Maybe it's the fact that without fans, the mics pick up almost everything. So this year we were treated to 40 minutes of Hurley screaming into our living rooms. Through every. Single. Play. Rick Pitino is another incessant screamer. He did this even with the Celtics--shocker the players eventually quit on him. I don't believe Calhoun did that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he screamed when he was upset with a player or a ref, but he didn't bark orders in real time on what players should do on every possession. Do players just ignore him? How the heck do you concentrate on the play and also focus on the advice coming from your maniac coach on the sidelines?
Also.............we have to talk about the mask thing. He takes it off to talk to refs, players, and the other coach, then he puts it back on when he walks away. Is this dress rehearsal? We're a year into the pandemic. Everyone knows by now that's the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do. He's either being ignorant or willfully non-complaint. Neither is a good look. Especially on a team that had multiple Covid related pauses.
Plus, he just doesn't have a warm personality. Yes, Calhoun was a nut, yes he could be a total jerk, but he still often seemed like a basically likable, down to earth guy. Hurley just doesn't seem to have that soft touch to balance out his angry lunacy. So I almost get more of a Bobby Knight vibe than a Jim Calhoun vibe. Calhoun seemed relaxed and comfortable in his own skin much of the time. Hurley constantly seems like a string that's about to snap--even in interviews where he's trying to be calm.
If they don't win--like, really win--in the next couple of years, I predict he's going to quit. Mental health sabbatical. Best thing. Otherwise he might murder someone!