up 3pt shooter role.

As much as I say cut Gibbs' minute, the second KO does that I bet he starts team chemistry problems. He did it at Texas because he didn't play, he did it at Seton Hall because he got suspended and coaching staff wasn't on same page. He'll do it here.

Miller and Facey are severely undersized vs. bigger teams. It seems they out weigh us by 50 lbs. Brimah is Brimah and he won't change.

Purvis is the most confusing basketball player ever. Where is his high school confidence?

KO not taking responsibility for the tech is laughable. We all knew we weren't going to win the game though. A good team will lock it up defensively under 3 minutes and that's exactly what Maryland did. I don't see them being a national contenders, but that 1-2 combo of Trimble and Suilamon with quality bigs down low is something to be afraid of in March. They're well-coached too. Tough out for sure.

We got work to do. Again.

To throw Gibbs that deep is beyond ridiculous but hey that's what you see from this. You can't discuss Gibbs defense without talking about DHam's because it could be worst. He gets a pass though I get it! Gibbs is not that bad and neither is DHam they just both need to get better. Coaching staff at Seton Hall wasn't on the same page with Gibbs right? And the other 5 transfers? But it's Sterling, I mean we'd be 8-0 without him! LOL

Purvis is confusing agree. But his HS confidence was there for the run, need it more often.

KO can do what he wants, he's the coach. Should he take a little responsibility - yes. Does he have to? No it was 1 point. Maryland is well coached but so is our team, guys just need to step up. Their bigs out rebounded ours dramatically and you can't teach that size or will, or smarts rebounding the ball. We need people who go get it, Miller needs to do more of that.
Aug 26, 2011
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Brimah gave us nothing on offense. We cant throw the ball into the paint. Miller is a Ivy league player who plays well against ivy league talent but was over matched against better talent. Maybe a better offensive center would allow him to be more effective.

RP doesn't play well in the first half of games and he only heats up when the game is out of reach. Scores in bunches.

Gibbs looks lost and slow. Our guards are getting blown by on D which gets our bigs out of position for Rebounds.

Dham consistently hedges off his man or is in the paint leaving 3pt shooters wide open. He's a volume scorer. Who can miss alot of shots early.

The bench isn't deep and needs not be on the floor long nor all together.

The coaching staff fails to see this, doesn't use timeouts, and doesn't ajust to the flow of the game.

Things must change quickly.
Last edited:
Feb 7, 2012
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Gibbs not being a pg is killing us. I think we all expected more there at this point. Adams is the answer but I'm not sure he's ready yet.
Not so sure. Adams may be a better, bigger, more athletic version of Gibbs but he may not be the answer. The answer is we need a pass first pg who faciliates the offense. To me, the answer is DHam. Everything, from start to finish, must go through him.
Jan 12, 2013
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1. Gibbs, Purvis, Hamilton means we have no true point card on the court. Adams needs to play
2. Because we are a 3 guard offense, this leaves an undersized Miller and a Charmin Soft Brimah to rebound
3. Brimah give us little on the offensive end which means teams can sell out on us on the perimeter and he is one dimensional on defense. A shot blocker that can be taken out of the game by spreading the floor.
4. Bench is overrated. Calhoun, Nolan, Cassel, and company brought nothing
5. Gibbs and Purvis are beaten defensively leading to guard penetration and easy buckets

Most important: I could always say that Allen, Rip , Gordon, Walker, Napier would/could take over the game carry the team. Hamilton showed flashes in the second half, but not enough.
Aug 27, 2011
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We have the talent. KO's rotations and bench maneuvers are stifling the team.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'll pile on.

Two things that every great UConn team has had that this team lacks....

1) A game manager in the backcourt. El Amin, Ollie, Sheffer, Taliek, Kemba, etc, etc, etc. Some guys were true PG's, some were more hybrids, but they all managed the flow of a game. There is NONE of that right now. The flow and tempo of our offense and our ability to go in and impose our brand of basketball on another team is non-existent.

2) Team defense. A UConn staple. The ability to stifle a team for an 8-10 minute stretch. I'll attribute this to these guys just not having enough minutes together and hope Ollie can do what Calhoun did in getting them to peak in mid-to-late Feb....but I'm not holding my breath right now.
Aug 26, 2011
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To throw Gibbs that deep is beyond ridiculous but hey that's what you see from this. You can't discuss Gibbs defense without talking about DHam's because it could be worst. He gets a pass though I get it! Gibbs is not that bad and neither is DHam they just both need to get better. Coaching staff at Seton Hall wasn't on the same page with Gibbs right? And the other 5 transfers? But it's Sterling, I mean we'd be 8-0 without him! LOL

Purvis is confusing agree. But his HS confidence was there for the run, need it more often.

KO can do what he wants, he's the coach. Should he take a little responsibility - yes. Does he have to? No it was 1 point. Maryland is well coached but so is our team, guys just need to step up. Their bigs out rebounded ours dramatically and you can't teach that size or will, or smarts rebounding the ball. We need people who go get it, Miller needs to do more of that.

I'd be lying if said I had hope that Gibbs's defense will improve.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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It you think Brimah's defense was one of our big problems yesterday, I don't know what to say other than you hate Brimah.
We have so many problems you can't limit it to one or two people. Who plays great defense? Purvis sometimes, not really anyone else. Who consistently plays great offense? DHam and who? Who plays good help defense?
Sep 27, 2013
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Gibbs is a terrible defender. Plain and simple.

I will say this its hard for Gibbs to run the offense when everything goes thru DHam. Without the ally-oop play his drives to the middle ends with him shooting, even if its not there he will force it. He killed us in the first half on so many bad shots that lead to fast breaks for them. In general we took so many bad rushed shots in that first half.

DHam played like an All-American in the 2nd half, was aggressive and taking good shots. I'd rather see him on the wing then being our main facilitator. I really miss the back screens to free our shooters. We do no off the ball picks anymore. I'd love to see Purvis or Gibbs running around picks like the old Calhoun offense. Instead we run our bigs up top to set high screens and their out of position for off rebounding. Plus they always double the dribbler and force him way out.
Aug 26, 2011
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I said it in the chat room last night and some have mentioned it here. I think our PG problem is pretty obvious. We need Gilbert badly - but he wont be around until next year. Gibbs will not get it done and Adams needs to play more. I keep thinking that KO wants to be liked by all his top 11 players too much. He needs to shorten his bench to about 8 players and dig deeper only when there is foul trouble or there is a blowout. We need to get nastier too on the court on the defensive end and rebounding. It was astonishing to see a Maryland player get by his man and just go to the rim with no resistance. That's not Uconn basketball. Ohio state is not having a great year but if we play like we did last night in the first half, that game is up for grabs.
Aug 26, 2011
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David 76 said:
It you think Brimah's defense was one of our big problems yesterday, I don't know what to say other than you hate Brimah. We have so many problems you can't limit it to one or two people. Who plays great defense? Purvis sometimes, not really anyone else. Who consistently plays great offense? DHam and who? Who plays good help defense?

For what it's worth, I like how Adams brings great energy on the defensive end - he's a freshman so he gets beat once in a while, or plays too hard and picks up cheap fouls (thinking about Jay Bilas quote "not every possession is the Alamo" more so than the cheap one yesterday), but I don't question his effort or even his attention to detail. He fights around screens when he's supposed to, and sticks with shooters when he's supposed to. You don't see very many freshman mental mistakes from him, and you never see a lack of effort.

Brimah also had a very good rebounding game yesterday. 7 in 18 minutes, several of which were out of his area or in heavy traffic. He pulled down one long one off a missed FT yesterday late from a maze of five people that I don't know how he got. He had to go full extension reaching back to get a paw on it and pulled it in. Offensively, he is what he is - limited with the occasional bonus points (he did make a face up jumper yesterday), but our other four starters are all proven double digit scorers and plenty of teams, including our own, have been successful with defensive role players surrounded by scorers.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Lots of core areas to address, among them Ollie, defense, rebounding. But I feel like if we had a couple guys we could depend on to set the tone on both ends and get and keep a duck*ing lead in the first half we'd be most of the way there. You'd think Purv would fit that role by now but he's not. If we have that, we probably have 2-3 wins instead of 3 losses and are ranked. If we have that the coach doesn't have to give a paint-peeling halftime speech that the players are probably now immune to. If we have that our deficiencies are less of a problem,. If we have that maybe KO doesn't get a brainfreeze technical at a critical juncture.

I wish we had that.
Aug 29, 2011
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This may be nitpicking at a shrub in the dysfunctional forest, but it seemed that Maryland switched every pick or screen last night and UConn's guards reaction to the switch was to dribble at the help defender while going backwards. Never occurred to them to cross over since it was usually a big guy hedging? And then this simple defensive philosophy stifled UConn's offense for 3/4 of the game.
Aug 26, 2011
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This may be nitpicking at a shrub in the dysfunctional forest, but it seemed that Maryland switched every pick or screen last night and UConn's guards reaction to the switch was to dribble at the help defender while going backwards. Never occurred to them to cross over since it was usually a big guy hedging? And then this simple defensive philosophy stifled UConn's offense for 3/4 of the game.
And the sort of thing we know Ollie teaches since Bazz and Boat did it in the last 3 years consistently.
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