Ive never seen the board this down [merged thread] | The Boneyard

Ive never seen the board this down [merged thread]


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Frustration, disappointment, anger, humiliation its all here. Gotta tell ya I couldnt believe my eyes last nite. I know some of you were ready to turn off your TV. I read the threads and Ive never seen the board this down, and Ive been posting since 1995.

So what happend? Lets start with we reverted back to playing like we did before the Memphis game. Against Memphis we passed the ball, had movement, got everybody involved, and looked for the open player. The ball in many cases wasnt touching the floor. Last nite we passed the ball around and then when time was running out we dribbled and tried to create a shot. There was very little movement, thus poor passing, getting caught holding the ball and no body to pass to. No execution like in the Memphis game. Pressure of big games will do that to you. We couldnt shoot the ball. Why? Pressure of the big game. We didnt trust our shots. thinking to much, Lack of poise had us rushing shots thus airballs, and clangers off the backboard and rim. Scoring off a pass is much easier then scoreing off the dribble. We scored 2 pts in the 1st qtr and that cant do anything for your confidence. What it can do is have your confidence spiroll down. Its does bring you down and then trying to get your confidnece back well it doesnt happen. It causes hesitation lack of trusting your shot and indecision. How do you overcome that? Pass the damm ball, get everyone involved.

Hey we have some of the top players out of high school. Whats going on? We couldnt throw the ball in the ocean last nite in a huge game. Again we lost by 18. Why? It comes down to ball movement, and execution. Under the pressure of another top team we played scared and didnt trust our game plan. That happens. How do we get our confidence back? Thats up to the coaching staff. We need to execute, pass the damm ball, cut come off screens etc. When we're moving we're not thinking about shooting the ball, we're not thinking I better hurry up and shoot the ball because the shot clock is running down. When the ball is moving its catch and shoot not trying to score off the dribble. Catch and shoot off the pass.

Hey guys we are a very talented team that hasnt come together. We've got the players. Yeah we dont have the height and Tenn does and we beat them. We have quickness and shooters. When things go bad like last nite and against Oregon and Baylor we stand around and dont use our quickness, and dont pass the ball, and dont cut etc etc etc and all that is execution. I didnt like the start of the game where Anna wasnt bringing up the ball and CD was on the wing. Against Memphis we had success when Anna was controlling the point. She may not be quick but she has skills and on the wing I would rather have CD. JMO

This game hurts alot and you can tell from the posts and threads. So for the next few weeks we need to play better and get back to fundementals. CD and Liv need help. We've got MW and CW both number 1's out of hs and they can play but not one on five. We've got to PASS THE DAMM BALL. We are better then this.
Jan 5, 2013
Reaction Score
Frustration, disappointment, anger, humiliation its all here. Gotta tell ya I couldnt believe my eyes last nite. I know some of you were ready to turn off your TV. I read the threads and Ive never seen the board this down, and Ive been posting since 1995.

So what happend? Lets start with we reverted back to playing like we did before the Memphis game. Against Memphis we passed the ball, had movement, got everybody involved, and looked for the open player. The ball in many cases wasnt touching the floor. Last nite we passed the ball around and then when time was running out we dribbled and tried to create a shot. There was very little movement, thus poor passing, getting caught holding the ball and no body to pass to. No execution like in the Memphis game. Pressure of big games will do that to you. We couldnt shoot the ball. Why? Pressure of the big game. We didnt trust our shots. thinking to much, Lack of poise had us rushing shots thus airballs, and clangers off the backboard and rim. Scoring off a pass is much easier then scoreing off the dribble. We scored 2 pts in the 1st qtr and that cant do anything for your confidence. What it can do is have your confidence spiroll down. Its does bring you down and then trying to get your confidnece back well it doesnt happen. It causes hesitation lack of trusting your shot and indecision. How do you overcome that? Pass the damm ball, get everyone involved.

Hey we have some of the top players out of high school. Whats going on? We couldnt throw the ball in the ocean last nite in a huge game. Again we lost by 18. Why? It comes down to ball movement, and execution. Under the pressure of another top team we played scared and didnt trust our game plan. That happens. How do we get our confidence back? Thats up to the coaching staff. We need to execute, pass the damm ball, cut come off screens etc. When we're moving we're not thinking about shooting the ball, we're not thinking I better hurry up and shoot the ball because the shot clock is running down. When the ball is moving its catch and shoot not trying to score off the dribble. Catch and shoot off the pass.

Hey guys we are a very talented team that hasnt come together. We've got the players. Yeah we dont have the height and Tenn does and we beat them. We have quickness and shooters. When things go bad like last nite and against Oregon and Baylor we stand around and dont use our quickness, and dont pass the ball, and dont cut etc etc etc and all that is execution. I didnt like the start of the game where Anna wasnt bringing up the ball and CD was on the wing. Against Memphis we had success when Anna was controlling the point. She may not be quick but she has skills and on the wing I would rather have CD. JMO

This game hurts alot and you can tell from the posts and threads. So for the next few weeks we need to play better and get back to fundementals. CD and Liv need help. We've got MW and CW both number 1's out of hs and they can play but not one on five. We've got to PASS THE DAMM BALL. We are better then this.

It's because you keep telling us before each big game that they have changed and they are going to win. You should try to set lower expectation next time then people won't be so disappointed.;)


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2011
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I was thinking about three teams that have dominated Women's basketball in the past. Tennessee, Notre Dame, and UConn. Due to parity, those three teams no longer dominate. But Tenn. has fallen the most, ND is currently 10-14, and UConn has lost 3 games. So, UConn has fallen the least. ( yes, fallen is a relatively term, based on fans expectations of a NC or Final four every year.)

Just random thoughts.


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2011
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Perhaps. We might get a better sense in the tournament. But in fairness, we've lost to the three best teams in the country (currently).
That's true, but UConn fans are used to UConn being the best team in the country. And there are six other top ten teams that we can only speculate on how UConn would fare against them.

BTW, when I was at UConn, Johnathan was completely white, unusual for a Huskie.
Last edited:
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction Score
Frustration, disappointment, anger, humiliation its all here. Gotta tell ya I couldnt believe my eyes last nite. I know some of you were ready to turn off your TV. I read the threads and Ive never seen the board this down, and Ive been posting since 1995.

So what happend? Lets start with we reverted back to playing like we did before the Memphis game. Against Memphis we passed the ball, had movement, got everybody involved, and looked for the open player. The ball in many cases wasnt touching the floor. Last nite we passed the ball around and then when time was running out we dribbled and tried to create a shot. There was very little movement, thus poor passing, getting caught holding the ball and no body to pass to. No execution like in the Memphis game. Pressure of big games will do that to you. We couldnt shoot the ball. Why? Pressure of the big game. We didnt trust our shots. thinking to much, Lack of poise had us rushing shots thus airballs, and clangers off the backboard and rim. Scoring off a pass is much easier then scoreing off the dribble. We scored 2 pts in the 1st qtr and that cant do anything for your confidence. What it can do is have your confidence spiroll down. Its does bring you down and then trying to get your confidnece back well it doesnt happen. It causes hesitation lack of trusting your shot and indecision. How do you overcome that? Pass the damm ball, get everyone involved.

Hey we have some of the top players out of high school. Whats going on? We couldnt throw the ball in the ocean last nite in a huge game. Again we lost by 18. Why? It comes down to ball movement, and execution. Under the pressure of another top team we played scared and didnt trust our game plan. That happens. How do we get our confidence back? Thats up to the coaching staff. We need to execute, pass the damm ball, cut come off screens etc. When we're moving we're not thinking about shooting the ball, we're not thinking I better hurry up and shoot the ball because the shot clock is running down. When the ball is moving its catch and shoot not trying to score off the dribble. Catch and shoot off the pass.

Hey guys we are a very talented team that hasnt come together. We've got the players. Yeah we dont have the height and Tenn does and we beat them. We have quickness and shooters. When things go bad like last nite and against Oregon and Baylor we stand around and dont use our quickness, and dont pass the ball, and dont cut etc etc etc and all that is execution. I didnt like the start of the game where Anna wasnt bringing up the ball and CD was on the wing. Against Memphis we had success when Anna was controlling the point. She may not be quick but she has skills and on the wing I would rather have CD. JMO

This game hurts alot and you can tell from the posts and threads. So for the next few weeks we need to play better and get back to fundementals. CD and Liv need help. We've got MW and CW both number 1's out of hs and they can play but not one on five. We've got to PASS THE DAMM BALL. We are better then this.
look at the level of competition. We play in one of the worst major conferences in the country. We look pretty good against that level of competition but we also even struggled against several of those teams during the season. The fact is the teams we lost to have at least 2-3 really good big front court players who can score and defend and we don’t. I also believe there is something wrong with Williams whether it’s physical or mental. She just doesn’t seem to show the passion she showed last year.
Nov 10, 2019
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We beat a Top 25 Tenn team, but it was a horrible 1st half and the game was at home. Our "best" win is against a Top 15 Depaul team on the road, but again, that game also had "the good, the bad, the ugly". Team is what it is - around a 3-seed. Maybe it takes a full year to develop leadership skills, but besides CD to an extent, none of the current team came into the season with much leadership responsibility & it definitely shows.
Nov 18, 2014
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I think frustration is the key word because if UConn could have made some of their open shots in the first quarter they could easily have had the lead. If the team didn't have talent it wouldn't be so frustrating, but I think most agree they are/should be better than they've shown. I don't care how good SC's defense is, 1-16 in the first half? That's more than just good defense. That's playing with no confidence. Doesn't seem like there's a way out of it this year, but stranger things have happened. I believe they have the talent to make it to at least the elite 8. Just make open shots and don't turn the ball over so much. Apparently easier said than done.
Aug 27, 2011
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I expected some lean years after Stewart left. I did not anticipate wandering in the wilderness for five years or longer.
Winter has come. Spring is lagging far behind.


OC Hoops Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Uconn's game against Baylor Oregon and South Carolina has been ineffective due to those teams having stronger inside players. To be fair, Liz has not been productive against those teams, averaging 6 ppg. If you neutralize the inside game Uconn becomes a jump shot team, against these level teams. The fast break and inside penetration game hasn't shown up, as much as needed, against the 3 best teams. Uconn against the AAC teams makes them look much better, but you wont see those type of teams after round one or two of the NCAA'S.
Makes you really appreciate how good Phee and Lou were to the team.
Sep 9, 2015
Reaction Score
It's Tony's fault. And yes, Tony, I turned the thing off after qtr. 1. Two points! (Gag.) Seen this show before.
Don't know why Geno got so angry with fans in his presser. He might (and probably has) directed his displeasure at his players. They're embarrassing.
Before the season began, Coach said we'd have no problem scoring this year. Wrong. He also said that Liv was the key player. Maybe he meant Liv Ullmann.
For frustrated fans, there are a lot of good videos to stream this winter. Sad. :(
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Frustration, disappointment, anger, humiliation its all here. Gotta tell ya I couldnt believe my eyes last nite. I know some of you were ready to turn off your TV. I read the threads and Ive never seen the board this down, and Ive been posting since 1995.

So what happend? Lets start with we reverted back to playing like we did before the Memphis game. Against Memphis we passed the ball, had movement, got everybody involved, and looked for the open player. The ball in many cases wasnt touching the floor. Last nite we passed the ball around and then when time was running out we dribbled and tried to create a shot. There was very little movement, thus poor passing, getting caught holding the ball and no body to pass to. No execution like in the Memphis game. Pressure of big games will do that to you. We couldnt shoot the ball. Why? Pressure of the big game. We didnt trust our shots. thinking to much, Lack of poise had us rushing shots thus airballs, and clangers off the backboard and rim. Scoring off a pass is much easier then scoreing off the dribble. We scored 2 pts in the 1st qtr and that cant do anything for your confidence. What it can do is have your confidence spiroll down. Its does bring you down and then trying to get your confidnece back well it doesnt happen. It causes hesitation lack of trusting your shot and indecision. How do you overcome that? Pass the damm ball, get everyone involved.

Hey we have some of the top players out of high school. Whats going on? We couldnt throw the ball in the ocean last nite in a huge game. Again we lost by 18. Why? It comes down to ball movement, and execution. Under the pressure of another top team we played scared and didnt trust our game plan. That happens. How do we get our confidence back? Thats up to the coaching staff. We need to execute, pass the damm ball, cut come off screens etc. When we're moving we're not thinking about shooting the ball, we're not thinking I better hurry up and shoot the ball because the shot clock is running down. When the ball is moving its catch and shoot not trying to score off the dribble. Catch and shoot off the pass.

Hey guys we are a very talented team that hasnt come together. We've got the players. Yeah we dont have the height and Tenn does and we beat them. We have quickness and shooters. When things go bad like last nite and against Oregon and Baylor we stand around and dont use our quickness, and dont pass the ball, and dont cut etc etc etc and all that is execution. I didnt like the start of the game where Anna wasnt bringing up the ball and CD was on the wing. Against Memphis we had success when Anna was controlling the point. She may not be quick but she has skills and on the wing I would rather have CD. JMO

This game hurts alot and you can tell from the posts and threads. So for the next few weeks we need to play better and get back to fundementals. CD and Liv need help. We've got MW and CW both number 1's out of hs and they can play but not one on five. We've got to PASS THE DAMM BALL. We are better then this.

Tony: I love your optimism. However, face reality. This is not our year. It is ok. Inherent in this is the nucleus of a great Team that will be formed and trained next year. And, don't have your expectations for next year exceed their capability because there will be a few new people who have to learn the system and learn how to compete under Geno.
Mar 16, 2018
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I believe they have the talent to make it to at least the elite 8. Just make open shots and don't turn the ball over so much. Apparently easier said than done.
With the board this down maybe it’s time for a song thread. In lieu of that I’ll take this opportunity to toss in a song. I just learned that this group was on active duty in the Marines when they recorded Easier Said Than Done.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction Score
Two years ago, we lost Charli Collier, our top post recruit, last year we lose
Boston to SC, after we all thought she was coming to Uconn. That is a big
recruiting hit. Now our second line posts are injured and we are short handed.

We can't beat the top three teams with a depleted roster. All the other teams
have gotten better with better talent. There is plenty of talent in WBB now.

SC played great defense against us, they took away the passing lanes, got
up on our three point shooters and caused havoc on our offense. Dawn has
learned a lot from Geno and now it is starting to show, not only in their play,
but in their recruiting and coaching. Welcome to the new world of WBB.

Don't be surprised if we beat one of these top teams in the NCAA's, but to
beat two or three of them is a tall order. We may beat one of them and make
it to the FF again, and that will be good for this team.

Next year will be a different team with six new faces coming in and we will
still be a young team. All is not lost, we are UCONN. The landscape has
changed and maybe the glory days will be more appreciated, and never
to be seen again. Who knows? Keep the faith.
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Jan 7, 2020
Reaction Score
Very down! If we had played hard and with the same style as against Memphis and lost to SC I would feel better. Teams lose to teams that are better than them or that play better than them on a given night. It's the way we played that was so troubling. I couldn't agree more about the lack of movement and just do not understand why we stop moving against bigger, stronger teams. That is exactly when you should be moving more to neutralize the size advantage. The movement creates shots, spacing, back doors, tires the defense, and puts the players in rhythm to make shots. I too thought we had turned a corner against Memphis and that is what is so frustrating. I also agree that Anna should bring the ball up to initiate. We have to put the pedal to the metal immediately. Let's not throw away the season quite yet though. There is still a lot of basketball left and things can change quickly and we do have talent and a great coach.
Oct 17, 2018
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This is the first UConn team in a long LONG time I can think of where I'm legitimately worried that they'll miss wide open shots and layups. They have the pieces and the players on this team have each show the ability to be great, but Crystal Dangerfield is the only one consistently showing up in the bigger games. I'll keep hoping for the continued development of the players and the team. Still a UConn fan til the end.
Dec 1, 2016
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Can Anna handle the ball if the other team is playing up tight defense?
Nov 16, 2015
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It’s okay to miss open shots, but to not take open shots is “no bueno”. You pass up an open shot to get a better shot. This was not the case last night and for some of the games that I have seen this season. Some of the girls passed up open shots and drives that could have resulted in a shot attempt, however, they passed to a teammate that was heavily guarded. Christyn definitely needs to work on her confidence. She’s too talented to not be a key contributor, offensively. She hasn’t been “blowing” by anyone on her drives to the basket.
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Aug 26, 2011
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The 2020, 2021, and 2022 classes will be filled with elite players for UCONN. I can see multiple NC'S in the near future. We all knew that this was probably not our year. UCONN will be back that I promise you.

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