Having a hard time learning to love Hurley | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Having a hard time learning to love Hurley

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May 15, 2019
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Maybe it's the fact that without fans, the mics pick up almost everything. So this year we were treated to 40 minutes of Hurley screaming into our living rooms. Through every. Single. Play. Rick Pitino is another incessant screamer. He did this even with the Celtics--shocker the players eventually quit on him. I don't believe Calhoun did that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he screamed when he was upset with a player or a ref, but he didn't bark orders in real time on what players should do on every possession. Do players just ignore him? How the heck do you concentrate on the play and also focus on the advice coming from your maniac coach on the sidelines?

Also.............we have to talk about the mask thing. He takes it off to talk to refs, players, and the other coach, then he puts it back on when he walks away. Is this dress rehearsal? We're a year into the pandemic. Everyone knows by now that's the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do. He's either being ignorant or willfully non-complaint. Neither is a good look. Especially on a team that had multiple Covid related pauses.

Plus, he just doesn't have a warm personality. Yes, Calhoun was a nut, yes he could be a total jerk, but he still often seemed like a basically likable, down to earth guy. Hurley just doesn't seem to have that soft touch to balance out his angry lunacy. So I almost get more of a Bobby Knight vibe than a Jim Calhoun vibe. Calhoun seemed relaxed and comfortable in his own skin much of the time. Hurley constantly seems like a string that's about to snap--even in interviews where he's trying to be calm.

If they don't win--like, really win--in the next couple of years, I predict he's going to quit. Mental health sabbatical. Best thing. Otherwise he might murder someone!
Go back to the basement.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Every coach has their own idiosyncrasies, their strengths and weaknesses.
Taking over for a legend is terribly difficult and the immediate follower usually falters (as we have experienced).
DH was the consensus pick by most everyone affiliated with the program and so be it. I will admit that he wasn't my first choice if given a vote.
Because he is the chosen one doesn't mean he is without weaknesses and DH has his. One thing you cannot say is that he lacks passion for his job, the program, the school or his players. He is an elite recruiter who knows how to get to the recruit and their family - UConn will benefit hugely from this talent. He was and will be benefited immensely by being in the NBE.
He has much to learn as a bench coach and I still feel he should bring aboard a seasoned former P5 coach who can act as a mentor for a few seasons. Everyone can learn more no matter how long they have been doing something and the NBE is not URI or Wagner - it's a different level.
He received an extension recently which is well deserved and needed. We all want the program to succeed and for that to happen the coach has to be successful. DH has some of the things that will allow him to do so and there isn't reason why he can't become a very effective coach and mentor himself. You don't have to love DH to be able to appreciate both the good and bad.
I will criticize DH when I feel it is warranted and others here should be allowed the same. Not all who dare criticize are trolls.
During the chat last night someone was critical of DH keeping Sanogo on the bench during the last few minutes of the game, I myself was pissed at that decision also. At least two people questioned if that person was a real fan. Maybe it was the alcohol talking or frustration, but to me that questioning is evident way too much on the Boneyard lately.
May 7, 2015
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Every coach has their own idiosyncrasies, their strengths and weaknesses.
Taking over for a legend is terribly difficult and the immediate follower usually falters (as we have experienced).
DH was the consensus pick by most everyone affiliated with the program and so be it. I will admit that he wasn't my first choice if given a vote.
Because he is the chosen one doesn't mean he is without weaknesses and DH has his. One thing you cannot say is that he lacks passion for his job, the program, the school or his players. He is an elite recruiter who knows how to get to the recruit and their family - UConn will benefit hugely from this talent. He was and will be benefited immensely by being in the NBE.
He has much to learn as a bench coach and I still feel he should bring aboard a seasoned former P5 coach who can act as a mentor for a few seasons. Everyone can learn more no matter how long they have been doing something and the NBE is not URI or Wagner - it's a different level.
He received an extension recently which is well deserved and needed. We all want the program to succeed and for that to happen the coach has to be successful. DH has some of the things that will allow him to do so and there isn't reason why he can't become a very effective coach and mentor himself. You don't have to love DH to be able to appreciate both the good and bad.
I will criticize DH when I feel it is warranted and others here should be allowed the same. Not all who dare criticize are trolls.
During the chat last night someone was critical of DH keeping Sanogo on the bench during the last few minutes of the game, I myself was pissed at that decision also. At least two people questioned if that person was a real fan. Maybe it was the alcohol talking or frustration, but to me that questioning is evident way too much on the Boneyard lately.
No coach is above reproach so questioning DH is definitely fair. I too wish he'd get himself a Blaney-type as a respected consigliere on the bench. It can only help.
Mar 14, 2019
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As a lifetime fanatic Husky fan going back to the early 1960’s,I concur with you. I was thinking the same thing watching, and listening, to Hurley’s screaming and micromanaging play calling and directing every move of the players. Yes, he is very passionate, but I find him way over the top with his antics. I’m sure the players just shut him off. If you listen to what he screams and what the players actually do, a different pattern emerges!
Thank you! But I'm sure everyone will call you a troll too for having a differing opinion. I see this forum is the worst kind of echo chamber.

It's just profoundly annoying and arrogant to try to orchestrate every move your players make on the court. The beauty of basketball is it's a free flowing game where players have to make quick decisions in real time. Prepare them for that in practice then STFU in games! Again, this is not the kind of yelling I recall from Calhoun. John Wooden definitely did not do that during games and he seemed to do okay. But the pandemic and how that's allowed you to hear coaches much better on TV has really caused me to scratch my head with the guy. Greg McDermott seemed quiet as a mouse by comparison yet his team is playing tonight. You don't HAVE to be that way to win, Danny!
Aug 26, 2011
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Thank you! But I'm sure everyone will call you a troll too for having a differing opinion. I see this forum is the worst kind of echo chamber.

It's just profoundly annoying and arrogant to try to orchestrate every move your players make on the court. The beauty of basketball is it's a free flowing game where players have to make quick decisions in real time. Prepare them for that in practice then STFU in games! Again, this is not the kind of yelling I recall from Calhoun. John Wooden definitely did not do that during games and he seemed to do okay. But the pandemic and how that's allowed you to hear coaches much better on TV has really caused me to scratch my head with the guy. Greg McDermott seemed quiet as a mouse by comparison yet his team is playing tonight. You don't HAVE to be that way to win, Danny!
You definitely did not watch or listen to JC coach at UConn. If you did then you definitely would have been this triggered by him too.
Aug 27, 2011
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Thank you! But I'm sure everyone will call you a troll too for having a differing opinion. I see this forum is the worst kind of echo chamber.

It's just profoundly annoying and arrogant to try to orchestrate every move your players make on the court. The beauty of basketball is it's a free flowing game where players have to make quick decisions in real time. Prepare them for that in practice then STFU in games! Again, this is not the kind of yelling I recall from Calhoun. John Wooden definitely did not do that during games and he seemed to do okay. But the pandemic and how that's allowed you to hear coaches much better on TV has really caused me to scratch my head with the guy. Greg McDermott seemed quiet as a mouse by comparison yet his team is playing tonight. You don't HAVE to be that way to win, Danny!
Have you watched UConn basketball at any point since 1986?


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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At the risk of ostracism ...

Just a reminder to everyone here: It is neither an affront to all you value in life nor a reason to limit opinions just because you come upon a post with which you vehemently disagree.

And, by the way, this is the case in almost every area of life. I’ll keep it clean. Opinions are like anuses - everybody has one. Everybody also has a heart. You disagree? Post your own take, and the evidence to back it up. It’s okay to be wrong and inflame passions. It’s also okay for an opinion to be right yet inflammatory

By the way, here’s mine. Hurley is a dramatic step up in recruiting, with a very good eye for better-than-rated talent, motivation and team chemistry, and coaching defense. He is still a work in progress in in-game coaching and offensive creativity.
Completely reasonable, but sometimes it’s much more efficient to call BS and move on. As has shown to be the case in this thread, this was much less opening up a forum to debate and more so picking a fight.
Mar 30, 2019
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Thank you! But I'm sure everyone will call you a troll too for having a differing opinion. I see this forum is the worst kind of echo chamber.

It's just profoundly annoying and arrogant to try to orchestrate every move your players make on the court. The beauty of basketball is it's a free flowing game where players have to make quick decisions in real time. Prepare them for that in practice then STFU in games! Again, this is not the kind of yelling I recall from Calhoun. John Wooden definitely did not do that during games and he seemed to do okay. But the pandemic and how that's allowed you to hear coaches much better on TV has really caused me to scratch my head with the guy. Greg McDermott seemed quiet as a mouse by comparison yet his team is playing tonight. You don't HAVE to be that way to win, Danny!
Your opinion wasn’t as bad as your prediction. I disagree with your opinion wholeheartedly and think it’s a take from a guy who watched his first game last night, but the prediction about how hurley would end up really tipped the scales to just dumb.
May 21, 2017
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At the risk of ostracism ...

Just a reminder to everyone here: It is neither an affront to all you value in life nor a reason to limit opinions just because you come upon a post with which you vehemently disagree.

And, by the way, this is the case in almost every area of life. I’ll keep it clean. Opinions are like anuses - everybody has one. Everybody also has a heart. You disagree? Post your own take, and the evidence to back it up. It’s okay to be wrong and inflame passions. It’s also okay for an opinion to be right yet inflammatory

By the way, here’s mine. Hurley is a dramatic step up in recruiting, with a very good eye for better-than-rated talent, motivation and team chemistry, and coaching defense. He is still a work in progress in in-game coaching and offensive creativity.
Very well said! But, since we are in the middle of a "cancel culture" in general, it is easy for many to forget about freedom in expression.....
Apr 14, 2020
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I'm thinking an attempt
Thank you! But I'm sure everyone will call you a troll too for having a differing opinion. I see this forum is the worst kind of echo chamber.

It's just profoundly annoying and arrogant to try to orchestrate every move your players make on the court. The beauty of basketball is it's a free flowing game where players have to make quick decisions in real time. Prepare them for that in practice then STFU in games! Again, this is not the kind of yelling I recall from Calhoun. John Wooden definitely did not do that during games and he seemed to do okay. But the pandemic and how that's allowed you to hear coaches much better on TV has really caused me to scratch my head with the guy. Greg McDermott seemed quiet as a mouse by comparison yet his team is playing tonight. You don't HAVE to be that way to win, Danny!
Any comments on Ewing barking at his players all game long and telling them what to do?
Jan 19, 2012
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You don't think the players and coaches are getting tested everyday? The mask thing seems just for optics
Exactly! But the mask and hysteria also provided Coach K a way to blame a walk on for getting covid so he doesn’t technically “miss the tournament”
Nov 30, 2020
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There are many reasons to not be as on board with Hurley as others are. None of what was just stated in the OP is even remotely close to one of them.

Apr 16, 2020
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No coach is above reproach so questioning DH is definitely fair. I too wish he'd get himself a Blaney-type as a respected consigliere on the bench. It can only help.
He is in California and retired, but a Mike Montgomery type who has extensive coaching experience to be the consigliere, or someone like that who coached closer by to CT, like maybe Al Skinner who used to coach at BC, and had a decent record, but was not rehired because BC wanted to aspire to "greater glory."

What about Pete Gillen, a former Xavier, PC, and UVA coach?
Aug 26, 2011
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He is in California and retired, but a Mike Montgomery type who has extensive coaching experience to be the consigliere, or someone like that who coached closer by to CT, like maybe Al Skinner who used to coach at BC, and had a decent record, but was not rehired because BC wanted to aspire to "greater glory."

What about Pete Gillen, a former Xavier, PC, and UVA coach?
As 429 mentioned above his name is TOM!
Dec 20, 2013
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No coach is above reproach so questioning DH is definitely fair. I too wish he'd get himself a Blaney-type as a respected consigliere on the bench. It can only help.
Blaney coached him at SH. There is an influence.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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It's pretty funny how all of these threads are started by posters with <50 posts and it's always all the same comments. And by funny I mean massively annoying

It's pretty funny how all of these threads are started by posters with <50 posts and it's always all the same comments. And by funny I mean massively annoying

Kids, they think they know everything. ?

Youth is wasted on the young
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe it's the fact that without fans, the mics pick up almost everything. So this year we were treated to 40 minutes of Hurley screaming into our living rooms. Through every. Single. Play. Rick Pitino is another incessant screamer. He did this even with the Celtics--shocker the players eventually quit on him. I don't believe Calhoun did that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he screamed when he was upset with a player or a ref, but he didn't bark orders in real time on what players should do on every possession. Do players just ignore him? How the heck do you concentrate on the play and also focus on the advice coming from your maniac coach on the sidelines?

Also.............we have to talk about the mask thing. He takes it off to talk to refs, players, and the other coach, then he puts it back on when he walks away. Is this dress rehearsal? We're a year into the pandemic. Everyone knows by now that's the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do. He's either being ignorant or willfully non-complaint. Neither is a good look. Especially on a team that had multiple Covid related pauses.

Plus, he just doesn't have a warm personality. Yes, Calhoun was a nut, yes he could be a total jerk, but he still often seemed like a basically likable, down to earth guy. Hurley just doesn't seem to have that soft touch to balance out his angry lunacy. So I almost get more of a Bobby Knight vibe than a Jim Calhoun vibe. Calhoun seemed relaxed and comfortable in his own skin much of the time. Hurley constantly seems like a string that's about to snap--even in interviews where he's trying to be calm.

If they don't win--like, really win--in the next couple of years, I predict he's going to quit. Mental health sabbatical. Best thing. Otherwise he might murder someone!
Thanks for your interest in UConn basketball


Why So Serious ¿
Mar 30, 2014
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Maybe it's the fact that without fans, the mics pick up almost everything. So this year we were treated to 40 minutes of Hurley screaming into our living rooms. Through every. Single. Play. Rick Pitino is another incessant screamer. He did this even with the Celtics--shocker the players eventually quit on him. I don't believe Calhoun did that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he screamed when he was upset with a player or a ref, but he didn't bark orders in real time on what players should do on every possession. Do players just ignore him? How the heck do you concentrate on the play and also focus on the advice coming from your maniac coach on the sidelines?

Also.............we have to talk about the mask thing. He takes it off to talk to refs, players, and the other coach, then he puts it back on when he walks away. Is this dress rehearsal? We're a year into the pandemic. Everyone knows by now that's the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do. He's either being ignorant or willfully non-complaint. Neither is a good look. Especially on a team that had multiple Covid related pauses.

Plus, he just doesn't have a warm personality. Yes, Calhoun was a nut, yes he could be a total jerk, but he still often seemed like a basically likable, down to earth guy. Hurley just doesn't seem to have that soft touch to balance out his angry lunacy. So I almost get more of a Bobby Knight vibe than a Jim Calhoun vibe. Calhoun seemed relaxed and comfortable in his own skin much of the time. Hurley constantly seems like a string that's about to snap--even in interviews where he's trying to be calm.

If they don't win--like, really win--in the next couple of years, I predict he's going to quit. Mental health sabbatical. Best thing. Otherwise he might murder someone!
I like Hurley and hope he stays here 20+ years. We won’t find a better recruiter than him. The players seem to enjoy playing for him. They play hard. His coaching will eventually get better.
we ain’t gonna find a better all around recruiter/coach than Hurley.
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