Having a hard time learning to love Hurley | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Having a hard time learning to love Hurley

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Aug 26, 2011
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Actually I'm probably the least indignant person in this thread. I find it funny that you guys can't handle any criticism of the head coach or anyone who posts anything against the grain. They are immediately a troll. Can't possibly be their sincere thoughts because in our cozy little bubble, no one says that!
Feb 2, 2012
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Actually I'm probably the least indignant person in this thread. I find it funny that you guys can't handle any criticism of the head coach or anyone who posts anything against the grain. They are immediately a troll. Can't possibly be their sincere thoughts because in our cozy little bubble, no one says that!
Because nothing you said about DH is really the case...your goal (like all trolls) was to illicit a response to feed your pathetic sense of "fun".....so congrats!
Mar 14, 2019
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I would say if you are looking for better behavior stop watching sports. It's filled with super competitive jerks. Calhoun was no peach. Frankly, you should know this.

Have you ever read Mike Francesa's comments about Calhoun from the 90s. I don't remember the exact quote, but Francesa referred to JC as humorless, paranoid and thin-skinned.... maybe petty as well. Not sure Francesa is anyone to talk, but whatever. Anyways, if you are looking for a gentleman, you are looking in the wrong place. All the coaches suck on some level. They are allowed to behave in ways that would be fire-able in all other workplaces.
I'm aware that basketball coaches veer to the jerky end of the spectrum. But even within that spectrum, seem veer just a bit too far. But you could be right. Maybe the older I get, the less tolerance I have for arrogant, screaming like a psycho coaches. In the bubble of college sports, it's normalized and conflated with "being a winner". Maybe I'm just over it. That and the Michigan State Spartans Presented By Rocket Mortgage make me think I just don't love college basketball as much as I used to.
Aug 25, 2011
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Actually I'm probably the least indignant person in this thread. I find it funny that you guys can't handle any criticism of the head coach or anyone who posts anything against the grain. They are immediately a troll. Can't possibly be their sincere thoughts because in our cozy little bubble, no one says that!

I think i summarized the reasons why your post is getting the reaction it does. Look around - does it look like the Boneyard is off limits for criticism? After a loss criticism usually comprises 75% of the posts, and the rest are Scrappy. You said something exceptionally stupid and people are reacting to it. There’s a difference.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's pretty funny how all of these threads are started by posters with <50 posts and it's always all the same comments. And by funny I mean massively annoying
I stayed quiet last night, but noticed that post game there were ~650 members online and ~2000+ visitors. like moth to a flame...
Dec 11, 2017
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I disagree he doesn't have a soft side or touch....he comforted a crying Cole last night, he was visibly upset when Akok went down....he stood up for AG over and over when ppl attacked him.

Doctor Hoop

Prescribing Hardwood Excellence
Jan 29, 2016
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Not in their respective 3rd years at UConn they aren't. Calhoun had 3 NBA players on his squad and still sputtered down the stretch, losing in the first round in the BET to Hall. Didn't even make the Dance. Hurley is way ahead of Calhoun.
A little different. Calhoun was building from near-doormat. Hurley is building from stellar history.
Aug 25, 2011
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I disagree he doesn't have a soft side or touch....he comforted a crying Cole last night, he was visibly upset when Akok went down....he stood up for AG over and over when ppl attacked him.

Like every other coach Hurley’s got things to work on but his ability to build relationships with his players might be the last thing he needs help with.
Jan 14, 2016
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It boggles my mind why people would even get so upset. Sheep. Apparently we're supposed to worship at the altar of the head coach. He's infallible. Someone above accused me of lack of nuance. It's possible to be a fan and STILL have mixed feelings about your coach. That's nuance.
Sheep as in sheeple? Know where this is headed.


Feb 19, 2013
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This guy definitely wasn't watching during the KO years, or he'd love the change in energy.

He also wasn't watching the Memphis game last year, or he'd know Hurley isn't an unhinged lunatic, he cares about the players more than anything.
Aug 5, 2020
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This guy definitely wasn't watching during the KO years, or he'd love the change in energy.

He also wasn't watching the Memphis game last year, or he'd know Hurley isn't an unhinged lunatic, he cares about the players more than anything.
It’s so ridiculous. Every time we lose a game people are on here calling for Hurley to get fired saying he’s not the right fit. After that absolute mess he got us out of. We’re going to lose about 10 games a year (give or take). He’s not gonna get fired every time.

Always room for improvement and constructive criticism/debate. But holy hell we’ve had a great year and the best year this program has seen in some time in a new conference and people are still going nuts.
May 7, 2015
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This board's been an embarrassment the last 2 days. Either we have a bunch of trolls weighing in after a bad loss, or our fanbase is not as sophisticated as we'd like to think. I haven' quite made up my mind on which one it is. Let's just say it's been eye-opening.


Aug 2, 2012
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Maybe it's the fact that without fans, the mics pick up almost everything. So this year we were treated to 40 minutes of Hurley screaming into our living rooms. Through every. Single. Play. Rick Pitino is another incessant screamer. He did this even with the Celtics--shocker the players eventually quit on him. I don't believe Calhoun did that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he screamed when he was upset with a player or a ref, but he didn't bark orders in real time on what players should do on every possession. Do players just ignore him? How the heck do you concentrate on the play and also focus on the advice coming from your maniac coach on the sidelines?

Also.............we have to talk about the mask thing. He takes it off to talk to refs, players, and the other coach, then he puts it back on when he walks away. Is this dress rehearsal? We're a year into the pandemic. Everyone knows by now that's the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do. He's either being ignorant or willfully non-complaint. Neither is a good look. Especially on a team that had multiple Covid related pauses.

Plus, he just doesn't have a warm personality. Yes, Calhoun was a nut, yes he could be a total jerk, but he still often seemed like a basically likable, down to earth guy. Hurley just doesn't seem to have that soft touch to balance out his angry lunacy. So I almost get more of a Bobby Knight vibe than a Jim Calhoun vibe. Calhoun seemed relaxed and comfortable in his own skin much of the time. Hurley constantly seems like a string that's about to snap--even in interviews where he's trying to be calm.

If they don't win--like, really win--in the next couple of years, I predict he's going to quit. Mental health sabbatical. Best thing. Otherwise he might murder someone!

Did you ever stop and think that maybe you being so critical of him and not returning his love have contributed to him screaming so much? And if he does go crazy and snap? You always murder the person who didn't return the love. You're better off having @Deepster off you now.
Aug 31, 2011
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This board's been an embarrassment the last 2 days. Either we have a bunch of trolls weighing in after a bad loss, or our fanbase is not as sophisticated as we'd like to think. I haven' quite made up my mind on which one it is. Let's just say it's been eye-opening.
It's both. I suspect this particular thread is brought to you by a PC troll though.
Aug 26, 2011
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Some recent posts on this board can't be from UConn fans. The alternative is that there is an influx of just bizarre people with wildly off putting opinions. Differing opinions are one thing, but the reasons for those opinions and manner in which they are stated are ludicrous.


Apr 19, 2015
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Funny but if you really want to hear a coach scream "Incessantly" listen to the tape of Georgetown and Seton Hall.
I was wondering who in the hell is screaming like a maniac through the whole game. Thought it was a drunken fan.
But it wasn't. It was Patrick Ewing! We could sometimes hear JC OVER a crowd. I'm wondering if this is how it is in practice every day and we just hear it now because of the absence of a crowd. If a coach can take advantage of that more power to them. Sports require the team members to have a thick skin. If you think this is bad try the army or other branches of the military. LOL.
Mar 3, 2015
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Maybe it's the fact that without fans, the mics pick up almost everything. So this year we were treated to 40 minutes of Hurley screaming into our living rooms. Through every. Single. Play. Rick Pitino is another incessant screamer. He did this even with the Celtics--shocker the players eventually quit on him. I don't believe Calhoun did that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he screamed when he was upset with a player or a ref, but he didn't bark orders in real time on what players should do on every possession. Do players just ignore him? How the heck do you concentrate on the play and also focus on the advice coming from your maniac coach on the sidelines?

Also.............we have to talk about the mask thing. He takes it off to talk to refs, players, and the other coach, then he puts it back on when he walks away. Is this dress rehearsal? We're a year into the pandemic. Everyone knows by now that's the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do. He's either being ignorant or willfully non-complaint. Neither is a good look. Especially on a team that had multiple Covid related pauses.

Plus, he just doesn't have a warm personality. Yes, Calhoun was a nut, yes he could be a total jerk, but he still often seemed like a basically likable, down to earth guy. Hurley just doesn't seem to have that soft touch to balance out his angry lunacy. So I almost get more of a Bobby Knight vibe than a Jim Calhoun vibe. Calhoun seemed relaxed and comfortable in his own skin much of the time. Hurley constantly seems like a string that's about to snap--even in interviews where he's trying to be calm.

If they don't win--like, really win--in the next couple of years, I predict he's going to quit. Mental health sabbatical. Best thing. Otherwise he might murder someone!
As a lifetime fanatic Husky fan going back to the early 1960’s,I concur with you. I was thinking the same thing watching, and listening, to Hurley’s screaming and micromanaging play calling and directing every move of the players. Yes, he is very passionate, but I find him way over the top with his antics. I’m sure the players just shut him off. If you listen to what he screams and what the players actually do, a different pattern emerges!
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm wondering if this is how it is in practice every day and we just hear it now because of the absence of a crowd.
It is like that every day in practice. I watched many a JC practices back in the day and sometimes it was much worse in practice than in games. The assistants would talk to players after JC would scream at them to make sure they could handle it. And how many times have we heard over the years that games with opposing fans was nothing compared to the pressure they had on them to perform up to JCs standards.
Dec 8, 2015
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I think i summarized the reasons why your post is getting the reaction it does. Look around - does it look like the Boneyard is off limits for criticism? After a loss criticism usually comprises 75% of the posts, and the rest are Scrappy. You said something exceptionally stupid and people are reacting to it. There’s a difference.

If I recall you're a lawyer. I really hope this is the tone you take in court.

"Your honor this man is exceptionally stupid"
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